Browse by Divisions by year
Number of items: 49.
Rachold, V. and Cherkashov, G., eds.
Arctic Coastal Dynamics : Report of the 4th International Workshop, VNIIOkeangeologia, St. Petersburg (Russia), 10 - 13 November 2003.
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 482
Kamloth, Bremen, 229 pp.
Klages, M., Thiede, J. and Foucher, J. P., eds.
The Expedition ARKTIS XIX/3 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN in 2003 - reports of Legs 3a, 3b and 3c.
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 488
AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, 355 pp.
DOI hdl:10013/epic.10493.d001.
Schirrmeister, L., ed.
Expeditions in Siberia 2003.
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 489
AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, 231 pp.
DOI hdl:10013/epic.10494.
Abramova, E. N., Akhmetshina, I., Stoof, G. and Schneider, W.
Hydrobiological investigations in the Lena Delta in summer 2003.
In: Expeditions in Siberia in 2003.
, ed. by
Schirrmeister, L..
Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 489
AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany, pp. 41-45.
![Open Access](https://oceanrep.geomar.de/style/images/oa_icon.png)
Andreev, A. A., Grosse, G., Schirrmeister, L., Kuzmina, S. A., Novenko, E. Y., Bobrov, A. A., Tarasov, P. E., Kuznetsova, T. V., Krbetschek, M., Meyer, H. and Kunitsky, V. V.
Late Saalian and Eemian palaeoenvironmental history of the Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island (Laptev Sea region, Arctic Siberia).
Boreas, 33
pp. 319-348.
DOI 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2004.tb01244.x.
Andreev, A. A., Tarasov, P. E., Klimanov, V. A., Melles, M., Lisitsyna, O. M. and Hubberten, H. W.
Vegetation and climate changes around the Lama Lake, Taymyr Peninsula, Russia during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene.
Quaternary International, 122
pp. 69-84.
DOI 10.1016/J.QUAINT.2004.01.032.
Andreev, A., Tarasov, P., Schwamborn, G., Ilyashuk, B., Ilyashuk, E., Bobrov, A., Klimanov, V., Rachold, V. and Hubberten, H. W.
Holocene paleoenvironmental records from Nikolay Lake, Lena River Delta, Arctic Russia.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 209
pp. 197-217.
DOI 10.1016/j.palaeo.2004.02.010.
Becker, C., Feuchtmayr, H., Brepohl, D. C., Santer, B. and Boersma, M.
Differential impacts of copepods and cladocerans on lake seston, and resulting effects on zooplankton growth.
Hydrobiologia, 526
pp. 197-207.
DOI 10.1023/B:HYDR.0000041603.41913.95.
Bobrov, A. A., Andreev, A. A., Schirrmeister, L. and Siegert, C.
Testate amoebae (Protozoa: Testacealobosea and Testaceafilosea) as bioindicators in the Late Quaternary deposits of the Bykovsky Peninsula, Laptev Sea, Russia.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 209
pp. 165-181.
DOI 10.1016/j.palaeo.2004.02.012.
Boetius, A. and Suess, E.
Hydrate Ridge: A natural laboratory for the study of microbial life fueled by methane from near-surface gas hydrates.
Chemical Geology, 205
pp. 291-310.
DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2003.12.034.
Bolshiyanov, D. and Makarov, A.
Geomorphologic route along the Urasalakh River.
In: Expeditions in Siberia in 2003.
, ed. by
Schirrmeister, L..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 489
Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven, pp. 67-74.
Cremer, H., Andreev, A., Hubberten, H. W. and Wischer, F.
Paleolimnological reconstructions of Holocene environments and climate from Lake Lyadhej-To, Ural Mountains, northern Russia.
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 36
pp. 147-155.
DOI 10.1657/1523-0430(2004)036[0147:PROHEA]2.0.CO;2.
Engel, A.
, Thoms, S., Riebesell, U.
, Rochelle-Newall, E. and Zondervan, I.
Polysaccharide aggregation as a potential sink of marine dissolved organic carbon.
Nature, 428
pp. 929-932.
DOI 10.1038/nature02453.
Fiedler, S., Wagner, D., Kutzbach, L. and Pfeiffer, E. M.
Element redistribution along hydraulic and redox gradients of low-centered polygons, Lena Delta, northern Siberia.
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 68
pp. 1002-1011.
DOI 10.2136/sssaj2004.1002.
Ganzert, L., Zimmermann, U. and Wagner, D.
Microbial process studies on methane fluxes from permafrost environments.
In: Expeditions in Siberia in 2003.
, ed. by
Schirrmeister, L..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 489
Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven, pp. 20-29.
Gordeev, V. V., Rachold, V. and Vlasova, I. E.
Geochemical behaviour of major and trace elements in suspended particulate material of the Irtysh river, the main tributary of the Ob river, Siberia.
Applied Geochemistry, 19
pp. 593-610.
DOI 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2003.08.004.
Grigoriev, M. N., Rachold, V., Schirrmeister, L. and Hubberten, H. W.
Organic carbon input to the arctic seas through coastal erosion.
In: The Organic Carbon Cycle in the Arctic: Present and Past.
, ed. by
Stein, R. and Macdonald, R. W..
Springer, Berlin (u.a.), pp. 41-45.
ISBN 3-540-01153-6
Grigoriev, M. N. and Schneider, W.
Measurements of the coast relief in the area of Mamontov Klyk and ice and sediment sampling.
In: Expeditions in Siberia in 2003.
, ed. by
Schirrmeister, L..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 489
Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven, pp. 143-147.
Grigoriev, M. N. and Schneider, W.
Shore face profiles in the area of Mamontov Klyk: echo sounding, seawater and sea bottom deposits sampling.
In: Expeditions in Siberia in 2003.
, ed. by
Schirrmeister, L..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 489
Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven, pp. 148-153.
Grosse, G.
Multi-sensor optical remote sensing of periglacial tundra landscapes.
In: Expeditions in Siberia in 2003.
, ed. by
Schirrmeister, L..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 489
AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Insitut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, 75-91.
![Open Access](https://oceanrep.geomar.de/style/images/oa_icon.png)
Hubberten, H. W., Andreev, A. A., Astakhov, V. I., Demidov, I., Dowdeswell, J. A., Henriksen, M., Hjort, C., Houmark-Nielsen, M., Jakobsson, M., Kuzmina, S., Larsen, E., Lunkka, J. P., Lysa, A., Mangerud, J., Möller, P., Saarnisto, M., Schirrmeister, L., Sher, A. V., Siegert, C., Siegert, M. J. and Svendsen, J. I.
The periglacial climate and environment in northern Eurasia during the Last Glaciation.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 23
pp. 1333-1357.
DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2003.12.012.
Kobabe, S., Wagner, D. and Pfeiffer, E. M.
Characterisation of microbial community composition of a Siberian tundra soil by fluorescence in situ hybridisation.
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 50
pp. 13-23.
DOI 10.1016/j.femsec.2004.05.003.
Kutzbach, L., Stoof, G., Schneider, W., Wille, C. and Abramova, E. N.
Seasonal progression of active-layer thickness dependent on microrelief.
In: Expeditions in Siberia in 2003.
, ed. by
Schirrmeister, L..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 489
AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, pp. 34-38.
![Open Access](https://oceanrep.geomar.de/style/images/oa_icon.png)
Kutzbach, L., Wagner, D. and Pfeiffer, E. M.
Effect of microrelief and vegetation on methane emission from wet polygonal tundra, Lena Delta, Northern Siberia.
Biogeochemistry, 69
pp. 341-362.
DOI 10.1023/B:BIOG.0000031053.81520.db.
Laudien, J. and Wahl, M.
Associational resistance of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) against starfish (Asterias rubens) predation: relative importance of structural and chemical properties of the epibionts..
Helgoland Marine Research, 58
pp. 162-167.
DOI 10.1007/s10152-004-0181-7.
![Open Access](https://oceanrep.geomar.de/style/images/oa_icon.png)
Meyer, H. and Dereviagin, A.
Ice wedges of Cape Mamontov Klyk.
In: Expeditions in Siberia in 2003.
, ed. by
Schirrmeister, L..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 489
Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven, pp. 111-132.
Meyer, H. and Schneider, W.
Studies on recent cryogenesis.
In: Expeditions in Siberia in 2003.
, ed. by
Schirrmeister, L..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 489
Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven, pp. 30-33.
Polyakova, Y. I. and Stein, R.
Holocene paleoenvironmental implications of diatom and organic carbon records from the southeastern Kara Sea (Siberian Margin).
Quaternary Research, 62
pp. 256-266.
DOI 10.1016/j.yqres.2004.08.002.
Rachold, V., Eicken, H., Gordeev, V. V., Grigoriev, M. N., Hubbberten, H. W., Lisitzin, A. P., Shevcenko, V. P. and Schirrmeister, L.
Modern terrigenous organic carbon input to the Arctic Ocean.
In: The Organic Carbon Cycle in the Arctic: Present and Past.
, ed. by
Stein, R. and Macdonald, R. W..
Springer, Berlin (u.a.), pp. 33-41.
ISBN 3-540-01153-6
Romanovskii, N. N., Hubberten, H. W., Gavrilov, A. V., Tumskoy, V. E. and Kholodov, A. L.
Permafrost of the east Siberian Arctic shelf and coastal lowlands.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 23
pp. 1359-1369.
DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2003.12.014.
Schirrmeister, L., Grigoriev, M. N., Kutzbach, L., Wagner, D. and Bolshiyanov, D. Y.
Russian-German Cooperation SYSTEM LAPTEV SEA : The Expedition LENA-Anabar 2003.
In: Expeditions in Siberia in 2003.
, ed. by
Schirrmeister, L..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 489
Kamloth, Bremen, pp. 1-209, 215 pp.
Schirrmeister, L., Grigoriev, M. N., Kutzbach, L., Wagner , D. and Bolshiyanov, D. Y.
Russian-German cooperation SYSTEM LAPTEV SEA :
the expedition Lena-Anabar 2003.
In: Expeditions in Siberia in 2003.
, ed. by
Schirrmeister, L..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 489
AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, pp. 1-210.
![Open Access](https://oceanrep.geomar.de/style/images/oa_icon.png)
Schirrmeister, L., Kunitsky, V., Grosse, G., Meyer, H. and Kuznetsova, T.
The coastal section of Cape Mamontov Klyk.
In: Expeditions in Siberia in 2003.
, ed. by
Schirrmeister, L..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 489
Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven, pp. 98-110.
Schmidt, S.
Auswirkungen erhöhter CO2-Konzentrationen auf die Hirnleistung von Sepia officinalis - Untersuchungen mit Hilfe der 31P-NMR-Spektroskopie und 1H-NMR-Bildgebung.
(Diploma thesis), Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau, Zwickau, VIII, 60 pp.
Schulz, K., Zondervan, I., Gerringa, L. J. A., Timmermanns, K. R., Veldhuis, M. J. W. and Riebesell, U.
Effect of trace metal availability on coccolithophorid calcification.
Nature, 430
pp. 673-676.
DOI 10.1038/nature02631.
Seibold, E., Seibold, I. and Thiede, J.
Quicktone ? Ein Interview mit Ivan Thoralf Rosenqvist.
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 93
pp. 645-651.
DOI 10.1007/s00531-004-0404-9.
Stein, R., Dittmers, K., Fahl, K., Kraus, M., Matthiessen, J., Niessen, F., Pirrung, M., Polyakova, Y., Schoster, F., Steinke, T. and Fütterer, D. K.
Arctic (palaeo) river discharge and environmental change: evidence from the Holocene Kara Sea sedimentary record.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 23
pp. 1485-1511.
DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2003.12.004.
Svendsen, J. I., Alexanderson, H., Astakhov, V. I., Demidov, I., Dowdeswell, J. A., Funder, S., Gataullin, V., Henriksen, M., Hjort, C., Houmark-Nielsen, M., Hubberten, H. W., Ingólfsson, O., Jakobsson, M., Kjaer, K. H., Larsen, E., Lokrantz, H., Lunkka, J. P., Lyså, A., Mangerud, J., Matioushkov, A., Murray, A., Möller, P., Niessen, F., Nikolskaya, O., Polyak, L., Saarnisto, M., Siegert, C., Siegert, M. J., Spielhagen, R. and Stein, R.
Late Quaternary ice sheet history of northern Eurasia.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 23
pp. 1229-1271.
DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2003.12.008.
Thiede, J.
, Haas, C., Jokat , W., Mühe, R., Spielhagen, R. and Snow, J.
Expedition to the volcanoes of the Arctic seafloor : the AMORE Expedition headed for the
so-called “Gakkel Ridge” where, on the floor of the Arctic Ocean, there is hot work afoot – for this ocean ridge is composed of active volcanoes.
German Research, Special 2004
pp. 44-49.
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Timm, O., Ruprecht, E. and Kleppek, S.
Scale-Dependent Reconstruction of The NAO Index.
Journal of Climate, 17
pp. 2157-2169.
DOI 10.1175/1520-0442(2004)017<2157:SROTNI>2.0.CO;2.
![Open Access](https://oceanrep.geomar.de/style/images/oa_icon.png)
Tuschling, K., Kassens, H., Troyan, V. and Thiede, J.
Wer sind die POMORen? = Who are the POMORs?.
Zweijahresbericht = Report - Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, 2002/2003
pp. 18-20.
![Open Access](https://oceanrep.geomar.de/style/images/oa_icon.png)
Wegner, C., Hölemann, J., Churun, V. and Alawi, M.
The Russian-German TRANSDRIFT IX Expedition of RV "Ivan Kireyev" 2003 : cruise report and first results.
In: Expeditions in Siberia in 2003.
, ed. by
Schirrmeister, L..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 489
Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven, pp. 210-231.
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