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Number of items: 43.


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Beye, J. (2013) Technology Evaluation for the Communication between the Monitoring and Analysis Component in Kieker. (Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 53 pp.

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Brauer, P. C. (2013) Workflowautomatisierung in PubFlow

. [Talk] In: PubFlow Workshop 2013. , 18.04.2013, Bremen .

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Brauer, P. C. and Hasselbring, W. (2013) PubFlow: a scientific data publication framework for marine science. Open Access [Paper] In: IMDIS 2013 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems. , 23.-25.09.2013, Lucca, Italy . Proceedings of the International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems (IMDIS 2013). ; pp. 29-31 .

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Brauer, P. C. and Hasselbring, W. (2013) PubFlow: a scientific data publication framework for marine science. [Invited talk] In: PubMan Days 2013. , 23.10.2013, München .

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Brauer, P. C. and Hasselbring, W. (2013) PubFlow: provenance-aware workflows for research data publication. [Paper] In: 5th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP '13). , April 2-3, 2013, Lombard .


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Czerniak, A. (2013) Workflows im Kontext des Kieler Datenmanagement Teams (KDMT). [Invited talk] In: PubFlow Workshop 2013. , 18.04.2013, Bremen .


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Ehmke, N. C. (2013) Development of a Concurrent and Distributed Analysis Framework for Kieker. (Master thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 96 pp.

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Ehmke, N. C. (2013) Everything in Sight: Kieker’s WebGUI in Action. [Paper] In: Symposium on Software Performance --- Joint Kieker/Palladio Days 2013 (KPDays 2013). , November 27-29, 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany . Proceedings of the Symposium on Software Performance: Joint Kieker/Palladio Days 2013. ; pp. 11-19 .

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Ehmke, N., Waller, J. and Hasselbring, W. (2013) A Concurrent and Distributed Analysis Framework for Kieker. [Paper] In: Symposium on Software Performance: Joint Kieker/Palladio Days 2013 (KPDAYS 2013). , November 27-29, 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany . Proceedings of the Symposium on Software Performance: Joint Kieker/Palladio Days 2013. ; pp. 79-88 .


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Fittkau, F. (2013) Live Trace Visualization for System and Program Comprehension in Large Software Landscapes. . Technical Reports by Department of Computer Science, 1310 . Department of Computer Science, Kiel University, Germany, 5 pp.

Fittkau, F., Waller, J., Brauer, P. C. and Hasselbring, W. (2013) Data for: Scalable and Live Trace Processing with Kieker Utilizing Cloud Computing. ZENODO . DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7622.

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Fittkau, F., Waller, J., Brauer, P. C. and Hasselbring, W. (2013) Scalable and Live Trace Processing with Kieker Utilizing Cloud Computing. [Paper] In: Symposium on Software Performance: Joint Kieker/Palladio Days 2013 (KPDAYS 2013). , November 27-29, 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany . Proceedings of the Symposium on Software Performance: Joint Kieker/Palladio Days 2013. ; pp. 89-98 .

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Fittkau, F., Waller, J., Wulf, C., Döhring, P. and Hasselbring, W. (2013) ExplorViz and SynchroVis Poster. [Poster] In: 1st IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT 2013). , September 27-28, 2013, Eindhoven, NL .

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Fittkau, F., Waller, J., Wulf, C. and Hasselbring, W. (2013) Live Trace Visualization for Comprehending Large Software Landscapes: The ExplorViz Approach. [Paper] In: 1st IEEE International Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT 2013). , September 27-28, 2013, Eindhoven, Netherlands ; pp. 1-4 .

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Fittkau, F. and Wulf, C. (2013) Grails – Schnelle, robuste und plugin-basierte Webentwicklung mit Groovy. [Talk] In: KoSSE-Workshops Web-Applikationen. , 29. Januar 2013, Lübeck .

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Frey, S., Fittkau, F. and Hasselbring, W. (2013) Search-Based Genetic Optimization for Deployment and Reconfiguration of Software in the Cloud. [Paper] In: 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2013). , 18.-26. May 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA ; pp. 512-521 .

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Frey, S., Hasselbring, W. and Schnoor, B. (2013) Automatic Conformance Checking for Migrating Software Systems to Cloud Infrastructures and Platforms . Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 25 (10). pp. 1089-1115. DOI 10.1002/smr.582.

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Frotscher, T. (2013) Architecture-Based Multivariate Anomaly Detection for Software Systems. (Master thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 107 pp.


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Harms, B. (2013) Reverse-Engineering und Analyse einer Plug-in-basierten Java-Anwendung. (Master thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 112 pp.

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Hasselbring, W. (2013) Data Management: How can Software Systems and Services Contribute to Good Scientific Practice?. [Talk] In: Lecture at the Integrated School of Ocean Sciences. , 03.12.2013, Kiel .

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Hasselbring, W. (2013) Workflow-basierte Verarbeitung und Archivierung von Ozeanbeobachtungsdaten. [Talk] In: Kieler Marktplatz | Ozeanbeobachtung - auf dem Weg zum Weltdatenzentrum?. , 18.06.2013, Kiel .

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Hasselbring, W., Heinrich, R., Jung, R., Metzger, A., Pohl, K., Reussner, R. and Schmieders, E. (2013) iObserve: Integrated Observation and Modeling Techniques to Support Adaptation and Evolution of Software Systems. Open Access . Technical Report, 1309 . Department of Computer Science, Kiel, Germany, 21 pp.

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Hasselbring, W. and Jung, R. (2013) Application Performance Monitoring with Kieker: Failure detection, capacity management, reverse engineering and more. [Talk] In: SPP Design for Future. , 1 Mar 2013, Aachen .

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Hasselbring, W., van Hoorn, A. and Schulz, E. C. (2013) Modellbasiertes Performance-Testen modernisierter Software. [Talk] In: KoSSE-Tag 2013. , 05.06.2013, Lübeck .


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Jensen, T. S. (2013) Adaptives Monitoring von Perl-Applikationen. (Master thesis), Institut für Informatik, Kiel, 110 pp.

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Jung, R., Heinrich, R. and Schmieders, E. (2013) Model-driven Instrumentation with Kieker and Palladio to forecast Dynamic Applications. [Paper] In: Symposium on Software Performance: Joint Kieker/Palladio Days 2013 (KPDAYS 2013). , November 27-29, 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany . Proceedings Symposium on Software Performance: Joint Kieker/Palladio Days 2013 (KPDAYS 2013). ; pp. 99-108 . CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1083 .

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Jung, R., Schneider, C. and Hasselbring, W. (2013) Type Systems for Domain-specific Languages. [Paper] In: ATPS 2013. , 26.2.2013, Aachen . Software Engineering 2013 Workshopband. ; pp. 139-154 . Lecture Notes in Informatics .


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Kiel, B. (2013) Investigating the Use of Graph Databases for Large Model Repositories. (Master thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 77 pp.

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Koppenhagen, E. (2013) Evaluation von Elastizitätsstrategien in der Cloud im Hinblick auf optimale Ressourcennutzung. (Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 67 pp.

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Kosche, M. (2013) Tracking User Actions for the Web-Based Front End of ExplorViz. (Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 51 pp.

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Kund, S. (2013) Design and Implementation of an Eclipse P2-based Online Repository for Exchanging Cloud Profiles. (Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 48 pp.


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Okanović, D., van Hoorn, A., Konjović, Z. and Vidaković, M. (2013) SLA-Driven Adaptive Monitoring of Distributed Applications for Performance Problem Localization. Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS), 10 (1). pp. 25-50. DOI 10.2298/CSIS110926037O.


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Pitakrat, T., van Hoorn, A. and Grunske, L. (2013) A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Proactive Hard Disk Drive Failure Detection. [Paper] In: ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems (ISARCS 2013). , June 17-21, 2013, Vancouver, BC, Canada . Proceedings of the 4th International ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems (ISARCS 2013). .


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Scherp, G. (2013) A Framework for Model-Driven Scientific Workflow Engineering. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, 320 pp. . Kiel Computer Science Series, 2013/2 .

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Schulz, E. (2013) A Model-Driven Performance Testing Approach for Session-Based Software Systems. (Student research project), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 56 pp.


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van Hoorn, A., Frey, S., Goerigk, W., Hasselbring, W., Knoche, H., Köster, S., Krause, H., Porembski, M., Stahl, T., Steinkamp, M. and Wittmüss, N. (2013) DynaMod: Dynamische Analyse für modellgetriebene Software-Modernisierung . . Technische Berichte des Instituts für Informatik, TR-1305 . Department of Computer Science, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 45 pp.


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Waller, J. (2013) Benchmarking the Performance of Application Monitoring Systems. . Technical Reports by Department of Computer Science, TR-1312 . Department of Computer Science, Kiel University, Germany, 5 pp.

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Waller, J. and Hasselbring, W. (2013) A Benchmark Engineering Methodology to Measure the Overhead of Application-Level Monitoring. [Paper] In: Symposium on Software Performance: Joint Kieker/Palladio Days 2013 (KPDAYS 2013). , November 27-29, 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany . Proceedings of the Symposium on Software Performance: Joint Kieker/Palladio Days 2013. ; pp. 59-68 .

Waller, J., Wulf, C., Fittkau, F., Döhring, P. and Hasselbring, W. (2013) SynchroVis: 3D Visualization of Monitoring Traces in the City Metaphor for Analyzing Concurrency. [Paper] In: 1st IEEE International Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT 2013). , September 27-28, 2013, Eindhoven, Netherlands ; pp. 1-4 .

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Wasilewski, M., Hasselbring, W. and Nowotka, D. (2013) Defining requirements on domain-specific languages in model-driven software engineering of safety-critical systems. [Paper] In: Zertifizierung und modellgetriebene Entwicklung sicherer Software (ZeMoSS). , 26 Feb - 1 Mar 2013, Aachen, Germany . Software Engineering 2013 Workshopband. ; pp. 467-482 . Lecture Notes in Informatics, P-215 .

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Wechselberg, N. B. (2013) Monitoring von Perl-basierten Webanwendungen mittels Kieker. (Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 54 pp.

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