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Number of items: 35.


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Aji, H. D. B., Heiland, T., Wuttke, F., Stark, A. and Dineva, P. (2024) Dynamic impedance and compliance surfaces of twin adjacent surface foundations under synchronous and asynchronous loads. Open Access Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 182 . Art.Nr.: 108740. DOI 10.1016/j.soildyn.2024.108740.

Ahlrichs, N., Ehrhardt, A., Schnabel, M. and Berndt, C. (2024) Vertical acoustic blanking in seismic data from the German North Sea: a spotlight to shallow gas‐bearing incised channels. Open Access Journal of Quaternary Science, 39 (3). pp. 421-431. DOI 10.1002/jqs.3590.

Aji, H. D. B., Gasanzade, F., Wuttke, F. and Bauer, S. (2023) Geomechanical analyses of submarine CO2 injection in the geological formations in the German North Sea. [Talk] In: GeoBerlin 2023. , 03.-07.09.2023, Berlin, Germany .

Aji, H. D. B. and Wuttke, F. (2023) Geomechanical analyses of CO2 sequestration in the geo-formation of the German North Sea. [Talk] In: Workshop on Induced Seismicity. , 03.11.2023, Munich, Germany .

Aji, H. D. B., Wuttke, F. and Dineva, P. (2022) 3D structure-soil-structure interaction in an arbitrary layered half-space. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 159 . Art.Nr. 107352. DOI 10.1016/j.soildyn.2022.107352.


Bauer, S. (2024) Offshore-CCS: Ein CO2 -Speicher in der Nordsee?. [Talk] In: Ringvorlesung Klimawandel. , 13.11.2024, Mannheim, Germany .

Bauer, S. and Gasanzade, F. (2023) CO2-storage capacity estimation in the German North Sea sector early reports on a case study. [Talk] In: Deutsch-Chinesischer CCS-Workshop. , 2023, Stuttgart, Germany .

Bauer, S., Gasanzade, F., Aji, H. D. B. and Wuttke, F. (2023) Carbon dioxide storage in geological formations below the German North Sea. [Talk] In: Landesamt für Umwelt. , 27.09.2023, Flintbek, Germany .


Deusner, C. , Weber, N., Kossel, E. , Jahns, O., Adigozalli, N. and Haeckel, M. (2024) THCM studies for analyzing barrier functioning in CO2 storage and beyond. [Poster] In: HGF POF Topic 8-Days. , 10.-11.04.2024, Potsdam, Germany .

Deusner, C. , Kossel, E. and Haeckel, M. (2022) Gas leakage and leakage mitigation studies. [Talk] In: Workshop Georesources beneath our feet. , 16.-17.06.2022, Potsdam, Germany .


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Fuhrmann, A., Knopf, S., Thöle, H., Kästner, F., Ahlrichs, N., Stück, H. L., Schlieder-Kowitz, A. and Kuhlmann, G. (2024) CO2 storage potential of the Middle Buntsandstein Subgroup - German sector of the North Sea. Open Access International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 136 . Art.Nr. 104175. DOI 10.1016/j.ijggc.2024.104175.


Gasanzade, F. and Bauer, S. (2024) Feasibility of CO2 storage in the German North Sea: Dynamic storage capacity under hydrodynamic and geomechanical considerations. [Talk] In: Expert workshop: The German- Israeli Energy Partnership. , 25.-26.09.2024, online .

Gasanzade, F., Aji, H. D. B., Wuttke, F. and Bauer, S. (2023) Injection strategy development for CO2 storage in a multi-trap storage site considering hydrodynamic and geomechanical restrictions. [Talk] In: GeoBerlin 2023. , 03.-07.09.2023, Berlin, Germany .

Gasanzade, F. and Bauer, S. (2023) Assessing the feasible carbon dioxide storage potential of a multiple trap storage site in the German North Sea sector. [Talk] In: TCCS 12. , 19.-21.06.2023, Trondheim, Norway .

Gasanzade, F. and Bauer, S. (2023) Unlocking storage potential in the German North See sector: efficient utilisation of a multi-trap storage site during CO2 storage. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2023. , 11.-15.12.2023, San Francisco .


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Hoog, S. and Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG (2024) Grundlagen für die CO2-Speicherung in der deutschen Nordsee im industriellen Maßstab (Transport und Speicherung). Open Access . Fichtner GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany, 77 pp. DOI doi: 10.3289/CDRmare.42.

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Haeckel, M. and Schmidt, M. (2024) Assessing the risk of greenhouse gas emissions from abandoned wells, Cruise No. AL575, 27 JUNE 2022 – 13 JULY 2022, Kiel – Kiel, GEOSTOR leak. Open Access . Alkor-Berichte, AL575 . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 33 pp. DOI 10.3289/CR_AL575.

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Haeckel, M. (2022) 1. Weekly report AL575. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, 2 pp.

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Haeckel, M. (2022) 2. Weekly report AL575. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, 2 pp.

Hamann, K. and Wallmann, K. and GEOSTOR-Konsortium (2022) GEOSTOR – Submarine Kohlendioxid-Speicherung in geologischen Formationen der deutschen Nordsee. [Poster] In: DGMK Frühjahrstagung 2022. , 15.-16.06.2022, Celle, Germany .



Proelß, A. and Westmark, L. (2022) Seevölkerrechtliche Anforderungen der unterseeischen Speicherung von CO2. KlimR, 8/2022 . pp. 234-240.

Proelß, A. (2022) Marine C02-Entnahmetechniken im deutschen Recht. EurUP, 2022 (3). pp. 321-332.


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Rütters, H., Löschke, S., Bernitt, U., Hamann, K., Janssen, G., Kannen, A., Knopf, S., Kuhlmann, G., May, F., Proelß, A., Scheffler, U., Schwenk, A., Strauß, R., Stück, H., Wallmann, K. and Westmark, L. (2024) CO2-Speicherung im Meeresgebiet – Nutzungskonflikte und Einbeziehung in die Meeresraumplanung?. Open Access . GEOSTOR/BGR, Kiel/Hannover, Germany, 47 pp. DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.34.


Steinhauer, L. (2024) Erstellung eines geologischen Strukturmodells für den durch Salzstrukturen geprägten Standort Flensburg. (Bachelor thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany, 31 pp.


von Schnitzler, J. and Hoog, S. (2024) Is CCS in the German North Sea feasible - Insights in the German funded project GEOSTOR. [Talk] In: Hydrogen Technology Expo 2024. , 23.-24.10.2024, Hamburg, Germany .


Westmark, L. (2025) Die Reformen im CCS/U-Recht und die Carbon Management Strategie der Bundesregierung. Klima und Recht (KlimR), 2025 (1). pp. 8-17.

Wallmann, K. J. G. (2023) CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage): CO2-Speicherung unter der Nordsee. In: Warnsignal Klinma. , ed. by Lozan, J. L., Graßl, H., Breckle, S. W., Kasang, D. and Quante, M.. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 120-125. DOI 10.25592/

This list was generated on Mon Feb 10 12:02:17 2025 CET.