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Number of items: 193.

Anderson, M. O., Hannington, M. D. and McConachy, T. F. (2019) Subseafloor alteration of the mafic volcaniclastic-hosted Tinakula SMS deposit, Jean Charcot Troughs, SW Pacific. [Talk] In: 15. Biennal SGA Meeting 2019. , 27.-30.08.2019, Glasgow, UK .

Arévalo-Martínez, D. L. , Löscher, C. R., Brown, I. J., Rees, A. P., Kitidis, V. and Bange, H. W. (2019) Nitrous Oxide Cycling in the Fram Strait. [Talk] In: 27th IUGG General Assembly. , 08-18.07.2019, Montreal, Canada .

Bauch, H. A. (2019) Consequences of Saalian ice sheet size on early Eemian climate & sea level. [Talk] In: VNIIOkeangeologia. , 24.10.2019, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Bauch, H. A. (2019) Transformation processes of submarine permafrost at the northern Siberian continental margin since the last glaciation. [Invited talk] In: IBS Center for Climate Physics. , 09.05.2019, Pusan, Korea .

Bauch, H. A. , Taldenkova, E., Ovsepyan, Y., Rudenko, O. and Stepanova, A. (2019) Consequences of Saalian ice sheets on early Eemian climate and sea level. [Talk] In: INQUA 2019. , 25.07.-31.07.2019, Dublin, Ireland .

Bauch, H. A. (2019) Surface δ13C in foraminiferal calcite and its thermodynamical potential to reconstruct surface ocean properties in the Polar North Ocean . [Talk] In: International Conference on Processes and Palaeo-environmental Changes in the Arctic 2019. , 20.05.-24.05.2019, Poznan, Poland .

Bauch, H. A. , Taldenkova, E. E., Klyuvitkina, E. and Ovsepyan, Y. S. (2019) Chronology of the Holocene sea-level rise in the Arctic: evidence from the western Laptev Sea. Towards a New Arctic Climate System: Scientific Workshop (CATS / QUARCCS). [Talk] In: Towards a New Arctic Climate System: Scientific Workshop (CATS/QUARCCS). , 03.12.-05.12.2019, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Bauch, H. A. , Taldenkova, E., Ovsepyan, Y., Rudenko, O. and Stepanova , A. (2019) Consequences of Saalian ice sheets on early Eemian climate and sea level.. [Talk] In: INQUA 2019. , 25.07.-31.07.2010, Dublin, Ireland .

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Biren, M. B., Wartho, J. A. , van Soest, C., Hodges, K., Cathey, H. E., Glass, B. P., Koeberl, C., Horton, J. W. J. and Hale, W. (2019) (U-Th)/He dating of shocked zircons from Chesapeake Bay distal impact ejecta at ODP site 1073. Open Access [Talk] In: GSA Annual Meeting 2019. , 22.-25.09.2019, Phoenix, Arizona, USA .

Bonthond, G. , Bayer, T. , Krueger-Hadfield, S. A., Wang, G., Nakaoka, M., Valero, M. and Weinberger, F. (2019) Endophytic and epiphytic core microbiota associated with an invasive seaweed across the Northern Hemisphere. [Talk] In: 23. International Seaweed Symposium. , 28.04.-03.05.2019, Jeju, Korea .

Boston, B., Shillington, D. J., Dunn, R. A., Watts, A. B., Grevemeyer, I. , Gomez de la Pena, L. , Ito, G., Wessel, P., Ten Brink, U. S. and Miller, N. C. (2019) The crustal and upper mantle structure of the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain from marine seismic data. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2019. , 09.-13.12.2019, San Francisco, USA .

Brandl, P. A. (2019) Complexities of the non-steady state interaction of the Foundation Plume with the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge. [Talk] In: German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development Young Scientists Meeting “Going Down into the Abyss: Ocean-Floor Processes, Deep Life, and Climate Archives”. , 28.-30.10.2019, Bremen, Germany .

Brandl, P. A. (2019) ’Seafloor water’ or interactions between the hydro- and lithosphere. [Talk] In: University of Oslo, Centre of Earth Evolution and Dynamics Summer Party. , 17.-18.06.2019, Oslo, Norway .

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Brandl, P. A. , Hannington, M. D., Geersen, J. , Petersen, S. and Gennerich, H. H. (2019) Microplate rotation triggers post-subduction metal endowment. Open Access [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2019. , 18.-23.08.2019, Barcelona, Spain .

Brandl, P. A. , Kutovaya, A., Schlicht, L., Strehlow, K. and Zhang, C. and IODP Expedition 376 scientists (2019) IODP Expedition 376 Brothers Arc Flux. [Talk] In: Gemeinsames IODP/ICDP Kolloquium 2019. , 18.-20.03.2019, Köln, Germany .

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Brandl, P. , Hannington, M. D., Geersen, J. and Petersen, S. (2019) Post-subduction remobilization of metals triggered by microplate rotation – a case study from the Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea. Open Access [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Briski, E. (2019) Biodiversity in Anthropocene. [Invited talk] In: Humboldt University Berlin. , 02.-03.12.2019, Berlin, Germany .

Briski, E. (2019) Do Ponto-Caspian species have inherent advantages over other species in colonizing new areas? . [Invited talk] In: 9. Bonn Humboldt Award Winners' Forum "Frontiers in Biogeography, Ecology, Anthropology, and Evolution. Humboldt and the 'Cosmos' revisited in the 21st Century". , 16.-20.10.2019, Bonn, Germany .

Briski, E. (2019) Is salinity an obstacle for biological invasions?. [Invited talk] In: University of Southern Denmark. , 14.03.2019, Denmark .

Briski, E. (2019) Is salinity an obstacle for biological invasions?. [Talk] In: 21. International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species. , 27.-31.10.2019, Montreal, Quebec, Canada .

Büttner, S., Hölemann, J., Janout, M. and Novikhin, A. E. (2019) Sediment dynamics in the Vilkitsky Canyon region. [Talk] In: Towards a New Arctic Climate System: Scientific Workshop (CATS / QUARCCS). , 03.12.-05.12.2019, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Carpenter, L., Chance, R., Tinel, L., Sherwen, T., Loades, D., Pound, R., Evans, M., Hughes, C., Hepach, H. , Ball, S., Adams, T., Hollis, L., Wadley, M., Stevens, D., Jickells, T., Legrand, M., McConnell, J., Mahajan, A. and Sakar, A. (2019) The marine iodine cycle within the Earth system and its recent perturbation by human activities. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 07.-12.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Chavaillaz, Y., Roy, P., Partanen, A. I., Da Silva, L., Bresson, E., Mengis, N. , Chaumont, D. and Matthews, H. D. (2019) Exposure to Excessive Heat and Impacts on Labour Productivity Linked to Cumulative CO2 Emissions. [Talk] In: IUGG General Assembly 2019. , 08.-18.07.2019, Montreal, Canada .

Clemmesen, C. , Stiasny, M. , Mittermayer, F. H. , Sswat, M. , Schnell, N. K. and Reusch, T. B. H. (2019) Does food availability influence cod larvae performance and survival under ocean acidification. [Talk] In: Larval Fish Conference 2019. , 22.05.2019, Palma de Mallorca, Mallorca .

Corbalan, A., Nedimovic, M. R., Grevemeyer, I. and Louden, K. E. (2019) Velocity Structure of the Ultraslow-Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge at 64°30’E from First Arrival Traveltime Tomography: Evidence of an Active Axial Detachment Fault. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2019. , 09.-13.12.2019, San Francisco, USA .

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Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Thorwart, M., Crawford, W., Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Paul, A., Petersen, F. , Wolf, F. N. and Schramm, B. and MSM71 cruise participants, AlpArray Working Group (2019) Seismic investigations of the Ligurian Basin . Open Access [Talk] In: 79. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 5.3. - 8.3.2019, Braunschweig, Germany .

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Dannowski, A. , Wolf, F. N. , Kopp, H. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Thorwart, M., Crawford, W., Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Paul, A., Petersen, F. and Schramm, B. and MSM71 cruise participants, AlpArray Working Group (2019) Investigations of the Ligurian Basin using refraction seismic data and the ambient noise technique. Open Access [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Dannowski, A. , Wolf, F. N. , Kopp, H. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Thorwart, M., Crawford, W., Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Paul, A., Petersen, F. and Schramm, B. and MSM71 Cruise participants, AlpArray Working Group (2019) Investigations of the crust and upper mantle in the Ligurian Basin using refraction seismic data and ambient noise – LOBSTER. [Invited talk] In: AlpArray & 4D MB Scientific Meeting. , 13.-15.11.2019, Frankfurt am Main, Germany .

Dannowski, A. , Wolf, F. N. , Kopp, H. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Thorwart, M., Crawford, W., Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Paul, A., Petersen, F. and Schramm, B. and MSM71 Cruise participants, AlpArray Working Group (2019) LOBSTER - Ligurian Ocean Bottom Seismology and Tectonics. [Talk] In: 38. Convegno Nazionale del GNGTS 2019 (Gruppo Nazionale Geofisicadella Terra Solida). , 12.-14.11.2019, Rom, Italy .

De Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Le Duc, C., Roberge, P., Brice, C., Spielhagen, R. F., Matthiessen, J. and Stein, R. (2019) A seasonally sea-ice free eastern Arctic Ocean during the early-mid Holocene.. [Talk] In: INQUA 2019. , 25.07.-31.07.2010, Dublin, Ireland .

Dewitte, B., Montes, I., Pizarro, O., Duteil, O. , Pizarro-Koch, M., Garcon, V., Ramos, M., Bravo, L. and Paulmier, A. (2019) Response of the South Eastern Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone to ENSO. [Talk] In: LEFE/GMMC2019. , 12.-14.06.2019, Toulon, France .

Dietze, H. (2019) Eddies, Winds, and Carbon in coupled ocean-circulation biogeochemical models: From the Baltic Sea to the Southern Ocean. [Invited talk] In: Commonwealth and Industrial Research / Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (CSIRO/IMAS). , 22.02.2019, Hobart, Australia .

Engel, A. (2019) Colloidal OM and marine gels from the microlayer to the deep sea. [Invited talk] In: HWK Workshop-Marine Organic Biogeochemistry. , 27.-30.04.2019, Delmenhorst, Germany .

Engel, A. (2019) Marvelous Marine Microgels. [Talk] In: ASU School of Life Sciences Seminar, Arizona State University. , 11.10.2019, Tempe, USA .

Faghih , Z., Jegen, M. , Haroon, A. , Weymer, B. , Micallef, A. and Schwalenberg, K. (2019) Offshore Groundwater Investigation in the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand using Time-Domain Controlled Source Electromagnetic Data. [Talk] In: 28. Schmucker-Weidelt Kolloquium. , 23.09.-27.09.2019, Haltern am See, Germany .

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Fischer, T. , Brandt, P. and Karstensen, J. (2019) Near-surface salinity in the tropical Atlantic. Open Access [Talk] In: Salinity Science Seminar, Centrum für Erdsystemforschung und Nachhaltigkeit der Universität Hamburg. , 26.-27.09.2019, Hamburg, Germany .

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Fischer, T. , Brandt, P. and Karstensen, J. (2019) Surface layer salinity under the influence of the Atlantic ITCZ. Open Access [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 07.-12.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

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Franke, D., Damm, V., Barckhausen, U., Berglar, K., Dannowski, A. , Ehrhardt, A., Engels, M., Funck, T., Klitzke, P., Madsen, A. and Thorwart, M. (2019) Polyphase rifting and volcanism around the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone, NE Greenland. Open Access [Talk] In: 79. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 5.3. - 8.3.2019, Braunschweig, Germany .

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Fuchs, S. , Schumann, D., Petersen, S. , Schwarz-Schampera, U. and Hannington, M. D. (2019) From the deposit to the nano-scale: Advancing our understanding of gold ore-formation. Open Access [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2019. , 18.-23.08.2019, Barcelona, Spain .

Geersen, J. and Sippl, C. (2019) Slab hydration: combining constraints from oceanic plate structure and intraslab seismicity. [Talk] In: 25. Latin-American Colloquium of Geosciences. , 18.-21.09.2019, Hamburg, Germany .

Gehrmann, R. A. S., North, L. J., Graber, S., Szitkar, F., Petersen, S. , Haroon, A. , Hölz, S. , Minshull, T. A., Jegen, M. and Murton, B. J. (2019) Metal sulphide occurrence at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: An interdisciplinary case study. [Talk] In: 27. IUGG General Assembly 2019. , 08.07.-18.07.2019, Montreal, Canada .

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Geilert, S. , Hensen, C. , Doering, K., Grasse, P. , Ehlert, C., Liebetrau, V., Scholz, F., Schmidt, M. and Frank, M. (2019) Marine Reverse Silicate Weathering Traced by Silicon Isotopes. Open Access [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2019. , 18.-23.08.2019, Barcelona, Spain .

Goehlich, H. , Roth, O. and Wendling, C. C. (2019) Temperate phages go viral at reduced salinity levels. [Talk] In: 3. Evol Ecol PhD meeting 2019. , 14.-16.03.2019, Bayreuth, Germany .

Goehlich, H. , Sartoris, L., Wagner, K. S. , Wendling, C. C. and Roth, O. (2019) The role of genetic adaptation and phenotypic plasticity in response to changing salinity. [Talk] In: Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. , 19.-24.08.2019, Turku, Finland .

Goehlich, H. , Sartoris, L., Wagner, K. S. , Wendling, C. C. and Roth, O. (2019) The role of genetic adaptation and phenotypic plasticity in response to changing salinity. [Talk] In: PostDocMa Conference - EV GEOMAR. , 19.-24.11.2019, Kiel, Germany .

Grant, H., Hannington, M. D., Fuchs, S. and Hardardottir, V. (2019) Constraints on sub-seafloor hydrothermal mineralising processes and metal fluxes using deep sulphide-rich scales from the Reykjanes geothermal system, Iceland. [Talk] In: 15. Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits. , 27.-30.08.2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom .

Grasse, P. (2019) Coupling between the silicon cycle and the Oxygen Minimum zone off Peru: Insight from stable isotopes. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2019. , 18.-23.08.2019, Barcelona, Spain .

Grevemeyer, I. , Rüpke, L. and Ranero, C. R. (2019) Subduction, serpentinization at deep-sea trenches and the Earth’s water cycle. [Invited talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Gros, J. , Arey, J. S., Socolosky, S. A. and Dissanayake, A. L. (2019) Dynamics of live oil droplets and gas bubbles in the deep sea: Aqueous dissolution versus phase transition. [Talk] In: 3. Hamburg Symposium on Deep-Sea Oil Spills. , 05.12.2019, Hamburg, Germany .

Gros, J. , Schmidt, M. , Dale, A. W. , Linke, P. , Vielstädte, L., Bigalke, N., Haeckel, M. , Wallmann, K. and Sommer, S. (2019) Simulating and Quantifying Panarea’s Multiple Offshore CO2 Seeps as a Natural Proxy for Potential Leakage from Sub-Seabed CO2 Storage Sites. [Talk] In: STEMM‐CCS Early Career Researcher Conference. , 04.-06.11.2019, Winchester, UK .

Gusev, E. A., Krylov, A. A., Maximov, F. E., Petrov, A. Y., Yarzhembovskiy, Y. A., Bochkarev, A. V., Novikhina, E. S., Litvinenko, I. V., Semyonov, P. B., Sukhoplyueva, A. S., Malyshev, S. A., Krylov, A. V., Kazarezov, D. A. and Spielhagen, R. (2019) Holocene sedimentation rates on the ourter part of Laptev and Kara sea shelf. [Talk] In: 23. International Scientific Conference on Marine Geology. , 18.11.-22.11.2019, Moscow, Russia .

Hahn, J. , Schütte, F., Brandt, P. and Frenger, I. (2019) Oxygen depleted eddies at low latitudes in the eastern tropical North Atlantic. [Invited talk] In: ETH Zürich: UP group seminar. , 08.03.2019, Zürich, Switzerland .

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Harlass, J. , Biastoch, A. and Matthes, K. (2019) Atlantic Meridional Overturning in the Coupled Model FOCI with Ocean Nesting. [Talk] In: DRAKKAR Workshop 2019. , 20.-23.01.2019, Grenoble, France .

Haroon, A. , Hölz, S. , Gehrmann, R. A. S., Reeck, K., Attias, E., Jegen, M. and Minshull, T. A. (2019) Marine dipole–dipole controlled source electromagnetic and coincident-loop transient electromagnetic experiments to detect seafloor massive sulphides: effects of three-dimensional bathymetry. [Talk] In: IUGG Centennial Meeting. , 08.07.-18.07.2019, Montreal, Canada .

Haroon, A. , Hölz, S. and Jegen, M. (2019) Recent developments in TD-CSEM Inversion for shallow seafloor exploration. [Talk] In: EMTF Meeting 2019. , 23.09.-27.09.2019, Haltern am See, Germany .

Haroon, A. , Jegen, M. , Schwalenberg, K., Weymer, B. , Faghih, Z. and Micallef, A. (2019) 2D Inversion of Marine Time Domain CSEM Data: Developments and Application to an Offshore Aquifer Investigation in the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand. [Talk] In: IUGG General Assembly 2019. , 08.-18.07.2019, Montreal, Canada .

Haroon, A. , Micallef, A. , Weymer, B. , Schwalenberg, K. and Jegen, M. (2019) 2D inversion of marine time-domain electromagnetic data to delineate an offshore aquifer in the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand. [Talk] In: DGG Annual Meeting 2019. , 26.-29.03.2019, Braunschweig .

Haroon, A. , Paasche, H. and Jegen, M. (2019) Uncertainty quantification of automated machine learning strategies to interpret marine data: A showcase from deep-sea lithological mapping and mineral exploration. [Talk] In: Annual Digital Earth Meeting 2019. , 20.05.-24.05.2019, Novy Kostel, Czech Republic .

Heinemann, G. and Kohnemann, S. H. E. (2019) Observations and modelling of gap flow induced low-level jets in the Nares Strait, Greenland. [Talk] In: Polar CORDEX Meeting 2018. , 17.10.-19.10.2019, Warsaw, Poland .

Herrford, J., Brandt, P. , Kanzow, T., Araujo, M. and Durgadoo, J. V. (2019) Estimating seasonal AMOC variability at 11°S using Bottom Pressure Recorders (2013-2018). [Talk] In: VII Seminar of the Bilateral Cooperation DOCEAN-GEOMAR. , 28.10.2019, Recife, Brazil .

Herrford, J., Hummels, R., Brandt, P. , Dengler, M. , Araujo, M. and Tchipalanga, P. C. M. (2019) Observing the Boundary Currents and AMOC Variability at 11°S. [Talk] In: AMOC Metrics Workshop. , 16.-20.09.2019, Honolulu, Hawaii .

Herrford, J., Hummels, R., Brandt, P. , Kanzow, T., Dengler, M. and Araujo, M. (2019) Observing the seasonal Variability of the AMOC & WBCs at 11°S. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 07.-12.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

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Hill Cruz, M. , Kriest, I. , Jose, Y. S. and Oschlies, A. (2019) Zooplankton mortality effects on the planktonic ecosystem of the upwelling system off Peru: A regional biogeochemical modelling approach. [Talk] In: Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) 2019 Aquatic Sciences Meeting. , 23.02.-02.03.2019, San Juan, Puerto Rico .

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Hirai, Y., Tamura, Y., Hoernle, K. , Timm, C. , Hauff, F. , Werner, R., Hanyu, T., Vaglarov, B., Chang, Q., Miyazaki, T. and Kimura, J. I. (2019) Interaction between mafic magma and lithospheric mantle: Evidence from the geochemistry of olivines and olivine-hosted melt inclusions in lavas from Kibblewhite Volcano, Kermadec arc. Open Access [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Hölemann, J., Janout, M., Kusse-Tiuz, N., Kanzow, T. , Smirnov, A., Makhotin, M., Ivanov, V. and Kassens, H. (2019) The warming Laptev Sea shelf under climate change in the Arctic. [Talk] In: Towards a New Arctic Climate System: Scientific Workshop (CATS / QUARCCS). , 03.12.-05.12.2019, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Hölemann, J., Janout, M., Povazhny, V., Timokhov, L., Kanzow, T. and Kassens, H. (2019) The Laptev Sea region of freshwater influence: oceanography and ecosystem implications. . [Talk] In: Arctic Science Summit Week 2019. , 22.05.-30.05.2019, Arkhangelsk, Russia .

Hölz, S. , Haroon, A. , Reeck, K., Faghih, Z., Galley, C., Sinnecker, T., Rodriguez, N., Martins, S. and Barnscheidt, K. C. (2019) The Search for Hidden Seafloor Massive Sulfides Along the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridges. [Talk] In: EMTF Meeting 2019. , 23.09.-27.09.2019, Haltern am See, Germany .

Hölz, S. , Haroon, A. , Reeck, K., Petersen, S. , Safipour, R. and Jegen, M. (2019) Detection of buried seafloor massive sulfides with the MARTEMIS TEM system. [Talk] In: Prospectors and Developers Meeting 2019. , 06.03.2019, Toronto, Canada .

Horstmann, E., Tomonaga, Y., Brennwald, M., Schmidt, M. , Liebetrau, V. and Kipfer, R. (2019) Noble Gas Composition of Sediment Pore Water at a Hydrothermal Vent Site. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2019. , 18.-23.08.2019, Barcelona, Spain .

Huo, W., Matthes, K. , Kruschke, T. and Drews, A. (2019) Is Pacific Decadal Variability Modulated by the 11-Year Solar Cycle?. [Talk] In: 27. IUGG General Assembly 2019. , 08.07.-18.07.2019, Montreal, Canada .

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Ivanciu, I. , Matthes, K. , Biastoch, A. , Wahl, S. and Harlass, J. (2019) Relative contributions from CO2 and ozone on Southern Hemisphere westerly winds and their consequences for ocean circulation. [Talk] In: Atmospheric Circulation in a Changing Climate - A joint DynVarMIP, SPARC DynVar and SNAP Meeting. , 22.-25.10.2019, Madrid, Spain .

Ivanov, A. and Kassens, H. (2019) The changing Arctic transpolar system – an overview. [Talk] In: Towards a New Arctic Climate System: Scientific Workshop (CATS / QUARCCS). , 03.12.-05.12.2019, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Janout, M., Hölemann, J., Laukert, G. and Bauch, D. (2019) Freshwater, stratification, and ecosystem implications in the Laptev Sea, Arctic Ocean. [Talk] In: Gordon Research Conferences - 2017 Meeting - Polar Marine Science. , 26.03.-31.03.2017, Ventura, USA .

Jaspers, C. (2019) Global change and the future of marine food webs: Do we miss an important link which is considered a sink in our oceans?. [Invited talk] In: Baltic Gender Meeting. , 09.04.2019, Warnemünde, Germany .

Jegen, M. (2019) Offshore Groundwater Exploration – A Case Study from New Zealand. [Invited talk] In: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University. , 08.10.2019, Palisades, NY, USA .

Jegen, M. (2019) Offshore Groundwater Exploration – A Case Study from New Zealand. [Invited talk] In: University of Toronto. , 16.10.2019, Toronto, Canada .

Jegen, M. , Haroon, A. , Fahghi, Z., Weymer, B. , Wölz, S., Schwalenberg, K., Duan, S. and Moorkamp, M. (2019) Extracting essential geological information from joint physical parameter models. [Invited talk] In: EAGE Joint Inversion Workshop. , 02.06.2019, London, UK .

Jegen, M. and Hölz, S. (2019) New exploration challenges and instrument systems in marine EM. [Invited talk] In: MARELEC 2019. , 22.10.-25.10.2019, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, USA .

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Juricek, P. M., Nakamura, M., Mujin, M., Schmincke, H. U. , Sumita, M. and Miyajima, N. (2019) First observation of nanolites and ultrananolites in alkaline volcanic glasses (Eifel, Germany). Open Access [Talk] In: Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019. , 26.05.-30.05.2019, Makuhari, Japan .

Jurikova, H., Ippach, M., Liebetrau, V., Gutjahr, M. , Krause, S., Büsse, S., Gorb, S., Henkel, D., Hiebenthal, C. , Schmidt, M. , Leipe, T., Laudien, J., Rollion-Bard, C. and Eisenhauer, A. (2019) Element Partitioning in Brachiopods – Implications for Proxy Use and Biomineralisation. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2019. , 18.-23.08.2019, Barcelona, Spain .

Kakhro, N. and Povazhnyi, V. (2019) POMOR and OSL. [Talk] In: Towards a New Arctic Climate System: Scientific Workshop (CATS / QUARCCS). , 03.12.-05.12.2019, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Karstens, J. , Kutterolf, S. , Druitt, T., Hübscher, C., Nomikou, P. and Papanikolaou, D. (2019) Volcanism and tectonics in an island-arc rift environment: proposal to drill at Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo marine volcanic field, Greece. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2021. , 07.04.2019-12.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Kassens, H. (2019) International cooperation in the Russian Arctic.. [Talk] In: Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) Open Planning Workshop 2019. , 15.05.-16.05.2019, Woods Hole, USA .

Kassens, H. (2019) International research in the Russian Arctic. [Talk] In: IASC Marine Working Group Meeting. , 22.05.2019, Arkhangelsk, Russia .

Kassens, H. (2019) Russian-German Scientific Cooperation in the Siberian Arctic. [Talk] In: Berlin Science Week. , 07.11.2019, Berlin, Germany .

Kassens, H. and Ivanov, V. (2019) 25 Jahre deutsch-russische Klimaforschung in der sibirischen Arktis. [Talk] In: 13. Arktisdialog. , 05.06.2019, Berlin, Germany .

Kassens, H. (2019) Die Arktis in Zeiten des Klimawandels. [Public Lecture] In: Vortragsreihe WissenSchaffen des GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrums für Ozeanforschung Kiel. , 19.11.2019, Kiel, Germany .

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Kästner, F., Pierdominici, S., Elger, J. , Berndt, C. and Kück, J. (2019) Challenges of Core-Log-Seismic Integration in metamorphic environments: A case study for the ICDP drilling project COSC-1, Sweden. Open Access [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Khon, V., Schneider, B., Latif, M. and Park, W. (2019) Response of seasonal cycle and interannual variability of SST in the eastern equatorial Pacific to orbital forcing during the Holocene and Eemian from model simulations. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 07.-12.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Kirichenko, Y., Laukert, G. and Frank, M. (2019) Water mass mixing north of Severnaya Zemlya based on neodymium isotopes. [Talk] In: Towards a New Arctic Climate System: Scientific Workshop (CATS / QUARCCS). , 03.12.-05.12.2019, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Kjellsson, J. , Park, W. , Latif, M. and Carver, G. (2019) Weather Extremes in a Hierarchy of Climate Model Resolutions. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 07.-12.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Klischies, M. , Petersen, S. , Hannington, M. D., Graber, S. and Schwarz-Schampera, U. (2019) Assessing the regional geology of the Rodriguez Triple Junction and its influence on the location of hydrothermal activity. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2019. , 18.-23.08.2019, Barcelona, Spain .

Kopp, H. (2019) Ein perfektes Team: Geophysik und Geodäsie beschreiten gemeinsam neue Wege in der Erdbebenforschung. [Talk] In: Festkolloquium 100 Jahre IUGG, GFZ Potsdam. , 15.02.2019, Potsdam, Germany .

Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Petersen, F. and Urlaub, M. (2019) Multi-scale offshore monitoring of seafloor and subsurface deformation. [Talk] In: 2. Workshop on Transients on Faults. , 04.-05.04.2019, Potsdam, Germany .

Kossel, E. (2019) How to test monitoring strategies for sub seafloor carbon dioxide storage. [Talk] In: Alpine NMR Workshop 2019. , 13.-15.09.2019, Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien .

Krasheninnikov, S. P., Portnyagin, M. , Botcharnikov, R. E., Wilke, M., Klimm, K., Garrevoet, J., Buhre, S., Groschopf, N., Scherbakov, V. D. and Mironov, N. L. (2019) New experiments on Fe3+/Fe2+ re-equilibration in olivine-hosted melt inclusions: ECROFI 2019. [Talk] In: ECROFI 2019. , 23.-27.06.2019, Budapest, Hungary .

Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Hannemann, K., Petersen, F. , Bedford, J. and Barrientos, S. (2019) Seafloor geodesy to monitor deformation offshore Northern Chile (GeoSEA). [Talk] In: 25. Latin-American Colloquium of Geosciences. , 18.-21.09.2019, Hamburg, Germany .

Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Royer, J. Y., Henry, P., Cakir, Z., Petersen, F. , Sakic, P., Ballu, V., Bialas, J. , Ozeren, S., Ergintav, S. and Geli, L. (2019) Interseismic Strain Build-up on the Submarine North Anatolian Fault Offshore Istanbul. [Talk] In: 79. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 5.3. - 8.3.2019, Braunschweig, Germany .

Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Royer, J. Y., Henry, P., Cakir, Z., Petersen, F. , Sakic, P., Ballu, V., Bialas, J. , Ozeren, S., Ergintav, S. and Geli, L. (2019) Interseismic Strain Build-up on the Submarine North Anatolian Fault Offshore Istanbul. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Royer, J. Y., Henry, P., Cakir, Z., Petersen, F. , Sakic, P., Ballu, V., Bialas, J. , Ozeren, S., Ergintav, S. and Geli, L. (2019) Interseismic Strain Build-up on the Submarine North Anatolian Fault Offshore Istanbul. [Talk] In: 2. Workshop on Transients on Faults. , 04.-05.04.2019, Potsdam, Germany .

Larkin, C., Spielhagen, R. F., Sarnthein, M., Bauch, H. A. , Noormets, R., Polyak, L., Roberts, N., Rasmussen, T., Ezat, M., Tipper, E. and Piotrowski, A. (2019) Deglacial ocean dynamics of the Arctic Ocean and Nordic Seas: insights from authigenic neodymium isotopes. [Talk] In: International Conference on Processes and Palaeo-environmental Changes in the Arctic 2019. , 20.05.-24.05.2019, Poznan, Poland .

Latif, M. , Park, W. and Harlass, J. (2019) Sensitivity of 21st Century Rainfall Projections over the Tropical Atlantic Sector to Sea Surface Temperature Bias in the Kiel Climate Model. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 07.-12.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Laukert, G. , Bauch, D. , Frank, M. , Hathorne, E. C. , Dreyer, J., Meulenbroek, K., Schaffer, J., Rabe, J., Paffrath, R., Pahnke, K., Rutgers van der Loeff, M., Meyer, H. and Graeve, M. (2019) Inconsistencies between Fram Strait water mass budget assessments based on radiogenic neodymium isotopes and nutrients.. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2019. , 18.-23.08.2019, Barcelona, Spain .

Laukert, G. , Grasse, P. , Doering, K. , Frank, M. , Novikhin, A. E., Povazhnyi, V. and Kassens, H. (2019) Constraints on the silicon cycle in the Siberian shelf seas. [Talk] In: Gordon Research Conference / Gordon Research Seminar on Polar Marine Science. , 16.-22.03.2019, Lucca (Barga), Italy .

Laukert, G. , Grasse, P. , Doering, K. , Novikhin, A. E., Povazhnyi, V., Frank, M. and Kassens, H. (2019) Biogeochemical silicon cycling in the Laptev Sea. [Talk] In: Towards a New Arctic Climate System: Scientific Workshop (CATS / QUARCCS). , 03.12.-05.12.2019, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Laukert, G. , Grasse, P. , Doering, K. , Novikhin, A. E., Povazhny, V., Frank, M. and Kassens, H. (2019) Spatial and temporal variability in supply, transport and utilization of silicate in the Laptev Sea based on dissolved stable silicon isotopes. [Talk] In: Arctic Science Summit Week 2019. , 22.05.-30.05.2019, Arkhangelsk, Russia .

Leibold, P. , Al Abri, O., Al Maawali, W., Al Sheibany, W., Al Balushi, H., Schmidt, M. and Brückmann, W. (2019) Salalah SV3 campaign (D4.4) Wave Glider SV3 hunting for submarine freshwater discharge offshore Salalah. [Talk] In: IATI 5. Joint Meeting Workshop. , 03.02.2019, Muscat, Oman .

Lemmel, F., Zehnich, M. and Spielhagen, R. F. (2019) Holocene environmental variability in the Wandel Sea, off NE-Greenland.. [Talk] In: International Conference on Processes and Palaeo-environmental Changes in the Arctic 2019. , 20.05.-24.05.2019, Poznan, Poland .

Lenz, M. (2019) Auswirkungen von Mikroplastik auf Meereslebewesen. [Talk] In: Runder Tisch Meeresmüll/Berliner Workshopreihe zu Mikroplastik in der marinen Umwelt. , 29.01.2019, Berlin, Germany .

Lenz, M. (2019) Kleines Plastik – Große Gefahr?. [Talk] In: Vortrag und Diskussion mit MdB Nina Scheer (SPD). , 23.04.2019, Geesthacht, Germany .

Lenz, M. (2019) Mikroplastik an unserer Küste. [Talk] In: Spätschicht trifft Wissenschaft. , 03.05.2019, Kiel, Germany .

Lenz, M. (2019) Mikroplastik im Meer: Welche Aufgaben hat die Forschung?. [Talk] In: Vortrag an der VHS Reinbek. , 06.11.2019, Reinbek, Germany .

Lenz, M. (2019) Müllkippe Ozean: Ursache, Folgen, Gegenmaßnahmen. [Talk] In: Klimacamp im Rahmen der week4climate. , 21.09.2019, Kiel, Germany .

Lenz, M. (2019) Müllkippe Ozean: Wie gefährlich ist Plastik für Meeresorganismen?. [Talk] In: Verleihung des Annette-Barthelt-Preises. , 22.3.2019, Kiel, Germany .

Lenz, M. (2019) Müllkippe Ozean: Wie gefährlich ist Plastikmüll für das größte Ökosystem der Erde. [Talk] In: Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Schleswig-Holstein. , 20.3.2019, Kiel, Germany .

Lenz, M. (2019) Plastik an unseren Küsten. [Talk] In: Kommunalpolitische Akademie. Eine Veranstaltung der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung. , 26.10.2019, Neumünster, Germany .

Lenz, M. (2019) Plastik in unseren Meeren: Welche Gefahren drohen, was muss getan werden?. [Talk] In: Veranstaltungsreihe Werkhaus eV im Südbahnhof, Krefeld . , 14.02.2019, Krefeld, Germany .

Lenz, M. (2019) Plastikmüll im Meer: ein globales und schnell wachsendes Umweltproblem. [Talk] In: 2. Mönkeberger Umwelt-Dialog. , 20.05.2019, Mönkeberg, Germany .

Lenz, M. (2019) Plastikmüll im Meer: ein globales und schnell wachsendes Umweltproblem. [Talk] In: SPD Ortsverband Lüneburg. , 12.06.2019, Lüneburg, Germany .

Lenz, M. (2019) Wie gefährlich ist Mikroplastik für Meeresorganismen. [Talk] In: Thünen-Institut für ökologischen Landbau. , 23.05.2019, Trenthorst, Germany .

Lenz, M. (2019) Wie gefährlich ist Plastikmüll für Meeresorganismen?. [Talk] In: Jahrestagung der Seniorenakademie Lübecker Bucht e.V. . , 02.05.2019, Travemünde, Germany .

Lenz, M. (2019) Wie gefährlich ist Plastikmüll für Meeresorganismen?. [Talk] In: Plöner Kulturforum im Rahmen der Ausstellung ‚Freischwimmer‘. , 17.07.2019, Plön, Germany .

Lenz, M. (2019) Wie gefährlich ist Plastikmüll für Meeresorganismen?. [Talk] In: Gemeinschaftsschule Wentorf bei Hamburg. , 06.11.2019, Wentorf, Germany .

Lenz, M. (2019) Wie gefährlich ist Plastikmüll für Meeresorganismen?. [Talk] In: Vortrag im Rahmen einer Filmvorführung im Biozentrum der CAU Kiel. , 13.11.2019, Kiel, Germany .

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Loginova, A. N. , Dale, A. W. , Le Moigne, F. A. C. , Thomsen, S. , Sommer, S., Wallmann, K. J. G. and Engel, A. (2019) Sediment release of dissolved organic matter in the oxygen minimum zone off Peru. Open Access [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria . Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21 (EGU2019-18835-1, 2019).

Löptien, U. (2019) Optimizing pelagical biogeochemical model parameters - promises and pitfalls. [Invited talk] In: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). , 18.02.2019, Hobart, Australia .

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Maas, J., Jia, Y. , Biastoch, A. , Quack, B. and Tegtmeier, S. (2019) Simulating halocarbon concentrations in ocean and atmosphere from industrial water treatment. Open Access [Talk] In: SOLAS Open Science Conference 2019. , 21.-25.04.2019, Sapporo, Japan .

Makkhotin, M., Ivanov, V., Frolov, I., Flichuk, K., Merkulov, V., Kusse-Tiuz, N., Hölemann, J., Chen, V., Reus, K., Evers, F., Tarasenko, N., Malinovskiy, S., Tuzov, F., Harlamov, P., Kuzmin, S., Karpov, M. and Ipatov, A. (2019) Results of oceanographic observations in the Russian Arctic seas in 2019. [Talk] In: Towards a New Arctic Climate System: Scientific Workshop (CATS / QUARCCS). , 03.12.-05.12.2019, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Marjanovic, M., Growe, K., Gregory, E. P. M., Singh, S. C., Grevemeyer, I. , Vaddineni, V. A., Laurencin, M., Wang, Z., Carton, H. D., Gomez de la Pena, L. and Filbrandt, C. (2019) Variations in structural and thermal properties of the lithosphere across large Fracture Zones/Transform Fault in the Equatorial Atlantic. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2019. , 09.-13.12.2019, San Francisco, USA .

Mencaroni, D., Llopart, J., Urgeles, R., Gracia, E. and Urlaub, M. (2019) Assessing Submarine Slope Stability From Sediment Properties In The Gulf Of Cadiz, Offshore Portugal. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2019. , 09.-13.12.2019, San Francisco, USA .

Mengis, N. , Keller, D. P. and Oschlies, A. (2019) Climate Change induced Alterations in Correlations between Earth System Variables - Implications for appropriate Indicator Selection. [Talk] In: IUGG General Assembly 2019. , 08.-18.07.2019, Montreal, Canada .

Mengis, N. , Partanen, I. , Jalbert, J. and Matthews, H. R. (2019) 1.5 °C carbon budget dependent on carbon cycle uncertainty and future non-CO2 forcing. [Talk] In: IUGG General Assembly 2019. , 08.-18.07.2019, Montreal, Canada .

Micallef, A. , Haroon, A. , Person, M. A., Weymer, B. , Jegen, M. , Schwalenberg, K., Faghih, Z., Duan, S. M., Cohen, D., Mountjoy, J. J., Woelz, S., Gable, C. W., Tiwari, A. K. and Averes, T. (2019) 3D characterisation of an offshore freshened groundwater system in a passive siliciclastic margin: Canterbury Bight. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2019. , 09.-13.12.2019, San Francisco, USA .

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Mironov, N. L., Portnyagin, M. , Botcharnikov, R. E., Gurenko, A., Almeev, R. R., Luft, C. and Holtz, F. (2019) Low-SiO2 melt inclusions in olivine originate by dehydrationof initially H2O-rich island-arc melts. Open Access [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2019. , 18.-23.08.2019, Barcelona, Spain .

Mironov, N. L., Portnyagin, M. , Tobelko, D., Smirnov, S., Krasheninnikov, S. P. and Gurenko, A. (2019) Initial CO2 content in parental arc magmas estimated using micro-Raman spectroscopy and mass-balance calculations: a case study of Karymsky volcano (Kamchatka, Russia). [Talk] In: GeoMünster 2019. , 22.-25.09.2019, Münster, Germany .

Mironov, N. L., Portnyagin, M. V. , Tobelko, D. P., Smirnov, S. Z., Krasheninnikov, S. P. and Gurenko, A. (2019) Initial CO2 content of parental arc magmas of Karymsky volcano (Kamchatka) inferred from study of olivine-hosted melt inclusions. [Talk] In: ECROFI 2019. , 23.-27.06.2019, Budapest, Hungary .

Moftakhari, H., Kibler, K. M., Rathore, S., Weymer, B. , Lu, C. and Zhang, Y. (2019) Advances in Coastal Hydrology: Processes and Impacts I. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2019. , 09.-13.12.2019, San Francisco, USA .

Müller, T., Al Balushi, H., Schmidt, M. , Leibold, P., Al Abri, O. and Brückmann, W. (2019) Freshwater Ocean aquifers – seasonal triggers: a case study from southern Oman. [Talk] In: Workshop on “Onshore-offshore groundwater connections". , 05.12.2019, Texas A&M University, College of Geosciences, College Station TX, U.S. .

Murton, B. J., Lehrmann, B., Gehrmann, R., Lusty, P. A. J., Petersen, S. and Jegen, M. and Blue Mining Project Team (2019) Integrated assessment of hydrothermally extinct seafloor massive sulphide deposits at the TAG hydrothermal field. [Talk] In: InterRidge Workshop on "Hydrothermal ore-forming processes and the fate of SMS deposits alons slow and ultra-slow spreading MOR". , 19.-21.09.2019, Hangzhou, China .

Murton, B. J., Lehrmann, B., Lusty, P. A. J., Petersen, S. and Jegen, M. (2019) Assessing hydrothermally extinct seafloor massive sulphide deposits (eSMS): Lessons from the Blue Mining Project, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. [Talk] In: 48. Underwater Mining Conference. , 22.-26.09.2019, Sanya, Heinan, China .

Naidina, O. D. and Bauch, H. A. (2019) Palynological substantiation of Holocene deposits of the Laptev Sea and changing conditions in the Arctic. [Talk] In: 23. International Scientific Conference (School) on Marine Geology. , 18.11-22.11.2019, Moscow, Russia .

Nomikou, P., Hannington, M. D., Petersen, S. , Lange, S., Wind, S., Heinath , V., Rothenbeck, M., Triebe, L. and Wenzlaff, E. (2019) High-Resolution AUV Mapping of Kolumbo submarine volcano, Santorini, Greece. [Talk] In: 15. International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. , 22.5.-24.5.2019, Athens, Greece .

Ovsepyan, Y. S., Taldenkova, E. E., Averkina, N. O., Bauch, H. A. and Spielhagen, R. (2019) The ecological study of modern benthic foraminifera from the Laptev Sea as the basis for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. [Talk] In: Towards a New Arctic Climate System: Scientific Workshop (CATS / QUARCCS). , 03.12.-05.12.2019, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Ovsepyan, Y. S., Taldenkova, E. E., Averkina, N. O., Spielhagen, R. and Bauch, H. A. (2019) Dynamics of Atlantic water influence in the Arctic during the late Pleistocene and the Holocene inferred from benthic foraminifers. [Talk] In: Scientific Conference devoted to the 80th Anniversary of the Chair of Paleontology of the MSU. , 21.11.2019, Moscow, Russia .

Ovsepyan, Y. S., Taldenkova, E. E., Spielhagen, R., Kassens, H., Bauch, H. A. , Stein, R. and Averkina, N. O. (2019) Past environmental reconstructions of Vilkitsky Strait: a 12.5 kyrs long sediment record of core AMK5636. [Talk] In: Towards a New Arctic Climate System: Scientific Workshop (CATS / QUARCCS). , 03.12.-05.12.2019, St. Petersburg, Russia .

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Paffrath, R., Bauch, D. , Rutgers van der Loeff, M., Laukert, G. and Pahnke, K. (2019) Water mass contributions to the central Arctic – New insights from rare earth elements and Nd isotopes. Open Access [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2019. , 18.-23.08.2019, Barcelona, Spain .

Park, W. and Latif, M. (2019) Comparison of Arctic and Antarctic response to global warming: mean state and variability. [Talk] In: PAMIP Workshop. , 24.-27.06.2019, Devon, UK .

Petersen, S. (2019) The potential of marine mineal resources for future global metal supply. [Talk] In: Aachen International Mining Symposia. Mines of the Future. , 13.6.-14.6.2019, Aachen, Germany .

Petersen, S. (2019) The potential of marine mineral resources for future global metal supply. [Talk] In: First ISA-OECD seminar on the economics of deep-seabed minerals. , 12.12.-13.12.2019, Paris, France .

Petersen, S. (2019) Rohstoffe aus dem Meer: Chancen und Risiken eines zukünftigen Abbaus in der Tiefsee. [Public Lecture] In: LWL-Industriemuseum Zeche Nachtigall. , 17.10.2019, Witten, Germany .

Petersen, S. (2019) Schwarze Raucher und Co: Mineralische Rohstoffe aus der Tiefsee?. [Public Lecture] In: Lions Club. , 15.07.2019, Kiel, Germany .

Petersen, S. (2019) Seafloor minerals: a potential future metal resource. [Public Lecture] In: Society of Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits - Student Chapter Workshop. , 14.04.2019, Denizli, Turkey .

Petersen, S. , Hannington, M. D., Hölz, S. , Krätschell, A., Klischies, M. , Graber, S., Anderson, M. O., Jamieson, J., Grant, H. and Murton, B. J. (2019) Same, same, but different: recent advances in our understanding of modern seafloor hydrothermal systems. [Talk] In: 15. Biennal SGA Meeting 2019. , 27.-30.08.2019, Glasgow, UK .

Petersen, S. , Klischies, M. , Graber, S., Hannington, M. D. and Schwarz-Schampera, U. (2019) Geological mapping of mid-ocean ridges and its implications and use for the prediction of SMS occurrences. [Talk] In: InterRidge Workshop on “Hydrothermal ore-forming processes and the fate of SMS deposits along slow and ultra-slow spreading MOR”. , 19.-21.09.2019, Hangzhou, China .

Piatkowski, U. (2019) Tarnkünstler, Tiefsee-Athleten und Diebesbeute: Einblicke in das Leben von Krake, Kalmar und Co.. [Invited talk] In: Sommerfest-Vortrag, Zoologisches Museum der Universität Kiel. , 19.06.2019, Kiel, Germany .

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Portnyagin, M. , Botcharnikov, R. E., Yogodzinski, G. M., Hoernle, K. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2019) Low Cu/Ag in continental crust and slab melts. Open Access [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2019. , 18.-23.08.2019, Barcelona, Spain .

Portnyagin, M. , Mironov, N. L., Botcharnikov, R. E., Almeev, R. A., Tobelko, D. P. and Holtz, F. (2019) Recent advances in experimental studies with melt inclusions at controlled P-T-fO2-aH2O conditions. [Talk] In: ECROFI 2019. , 23.-27.06.2019, Budapest, Hungary .

Portnyagin, M. , Mironov, N. L., Botcharnikov, R., Gurenko, A., Almeev, R., Luft, C. and Holtz, F. (2019) Experimental evidence and implications of coupled silica and water loss from melt inclusions in olivine. [Talk] In: GeoMünster 2019. , 22.-25.09.2019, Münster, Germany .

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Ranero, C. R., Sallares, V., Grevemeyer, I. and Calahorrano, A. (2019) New seismic data of the Mesozoic rifting of NW Africa, West Iberia and Galicia Interior Basin. Open Access [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Reeve, K., Hölemann, J., Janout, M., Kanzow, T. , Körtke, W., Ivanov, V. and Kassens, H. (2019) On the Atlantic water heat in the Arctic Boundary Current along the Eurasian slope (Part 1): seasonal and interannual variability. [Talk] In: Towards a New Arctic Climate System: Scientific Workshop (CATS / QUARCCS). , 03.12.-05.12.2019, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Riesgo, A., Taboada, S., Cranston, A., Koutsouveli, V., Cardenas, P., Leiva, C., Tonzo, V., Rios, P., Cristobo, J., Rapp, H. T., Broad, E., Ribeiro, P., Busch, K., Hentschel, U. and Xavier, J. (2019) Genetic diversity and connectivity in deep-sea sponges of the North Atlantic: connecting organisms with conservation strategies. [Talk] In: ABNJ Deep Sea Meeting 2019. , 07.-09.05.2019, Rome, Italy .

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Rutgers van der Loeff, M., Stimac, I., Casacuberta, N., Wefing, A. M., Laukert, G. , Bauch, D. , Paffrath, R., Provost, C. and Karcher, M. (2019) Surface water changes during transit from North Pole to Fram Strait. Open Access [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2019. , 18.-23.08.2019, Barcelona, Spain .

Sallares, V., Merino, I., Prada, M., Ranero, C. R., Grevemeyer, I. , Calahorrano, A., Cameselle, A. L. and Neres, M. (2019) The seismic structure of the West Iberian continent-ocean transition. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2019. , 09.-13.12.2019, San Francisco, USA .

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Scheinert, M. (2019) Practical Aspects of Software Development at GEOMAR. [Talk] In: Digital Monday - GEOMAR. , 07.01.2019, Kiel, Germany .

Schirnick, C. (2019) Data management. [Talk] In: Towards a New Arctic Climate System: Scientific Workshop (CATS / QUARCCS). , 03.12.-05.12.2019, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Schmidt, C. , Hensen, C. , Wallmann, K. , Liebetrau, V., Tatzel, M., Schurr, S. L., Geilert, S. , Hübscher, C., Kutterolf, S. , Lebas, E. , Haffert, L., Strauss, H. and Hansteen, T. H. (2019) Genesis of high Mg and SO4 hydrothermal fluids in the Terceira Rift. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 07.-12.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Schmincke, H. U. and Sumita, M. (2019) Evolution of the Laacher See eruption (LSE), its environmental impact and ongoing research. [Talk] In: Physics of Volcanoes (POV) 2019. , 28.02.-01.03.2019, Mendig, Eifel .

Schönfeld, J. (2019) Keynote: Sequencing biostratigraphy for transcribing past environments. [Talk] In: Micropalaeontological Society’s Joint Foraminiferal and Nannofossil Meeting. , 03.07.2019, Fribourg, Switzerland .

Schönfeld, J. (2019) Sequencing biostratigraphy for transcribing past environments. [Talk] In: Mitarbeiterseminar am Musée national d’histoire naturelle – ‘natur musée’. , 13.08.2019, Luxemburg .

Spielhagen, R. F. (2019) Klima-Mythen vs. Wissenschaft: Was entgegnet man den Klimawandel-Leugnern?. [Talk] In: Public Climate School der CAU Kiel. , 27.11.2019, Kiel, Germany .

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Spielhagen, R. F., Polyak, L. and Mackensen, A. (2019) Atlantic Water flow in the Arctic Ocean: multiproxy evidence for variable pathways during Late Quaternary warm periods. Open Access [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Spielhagen, R. F., Polyak, L., Mackensen, A. and Zehnich, M. (2019) Late Glacial to Holocene variability of ocean stratification and Arctic freshwater export off Northeast Greenland. [Talk] In: PaleoArc 2019. , 20.05.-24.05.2019, Poznan, Poland .

Spielhagen, R., Mackensen, A. and Nygaard-Pedersen, N. (2019) Tracing the trigger of the Younger Dryas event: spread of freshwater at 13 ka in the Arctic and Nordic seas. [Talk] In: INQUA 2019. , 25.07.-31.07.2010, Dublin, Ireland .

Spielhagen, R., Zehnich, M., Syring, N., Taldenkova, E. E., Ovsepyan, Y. S., Bauch, H. A. and Stein, R. (2019) Holocene environmental changes in the Laptev Sea and the western Fram Strait – the sea level-sea ice connection. [Talk] In: Towards a New Arctic Climate System: Scientific Workshop (CATS / QUARCCS). , 03.12.-05.12.2019, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Stobbs, I. J., Murton, B. J., Pearce, R., Boyce, A. and Petersen, S. (2019) Origins of Si-Fe cap rocks at extinct seafloor massive sulphide (eSMS) deposits: an example from the ALVIN Zone in the TAG Hydrothermal Field (26°), Mid-Atlantic Ridge. [Talk] In: 15. Biennal SGA Meeting. , 27.-30.08.2019, Glasgow, UK ; pp. 91-94 .

Sun, J. , Latif, M. , Park, W. and Park, T. (2019) A new method, based on Offline Slab Ocean SST, to quantify the error compensation of ENSO atmospheric feedbacks in climate models. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 07.-12.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Taldenkova, E. E., Ovsepyan, Y. S., Spielhagen, R. F., Kassens, H., Bauch, H. A. , Stein, R. and Averkina, N. (2019) Postglacial to Holocene sea-level history and environmental variability in the western Laptev Sea – evidence of trans-Arctic teleconnections. [Talk] In: Arctic Science Summit Week 2019. , 22.05.-30.05.2019, Arkhangelsk, Russia .

Taldenkova, E. E., Ovsepyan, Y. S., Spielhagen, R. F., Kassens, H., Bauch, H. A. , Stein, R., Averkina, N. O. and Rusakov, V. Y. (2019) Past environmental changes in the western Laptev Sea (Vilkitskii Strait) during the Postglacial and the Holocene. [Talk] In: 23. International Scientific Conference (School) on Marine Geology. , 18.11-22.11.2019, Moscow, Russia .

Taldenkova, E. E., Ovsepyan, Y. S., Spielhagen, R., Kassens, H., Bauch, H. A. , Stein, R., Averkina, N. O. and Rusakov, V. Y. (2019) History of paleoenvironmental changes in the western Laptev Sea (Vilkitsky Strait) during the postglacial and the Holocene. [Talk] In: 23. International Scienctific Conference (School) on Marine Geology. , 18.11-22.11.2019, Moscow, Russia .

Taldenkova, E. E., Spielhagen, R., Ovsepyan, Y. S., Kassens, H., Bauch, H. A. , Stein, R. and Averkina, N. O. (2019) Postglacial to Holocene sea-level history and environmental variability in the western Laptev Sea – evidence for trans-Arctic teleconnections. [Talk] In: Towards a New Arctic Climate System: Scientific Workshop (CATS / QUARCCS). , 03.12.-05.12.2019, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Taldenkova, E. E., Spielhagen, R., Ovsepyan, Y. S., Kassens, H., Bauch, H. A. , Stein, R., Averkina, N. O. and Rusakov, V. Y. (2019) History of paleoenvironmental changes in the western Laptev Sea (Vilkitsky Strait) during the postglacial and the Holocene. [Talk] In: 23. International Scienctific Conference (School) on Marine Geology. , 18.11-22.11.2019, Moscow, Russia .

Timm, C. , Hannington, M. D., Portnyagin, M. , de Ronde, C. E. J., Leybourne, M. and Arculus, R. (2019) GoldTrace: Tracking the origin of precious metals in seafloor arc lavas. [Talk] In: PACRIM 2019 – Mineral Systems of the Pacific Rim Congress. , 03.-05.04.2019, Auckland, New Zealand .

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Timm, C. , Portnyagin, M. , de Ronde, C. E. J., Hannington, M. D., Hoernle, K. and Arculus, R. (2019) Tracking the source of Cu, Ag and Au in intraoceanic Kermadec arc glasses, SW Pacific. Open Access [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2019. , 18.-23.08.2019, Barcelona, Spain .

Tuchen, F. P. , Lübbecke, J. F. , Schmidtko, S. , Hummels, R. and Böning, C. W. (2019) The Atlantic Subtropical Cells inferred from observations. [Talk] In: VII Seminar of the Bilateral Cooperation DOCEAN-GEOMAR. , 28.10.2019, Recife, Brazil .

Urlaub, M. , Morgan, J., Berndt, C. and Karstens, J. (2019) Understanding the 1888 sector collapse of Ritter Island (Papua New Guinea) by integrating 3D seismic data and Discrete Element Models. [Talk] In: GeoMünster 2019. , 22.-25.09.2019, Münster, Germany .

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Wartho, J. A. , Samrock, L. and Hansteen, T. (2019) Antecrysts – angels or devils in 40Ar/39Ar geochronology? Examples from Cape Verde seamounts. Open Access [Talk] In: GeoMünster 2019. , 22.-25.09.2019, Münster, Germany .

Weinberger, F. (2019) Biologischer Pflanzenschutz in Meeresalgenkulturen - Studien in Deutschland und China. [Invited talk] In: Meeresumwelt-Symposium 2019. , 04.-05.06.2019, Hamburg, Germany .

Weinberger, F. , Wang, S., Rickert, E., Wang, G., Zhang, R., Wei, X., Chang, L., Xiao, L. and Krost, P. (2019) Prophylactic activation of self-defence: A suitable crop protection concept for kelp aquaculture?. [Talk] In: 23. International Seaweed Symposium. , 28.04.-03.05.2019, Jeju, Korea .

Weymer, B. , Haroon, A. , Faghih, Z., Schwalenberg, K., Micallef, A. and Jegen, M. (2019) Using marine CSEM to map offshore aquifers in New Zealand and Malta. [Talk] In: MARELEC 2019. , 22.10.-25.10.2019, Woods Hole, USA .

Wind, S. C., Schneider, D. A. and Hannington, M. D. (2019) Galena trace element geochemistry of the precious and base metal-rich deposits in the Cyclades District, Greece. [Talk] In: 15. Biennal SGA Meeting 2019. , 27.-30.08.2019, Glasgow, UK .

Yeo, I., Devey, C. , Murton, B. J., Petersen, S. and Szitkar, F. (2019) Finding, mapping and evaluating seafloor mining prospects. [Talk] In: InterRidge Workshop on "Hydrothermal ore-forming processes and the fate of SMS deposits along slow and ultra-slow spreading MOR". , 19.-21.09.2019, Hangzhou, China .

Yogodzinski, G., Sims, K., Kelemen, P., Hoernle, K. , Scott, S. R. and Wyatt, C. (2019) Implications of thorium excesses and high 230Th in seafloor lavas of the western Aleutian Arc. [Invited talk] In: GSA Annual Meeting 2019. , 22.-25.09.2019, Phoenix, Arizona, USA .

Zehnich, M., Spielhagen, R. F., Bauch, H. A. , Forwick, M., Hass, H. C., Mollenhauer, G., Palme, T., Stein, R. and Syring, N. (2019) Environmental variability off NE Greenland (western Fram Strait) during the Holocene. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

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