Items where Author is "Timmermann, Axel"
Number of items: 37.
Timmermann, A., An, S. I., Kug, J. S., Jin, F. F., Cai, W., Capotondi, A., Cobb, K. M., Lengaigne, M., McPhaden, M. J., Stuecker, M. F., Stein, K., Wittenberg, A. T., Yun, K. S., Bayr, T. , Chen, H. C., Chikamoto, Y., Dewitte, B., Dommenget, D., Grothe, P., Guilyardi, E., Ham, Y. G., Hayashi, M., Ineson, S., Kang, D., Kim, S., Kim, W., Lee, J. Y., Li, T., Luo, J. J., McGregor, S., Planton, Y., Power, S., Rashid, H., Ren, H. L., Santoso, A., Takahashi, K., Todd, A., Wang, G., Wang, G., Xie, R., Yang, W. H., Yeh, S. W., Yoon, J., Zeller, E. and Zhang, X.
El Nino–Southern Oscillation complexity.
Nature, 559
pp. 535-545.
DOI 10.1038/s41586-018-0252-6.
McGregor, S., Spence, P., Schwarzkopf, F. U. , England, M. H., Santoso, A., Kessler, W. S., Timmermann, A. and Böning, C. W.
ENSO-driven interhemispheric Pacific mass transports.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119
pp. 6221-6237.
DOI 10.1002/2014JC010286.
Steph, S., Tiedemann, R., Prange, M., Groeneveld, J., Schulz, M., Timmermann, A., Nürnberg, D. , Rühlemann, C., Saukel, C. and Haug, G. A.
Early Pliocene increase in thermohaline overturning : a precondition for the development of the modern equatorial Pacific cold tongue.
Paleoceanography, 25
DOI 10.1029/2008PA001645.
Löptien, U. , Eden, C., Timmermann, A. and Dietze, H.
Effects of biologically induced differential heating in an eddy-permitting coupled ocean-ecosystem model.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 114
DOI 10.1029/2008JC004936.
Goose, H., Rennssen, H., Timmermann, A., Bradley, R. S. and Mann, M. E.
Using paleoclimate proxy-data to select an optimal realisation in an ensemble of simulations of the climate of the past millenium.
Climate Dynamics, 27
pp. 165-184.
DOI 10.1007/s00382-006-0128-6.
Justino, F., Timmermann, A., Merkel, U. and Peltier, W. R.
An initial intercomparison of atmospheric and oceanic climatology for the ICE-5G and ICE-4G models of LGM paleotopography.
Journal of Climate, 19
pp. 3-14.
DOI 10.1175/JCLI3603.1.
Justino, F. B., Timmermann, A., Merkel, U. and Sousa, E. P.
Synoptic reorganization of atmospheric flow during the Last Glacial Maximum.
Journal of Climate, 18
pp. 2826-2846.
DOI 10.1175/JCLI3403.1.
Marzeion, B., Timmermann, A., Murtugudde, R. and Jin, F. F.
Biophysical feedbacks in the tropical Pacific.
Journal of Climate, 18
pp. 58-70.
DOI 10.1175/JCLI3261.1.
Schönfeld, J. and Timmermann, A.
Millennial-scale Variability of the Global Ocean Circulation.
In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004
From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere
- Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -.
, ed. by
Villwock, A..
IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 33-34.
Timmermann, A., An, S. I., Krebs, U. and Goosse, H.
ENSO suppression due to weakening of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation.
Journal of Climate, 18
pp. 2842-2859.
DOI 10.1175/JCLI3495.1.
Timmermann, A., Krebs, U., Justino, F., Goosse, H. and Ivanochko, T.
Mechanisms for millennial-scale global synchronization during the last glacial period.
Paleoceanography, 20
DOI 10.1029/2004PA001090.
Abshagen, J. and Timmermann, A.
An Organizing Center for Thermohaline Excitability.
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 34
pp. 2756-2760.
DOI 10.1175/JPO2642.1.
An, S. I., Timmermann, A., Bejarano, L., Jin, F. F., Justino, F., Liu, Z. and Tudhope, S.
ENSO dynamics during the Last Glacial Maximum.
Paleoceanography, 19
DOI 10.1029/2004PA001020.
Eden, C. and Timmermann, A.
The Galapagos Effect: Implications for the generation of the cold tongue and tropical instability waves.
Geophysical Research Letters, 31
DOI 10.1029/2004GL020060.
Knutti, R., Flueckiger, J., Stocker, T. F. and Timmermann, A.
Strong hemispheric coupling of glacial climate through continental freshwater discharge and ocean circulation.
Nature, 430
pp. 851-856.
DOI 10.1038/nature02786.
Schulz, M., Paul, A. and Timmermann, A.
Gacial-Interglacial contrast in climate variability at Centennial-to-Millenial timescales: observations and conceptual model.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 23
pp. 2219-2230.
DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.08.014.
Timmermann, A. and Goosse, H.
Is the wind-stress forcing essential for the meridional overturning circulation?.
Geophysical Research Letters, 31
DOI 10.1029/2003GL01877.
Timmermann, A., Jin, F. F. and Collins, M.
Intensification of the annual cycle in the tropical Pacific due to greenhouse warming.
Geophysical Research Letters, 31
DOI 10.1029/2004GL019442.
Timmermann, A., Justino, F. B., Jin, F. F. and Goosse, H.
Surface temperature control in the North and tropical Pacific during the last glacial maximum.
Climate Dynamics, 23
pp. 353-370.
DOI 10.1007/s00382-004-0434-9.
Miller, A. J., Alexander, M. A., Boer, G. J., Chai, F., Denman, K., Erickson, D. J., Frouin, R., Gabric, A. J., Laws, E. A., Lewis, M. R., Liu, Z., Murtugudde, R., Nakamoto, S., Neilson, D. J., Norris, J. R., Ohlmann, J. C., Perry, R. I., Schneider, N., Shell, K. M. and Timmermann, A.
Potential feedbacks between Pacific Ocean ecosystems and interdecadal climate variations.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 84
pp. 617-633.
DOI 10.1175/BAMS-84-5-617.
Jin, F. F., An, S. I. and Timmermann, A.
Strong EL Niño events and nonlinear dynamical heating.
Geophysical Research Letters
DOI 10.1029/2002GL016356.
Pasmanter, R. and Timmermann, A.
Cyclic Markov chains with an application to an intermediate ENSO model.
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 10
pp. 197-210.
DOI 10.5194/npg-10-197-2003.
Timmermann, A.
Decadal ENSO amplitude modulations: a nonlinear paradigm.
Global and Planetary Change, 37
pp. 135-156.
DOI 10.1016/S0921-8181(02)00194-7.
Timmermann, A. and Goosse, H.
Is the windstress essential for the global meridional overturning circulation.
Geophysical Research Letters, 31
DOI 10.1029/2003GL018777.
Timmermann, A., Jin, F. F. and Abshagen, J.
A Nonlinear Theory for El Niño Bursting.
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 60
pp. 152-165.
DOI 10.1175/1520-0469(2003)060<0152:ANTFEN>2.0.CO;2.
Timmermann, A., Schulz, M., Gildor, M. and Tziperman, E.
Coherent Resonat millenial-scale climate transitions triggered by massive meltwater pulses.
Journal of Climate, 16
pp. 2569-2585.
DOI 10.1175/1520-0442(2003)016<2569:CRMCOT>2.0.CO;2.
Schulz, M., Timmermann, A. and Paul, A.
Relaxation oscillators in concert: A conceptual framework for late Pleistocene millenial-scale climate variability.
Geophysical Research Letters, 29
p. 2193.
DOI 10.1029/2002GL016144.
Timmermann, A. and Jin, F. F.
A Nonlinear Mechanism for Decadal El Niño Amplitude Changes.
Geophysical Research Letters, 29
p. 1003.
DOI 10.1029/2001GL013369.
Timmermann, A. and Jin, F. F.
Phytoplankton influences on tropical climate.
Geophysical Research Letters, 29
p. 2104.
DOI 10.1029/2002GL015434.
Monahan, A. H., Timmermann, A. and Lohmann, G.
Comments on "Noise-Induced Transitions in a simplified model of the thermohaline circulation".
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32
pp. 1112-1116.
DOI 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<1112:CONITI>2.0.CO;2.
Stocker, T. F., Willebrand, J., Böning, C. W. , Visbeck, M. , Timmermann, A. and Lemke, P.
Physical Climate Processes and Feedbacks.
In: Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernemental Panel on Climate Change.
, ed. by
Houghton, J. T., Ding, Y. and Griggs, D. J..
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, pp. 417-470.
ISBN 0521-01495-6
Timmermann, A.
Changes of ENSO Stability due to Greenhouse Warming.
Geophysical Research Letters, 28
pp. 2064-2066.
DOI 10.1029/2001GL012879.
Grötzner, A., Latif, M. , Timmermann, A. and Voss, R.
Interannual to Decadal Predictability in a Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere General Circulation Model.
Journal of Climate, 12
pp. 2607-2624.
DOI 10.1175/1520-0442(1999)012<2607:ITDPIA>2.0.CO;2.
Timmermann, A., Latif, M. , Voss, R. and Grötzner, A.
Northern Hemisphere interdecadal variability: A coupled air-sea mode.
Journal of Climate, 11
pp. 1906-1931.
DOI 10.1175/1520-0442-11.8.1906.
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