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Number of items: 26.

[thumbnail of DependablityEngineering2006.pdf]

Hasselbring, W. and Giesecke, S., eds. (2006) Dependability Engineering. . Gito Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 196 pp. ISBN 3-936771-56-1

[thumbnail of HandbuchTitelseite2006.pdf]

Reussner, R. H. and Hasselbring, W., eds. (2006) Handbuch der Software-Architektur. . dpunkt Verlag, Heildelberg, 557 pp. ISBN 3-89864-372-7

[thumbnail of M-WISE2006.pdf]

Gronau, N. and Hasselbring, W., eds. (2006) M-WISE: Modellierung wissensintensiver Prozesse im Software Engineering . . Gito Verlag, Berlin, 550 pp. ISBN 978-3936771800

[thumbnail of ResearchMethods2006.pdf]

Hasselbring, W. and Giesecke, S., eds. (2006) Research Methods in Software Engineering. . Gito Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 137 pp. ISBN 9783936771572

[thumbnail of DELOS2006.pdf]

Agosti, M., Bischofs, L., Candela, L., Castelli, D., Ferro, N., Hasselbring, W., Moumoutzis, N., Schuldt, H., Weikum, G., Wurz, M. and Zezula, P. (2006) Evaluation and Comparison of the Service Architecture, P2P, and Grid Approaches for DLs. , ed. by Castelli, D., Schuldt, H. and Weikum, G.. DELOS Network of Excellence, 40 pp.

[thumbnail of 2006SEN.pdf]

Becker, S., Boskovic, M., Dhama, A., Happe, J., Hasselbring, W., Koziolek, H., Lipskoch, H., Meyer, R., Muhle, M., Paul, A., Ploski, J., Rohr, M., Swaminathan, M., Warns, T., Winteler, D. and Giesecke, S. (2006) Trustworthy Software Systems: A Discussion of Basic Concepts and Terminology . . University of Oldenburg, Department of Computer Science .

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Becker, S., Boskovic, M., Dhama, A., Happe, J., Hasselbring, W., Koziolek, H., Lipskoch, H., Meyer, R., Muhle, M., Paul, A., Ploski, J., Rohr, M., Swaminathan, M., Warns, T., Winteler, D. and Giesecke, S. (2006) Trustworthy Software Systems: A Discussion of Basic Concepts and Terminology . ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 31 (6). pp. 1-18. DOI 10.1145/1218776.1218781.

[thumbnail of JSS06.pdf]

Bischofs, L., Giesecke, S., Gottschalk, M., Hasselbring, W., Warns, T. and Willer, S. (2006) Comparative evaluation of dependability characteristics for peer-to-peer architectural styles by simulation . Journal of Systems and Software, 79 (10). pp. 1419-1432. DOI 10.1016/j.jss.2006.02.063.

[thumbnail of HandbuchP2P2006.pdf]

Bischofs, L., Hasselbring, W. and Warns, T. (2006) Peer-to-Peer-Architekturen. In: Handbuch der Software-Architektur. . dPunkt Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 445-461. ISBN 3-89864-372-7

[thumbnail of RCS2006.pdf]

Boskovic, M., Warns, T. and Hasselbring, W. (2006) Model Driven Instrumentation for Relational Event Traces. Radioelektronic and Computer Systems, 18 (6). pp. 124-129.

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Broy, M., Jarke, M., Nagl, M., Rombach, H. D., Cremers, A. B., Ebert, J., Glesner, S., Glinz, M., Goedicke, M., Goos, G., Gruhn, V., Hasselbring, W., Jähnichen, S., Kowalewski, S., Krämer, B. J., Leue, S., Lewerentz, C., Liggesmeyer, P., Lüth, C., Paech, B., Partsch, H. A., Philippow, I., Prechelt, L., Rausch, A., de Roever, W. P., Rumpe, B., Rünger, G., Schäfer, W., Schneider, K., Schürr, A., Tichy, W. F., Westfechtel, B., Zimmermann, W. and Zündorf, A. (2006) Dagstuhl-Manifest zur Strategischen Bedeutung des Software Engineering in Deutschland . [Paper] In: Perspectives Workshop "Challenges for Software Engineering Research" . , 26.06.2006, Dagstuhl, Germany . Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings (05402).

[thumbnail of DiplomarbeitThiloFocke.pdf]

Focke, T. (2006) Performance Monitoring von Middleware-basierten Applikationen. (Diploma thesis), University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, 119 pp.

[thumbnail of PLoP2006.pdf]

Giesecke, S. and Hasselbring, W. (2006) A Taxonomy of Architectural Style Usages. Open Access [Paper] In: Proceedings of the Pattern Languages of Programming (PLoP'06). , October 21-23, 2006, Portland, OR, USA . Proceedings of the Pattern Languages of Programming (PLoP'06), Portland, OR, USA . .

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Giesecke, S., Matevska, J. and Hasselbring, W. (2006) Extending the ANSI/IEEE Standard 1471 for the Representation of Architectural Rationale . [Paper] In: Proceedings of the 4th Nordic Workshop on the Unified Modeling Language and Software Modeling (NWUML'06), Grimstad, Norway . . Proceedings of the 4th Nordic Workshop on the Unified Modeling Language and Software Modeling (NWUML'06), Grimstad, Norway . .

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Giesecke, S., Rohr, M. and Hasselbring, W. (2006) Software-Betriebs-Leitstände für Unternehmensanwendungslandschaften . [Paper] In: Tagungsband Informatik 2006, Band 2. . Tagungsband Informatik 2006, Band 2. ; pp. 110-117 . Lecture Notes in Informatics .

[thumbnail of DagstuhlAtomicity2006.pdf]

Hasselbring, W. (2006) The Case for Handling Inconsistency caused by Errors. [Paper] In: Atomicity: A Unifying Concept in Computer Science. , 19.03.06 - 24.03.06, Dagstuhl, Germany . Atomicity: A Unifying Concept in Computer Science. . Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings (06121).

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Hasselbring, W. (2006) Software-Architektur -- Das aktuelle Schlagwort. Informatik-Spektrum, 29 (1). pp. 48-52. DOI 10.1007/s00287-005-0049-5.

[thumbnail of ESCIENCE2006.pdf]

Hasselbring, W., Heinemann, D., Hurka, J., Scheidsteger, T., Bischofs, L., Mayer, C., Ploski, J., Scherp, G., Lohmann, S., Hoyer-Klick, C., Erbertseder, T., Gesell, G., Schroedter-Homscheidt, M., Heilscher, G., Rehwinkel, J. and Rensberg, S. (2006) WISENT: e-Science for Energy Meteorology. [Paper] In: Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on e-Science amd Grid Computing (e-Science'06). , December 04-06, 2006, Amsterdam, Netherlands . Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on e-Science amd Grid Computing (e-Science'06) . ; pp. 93-100 .

[thumbnail of IEEEComputerTrustSoft2006.pdf]

Hasselbring, W. and Reussner, R. H. (2006) Toward Trustworthy Software Systems. IEEE Computer, 39 (4). pp. 91-92. DOI 10.1109/MC.2006.142.

[thumbnail of LiabilityRisksCACM2006.pdf]

Hasselbring, W., Rohr, M., Taeger, J. and Winteler, D. (2006) Liability Risks in Reusing Third-Party Software. Communications of the ACM, 49 (12). p. 144. DOI 10.1145/1183236.1183258.

[thumbnail of HandbuchMigration2006.pdf]

Krieghoff, S., Hasselbring, W. and Reussner, R. (2006) Migration von Altsystemen zu dienstorientierten Architekturen . In: Handbuch der Software-Architektur. . dPunkt Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 165-182. ISBN 3-89864-372-7

[thumbnail of SoftArch2006.pdf]

Reussner, R. H., Overhage, S., Meister, J., Hasselbring, W. and Weck, W. (2006) Bericht vom Gründungstreffen der Fachgruppe Software-Architektur . Open Access Softwaretechnik-Trends, 26 (4). pp. 61-62.

[thumbnail of MODELS2006.pdf]

Rohr, M., Boskovic, M., Giesecke, S. and Hasselbring, W. (2006) Model-driven Development of Self-managing Software Systems . [Paper] In: Workshop Models@Runtime at MoDELS/UML 2006. , October 1-6, 2006, Genova, Italy . Workshop Models@Runtime at MoDELS/UML 2006. .

[thumbnail of RohrGieseckeHasselbringHielHeuvelWeigand06AClassificationSchemeForSelfAdaptationResearch.pdf] [thumbnail of SOAS2006Poster.pdf]

Rohr, M., Giesecke, S., Hiel, M., van den Heuvel, W. J., Weigand, H. and Hasselbring, W. (2006) A Classification Scheme for Self-adaptation Research . [Paper] In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Self-Organization and Autonomous Systems In Computing and Communications (SOAS'2006). , September 2006, Erfurt, Germany . Proceedings of the International Conference on Self-Organization and Autonomous Systems In Computing and Communications (SOAS'2006) . ; pp. 1-5 .

[thumbnail of SRDS2006.pdf]

Warns, T., Freiling, F. C. and Hasselbring, W. (2006) Solving Consensus Using Structural Failure Models. [Paper] In: 25th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2006). , 2-4 October 2006 , Leeds, UK . Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2006). ; 212 -224 . DOI 10.1109/SRDS.2006.44.

[thumbnail of DACH2006.pdf]

Warns, T. and Hasselbring, W. (2006) Fehlermodelle der Fehlertoleranz für die Einbruchstoleranz . [Paper] In: D•A•CH Security 2006. . D•A•CH Security 2006. ; pp. 110-119 . IT Security and IT Management .

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