Browse by Divisions by year
Number of items: 26.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Bischofs, L., Giesecke, S., Gottschalk, M., Hasselbring, W., Warns, T. and Willer, S.
Comparative evaluation of dependability characteristics for peer-to-peer architectural styles by simulation
Journal of Systems and Software, 79
pp. 1419-1432.
DOI 10.1016/j.jss.2006.02.063.
Boskovic, M., Warns, T. and Hasselbring, W.
Model Driven Instrumentation for Relational Event Traces.
Radioelektronic and Computer Systems, 18
pp. 124-129.
Hasselbring, W.
Software-Architektur -- Das aktuelle Schlagwort.
Informatik-Spektrum, 29
pp. 48-52.
DOI 10.1007/s00287-005-0049-5.
Hasselbring, W. and Reussner, R. H.
Toward Trustworthy Software Systems.
IEEE Computer, 39
pp. 91-92.
DOI 10.1109/MC.2006.142.
Hasselbring, W., Rohr, M., Taeger, J. and Winteler, D.
Liability Risks in Reusing Third-Party Software.
Communications of the ACM, 49
p. 144.
DOI 10.1145/1183236.1183258.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review
Becker, S., Boskovic, M., Dhama, A., Happe, J., Hasselbring, W., Koziolek, H., Lipskoch, H., Meyer, R., Muhle, M., Paul, A., Ploski, J., Rohr, M., Swaminathan, M., Warns, T., Winteler, D. and Giesecke, S.
Trustworthy Software Systems: A Discussion of Basic Concepts and Terminology
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 31
pp. 1-18.
DOI 10.1145/1218776.1218781.
Reussner, R. H., Overhage, S., Meister, J., Hasselbring, W. and Weck, W.
Bericht vom Gründungstreffen der Fachgruppe Software-Architektur
Softwaretechnik-Trends, 26
pp. 61-62.
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Hasselbring, W. and Giesecke, S., eds.
Dependability Engineering.
Gito Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 196 pp.
ISBN 3-936771-56-1
Reussner, R. H. and Hasselbring, W., eds.
Handbuch der Software-Architektur.
dpunkt Verlag, Heildelberg, 557 pp.
ISBN 3-89864-372-7
Gronau, N. and Hasselbring, W., eds.
M-WISE: Modellierung wissensintensiver Prozesse im Software Engineering
Gito Verlag, Berlin, 550 pp.
ISBN 978-3936771800
Hasselbring, W. and Giesecke, S., eds.
Research Methods in Software Engineering.
Gito Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 137 pp.
ISBN 9783936771572
Book chapters
Bischofs, L., Hasselbring, W. and Warns, T.
In: Handbuch der Software-Architektur.
dPunkt Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 445-461.
ISBN 3-89864-372-7
Krieghoff, S., Hasselbring, W. and Reussner, R.
Migration von Altsystemen zu dienstorientierten Architekturen
In: Handbuch der Software-Architektur.
dPunkt Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 165-182.
ISBN 3-89864-372-7
Conference papers
Broy, M., Jarke, M., Nagl, M., Rombach, H. D., Cremers, A. B., Ebert, J., Glesner, S., Glinz, M., Goedicke, M., Goos, G., Gruhn, V., Hasselbring, W., Jähnichen, S., Kowalewski, S., Krämer, B. J., Leue, S., Lewerentz, C., Liggesmeyer, P., Lüth, C., Paech, B., Partsch, H. A., Philippow, I., Prechelt, L., Rausch, A., de Roever, W. P., Rumpe, B., Rünger, G., Schäfer, W., Schneider, K., Schürr, A., Tichy, W. F., Westfechtel, B., Zimmermann, W. and Zündorf, A.
Dagstuhl-Manifest zur Strategischen Bedeutung des Software Engineering in Deutschland
In: Perspectives Workshop "Challenges for Software Engineering Research" . , 26.06.2006, Dagstuhl, Germany .
Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings
Giesecke, S. and Hasselbring, W.
A Taxonomy of Architectural Style Usages.
In: Proceedings of the Pattern Languages of Programming (PLoP'06). , October 21-23, 2006, Portland, OR, USA . Proceedings of the Pattern Languages of Programming (PLoP'06), Portland, OR, USA
. .
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Giesecke, S., Matevska, J. and Hasselbring, W.
Extending the ANSI/IEEE Standard 1471 for the Representation of Architectural Rationale
Proceedings of the 4th Nordic Workshop on the Unified Modeling Language and Software Modeling (NWUML'06), Grimstad, Norway
. .
Proceedings of the 4th Nordic Workshop on the Unified Modeling Language and Software Modeling (NWUML'06), Grimstad, Norway
. .
Giesecke, S., Rohr, M. and Hasselbring, W.
Software-Betriebs-Leitstände für Unternehmensanwendungslandschaften
In: Tagungsband Informatik 2006, Band 2. . Tagungsband Informatik 2006, Band 2. ; pp. 110-117 .
Lecture Notes in Informatics
Hasselbring, W.
The Case for Handling Inconsistency caused by Errors.
In: Atomicity: A Unifying Concept in Computer Science. , 19.03.06 - 24.03.06, Dagstuhl, Germany . Atomicity: A Unifying Concept in Computer Science. .
Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings
Hasselbring, W., Heinemann, D., Hurka, J., Scheidsteger, T., Bischofs, L., Mayer, C., Ploski, J., Scherp, G., Lohmann, S., Hoyer-Klick, C., Erbertseder, T., Gesell, G., Schroedter-Homscheidt, M., Heilscher, G., Rehwinkel, J. and Rensberg, S.
WISENT: e-Science for Energy Meteorology.
In: Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on e-Science amd Grid Computing (e-Science'06). , December 04-06, 2006, Amsterdam, Netherlands . Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on e-Science amd Grid Computing (e-Science'06)
. ; pp. 93-100 .
Rohr, M., Boskovic, M., Giesecke, S. and Hasselbring, W.
Model-driven Development of Self-managing Software Systems
In: Workshop Models@Runtime at MoDELS/UML 2006. , October 1-6, 2006, Genova, Italy . Workshop Models@Runtime at MoDELS/UML 2006. .
Rohr, M., Giesecke, S., Hiel, M., van den Heuvel, W. J., Weigand, H. and Hasselbring, W.
A Classification Scheme for Self-adaptation Research
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Self-Organization and Autonomous Systems In Computing and Communications (SOAS'2006). , September 2006, Erfurt, Germany . Proceedings of the International Conference on Self-Organization and Autonomous Systems In Computing and Communications (SOAS'2006)
. ; pp. 1-5 .
Warns, T., Freiling, F. C. and Hasselbring, W.
Solving Consensus Using Structural Failure Models.
In: 25th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2006). , 2-4 October 2006 , Leeds, UK . Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2006). ; 212 -224 .
DOI 10.1109/SRDS.2006.44.
Warns, T. and Hasselbring, W.
Fehlermodelle der Fehlertoleranz für die Einbruchstoleranz
In: D•A•CH Security 2006. . D•A•CH Security 2006. ; pp. 110-119 .
IT Security and IT Management
Theses - not published by a publisher
Focke, T.
Performance Monitoring von Middleware-basierten Applikationen.
(Diploma thesis), University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, 119 pp.
Reports - other reports
Agosti, M., Bischofs, L., Candela, L., Castelli, D., Ferro, N., Hasselbring, W., Moumoutzis, N., Schuldt, H., Weikum, G., Wurz, M. and Zezula, P.
Evaluation and Comparison of the Service Architecture, P2P, and Grid Approaches for DLs.
, ed. by
Castelli, D., Schuldt, H. and Weikum, G..
DELOS Network of Excellence, 40 pp.
Becker, S., Boskovic, M., Dhama, A., Happe, J., Hasselbring, W., Koziolek, H., Lipskoch, H., Meyer, R., Muhle, M., Paul, A., Ploski, J., Rohr, M., Swaminathan, M., Warns, T., Winteler, D. and Giesecke, S.
Trustworthy Software Systems: A Discussion of Basic Concepts and Terminology
University of Oldenburg, Department of Computer Science
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