Browse by Projects

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Number of items: 73.

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Löschke, S., Kreuzburg, M., Rehder, G., Boettcher, M., Tank, L. and Baatz, C. and ASMASYS-Konsortium (2025) CDRmare Insights: New guidelines on the uniform and knowledge-based assessment of marine CO2 removal methods. Open Access . GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 8 pp. DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.45.

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Kopf, A. and Löschke, S. and the AIMS3 consortium (2025) New findings on sub-seabed storage of carbon dioxide: The six most important outcomes of AIMS³ research. Open Access . CDRmare Insights / AIMS3 . CDRmare, 8 pp. DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.44.

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Löschke, S. (2025) CDRmare Science Stories. Open Access . CDRmare, 108 pp. DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.46.

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Hansson, A., Asayama, S., Böttcher, M. and Fridahl, M. (2024) Editorial: Carbon dioxide removal: perspectives from the social sciences and humanities. Open Access Frontiers in Climate, 6 . Art.Nr. 1509331. DOI 10.3389/fclim.2024.1509331.

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Kreuzburg, M., Baatz, C., Bednarz, L., Böttcher, M., Merk, C., Morganti, T., Tank, L., Yao, W. B. , Wehnert, H. and Rehder, G. (2024) Unified ASsessment framework for proposed methods of MArine CDR and interim knowledge SYnthesiS (ASMASYS). Open Access . ASMASYS, Rostock, 38 pp. DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.37.

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Kreuzburg, M., Baatz, C., Bednarz, L., Böttcher, M., Merk, C., Morganti, T., Tank, L., Yao, W. , Wehnert, H. and Rehder, G. (2024) Bewertungsrahmen für marine CO2-Entnahme und Synthese des aktuellen Wissenstandes - Unified Assessment framework for proposed methods of Marine CDR and interim knowledge Synthesis. Open Access . Leibniz Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde (IOW), Rostock, Germany, 43 pp. DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.38.

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Löschke, S. and Kopf, A. and AIMS3-Konsortium (2024) Neues Wissen zur CO2-Speicherung in ozeanischer Kruste: Die sechs wichtigsten Erkenntnisse aus der AIMS3-Forschung. Open Access . GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 8 pp. DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.39.

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Löschke, S., Kreuzburg, M., Rehder, G., Boettcher, M., Tank, L. and Baatz, C. and ASMASYS-Konsortium (2024) CDRmare Insights: Neuer Leitfaden: Marine CO2-Entnahmemethoden und -projekte einheitlich und wissensbasiert bewerten. Open Access . GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 8 pp. DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.40.

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De Pryck, K. and Boettcher, M. (2024) The rise, fall and rebirth of ocean carbon sequestration as a climate 'solution'. Open Access Global Environmental Change, 85 . Art.Nr. 102820. DOI 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2024.102820.

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Oschlies, A. , Mengis, N. , Rehder, G., Schill, E., Thomas, H., Wallmann, K. and Zimmer, M. (2024) Mögliche Beiträge geologischer und mariner Kohlenstoffspeicher zur Dekarbonisierung. Open Access In: Klimawandel in Deutschland. , ed. by Brasseur, G. P., Jacob, D. and Schuck-Zöller, S.. Springer, Cham, pp. 449-458. ISBN 978-3-662-66695-1 DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-66696-8_35.

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Boettcher, M. and Geden, O. (2024) Mögliche Zukünfte: CO2-Transport- und Speicheranlagen im maritimen Raum. Open Access In: Maritime kritische Infrastrukturen. , ed. by Voelsen, D.. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, pp. 83-86.

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Low, S., Boettcher, M., Asayama, S., Baum, C., Borth, A., Brown, C., Clingerman, F., Dauvergne, P., De Pryck, K., Gupta, A., Honegger, M., Lenzi, D., Reitsma, R., Schenuit, F., Scott-Buechler, C. and Valenzuela, J. M. (2024) An earth system governance research agenda for carbon removal. Open Access Earth System Governance, 19 . Art.Nr. 100204. DOI 10.1016/j.esg.2024.100204.

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Amann, T., Baatz, C., Böttcher, M., Geden, O., Keller, D. P. , Kopf, A., Merk, C., Milinski, S., Mintenbeck, K., Oschlies, A. , Pongratz, J., Proelß, A., Rehder, G., Rickels, W., Riebesell, U. , Sswat, M. , Tank, L., Wallmann, K. , Westmark, L., Wölfelschneider, M. and Zimmer, M. (2024) World Ocean Review: The Ocean – A Climate Champion? How to Boost Marine Carbon Dioxide Uptake. Open Access . World Ocean Review, 8 . Maribus, Hamburg, Germany, 243 pp. ISBN 978-3-86648-733-8

Vivian, C., Böttcher, M. and Boyd, P. W. (2024) Potential of marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) to increase the ocean carbon sink. Open Access In: UNESCO-IOC State of the Ocean Report. ; 2024 . UNESCO, Paris, France, p. 56.

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Fridahl, M., Schenuit, F., Lundberg, L., Möllersten, K., Böttcher, M., Rickels, W. and Hansson, A. (2023) Novel carbon dioxide removals techniques must be integrated into the European Union’s climate policies. Open Access Communications Earth & Environment, 4 . Art.Nr. 459 (2023). DOI 10.1038/s43247-023-01121-9.

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Satterfield, T., Nawaz, S. and Boettcher, M. (2023) Social considerations and best practices to apply to engaging publics on ocean alkalinity enhancement. Open Access State Planet : SP, 2-oae2023 . Chapter 11. DOI 10.5194/sp-2-oae2023-11-2023.

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Boettcher, M., Chai, F., Canothan, M., Cooley, S., Keller, D. P. , Klinsky, S., Lezaun, J., Renforth, P., Scobie, M. and Webb, R. M. (2023) A Code of Conduct for Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal Research. Open Access . Aspen Institute, Energy & Environment Program, Washington, DC, 48 pp.

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Schenuit, F., Gidden, M. J., Boettcher, M., Brutschin, E., Fyson, C., Gasser, T., Geden, O., Lamb, W. F., Mace, M. J., Minx, J. and Riahi, K. (2023) Secure robust carbon dioxide removal policy through credible certification. Open Access Communications Earth & Environment, 4 . 349 (2923). DOI 10.1038/s43247-023-01014-x.

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Schulan, A., Tank, L. and Baatz, C. (2023) Distributive justice and the global emissions budget. Open Access WIREs Climate Change, 14 (5). Art.Nr. e847. DOI 10.1002/wcc.847.

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Tank, L., Neuber, F. and Baatz, C. (2023) Neun Thesen zur Ethik von Climate Engineering. Open Access In: Warnsignal Klima: Hilft Technik gegen die Erderwärmung?. , ed. by Lozan, J., Graßl, H., Breckle, S. W., Kasang, D. and Quante, M.. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen in Kooperation mit GEO Magazin, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 280-285. ISBN 9783982006765 DOI 10.25592/

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Böttcher, M. and Hansen, G. (2023) Comment: UN-Hochseeabkommen: Heimathafen für die globale Meerespolitik. Open Access . Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, 1 pp.

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Schenuit, F., Böttcher, M. and Geden, O. (2023) “Carbon Management”: Opportunities and risks for ambitious climate policy. . SWP Comment, 2023/C 29 . Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, 8 pp. DOI 10.18449/2023C29.

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Boettcher, M. (2023) mCDR Foresight Scenarios: Policy Frameworks for Marine Carbon-Dioxide Removal in 2040. Open Access . SWP Working Paper Research Division EU / Europe, 2023,2 . Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, 35 pp.

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Boettcher, M., Schenuit, F. and Geden, O. (2023) The formative phase of German carbon dioxide removal policy: Positioning between precaution, pragmatism and innovation. Open Access Energy Research & Social Science, 98 . Art.Nr. 103018. DOI 10.1016/j.erss.2023.103018.

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Amann, T., Baatz, C., Böttcher, M., Geden, O., Keller, D. P. , Kopf, A., Merk, C., Milinski, S., Mintenbeck, K., Oschlies, A. , Pongratz, J., Proelß, A., Rehder, G., Rickels, W., Riebesell, U. , Sswat, M. , Tank, L., Wallmann, K. , Westmark, L., Wölfelschneider, M. and Zimmer, M. (2023) World Ocean Review: Klimaretter Ozean? Wie das Meer (noch) mehr Kohlendioxid aufnehmen soll. Open Access . World Ocean Review, 8 . Maribus, Hamburg, Germany, 243 pp. ISBN 978-3-86648-733-8

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Smith, S. M., Geden, O., Nemet, G. F., Gidden, M., Lamb, W. F., Powis, C., Bellamy, R., Callaghan, M., Cowie, A., Cox, E., Fuss, S., Gasser, T., Grassi, G., Green, J., Lück, S., Mohan, A., Müller-Hansen, F., Peters, G., Pratama, Y., Repke, T., Riahi, K., Schenuit, F., Steinhauser, J., Strefler, J., Valenzuela, J. M. and Minx, J. C. (2023) The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal - 1st Edition - The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 108 pp. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/W3B4Z.

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Rickels, W., Rothenstein, R., Schenuit, F. and Fridahl, M. (2022) Procure, Bank, Release: Carbon Removal Certificate Reserves to Manage Carbon Prices on the Path to Net-Zero. Open Access Energy Research & Social Science, 94 . Art.Nr. 102858. DOI 10.1016/j.erss.2022.102858.

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Keller, D. P. , Ketelhake, S., Meyer, J., Neumann, B., Oschlies, A. , Proelß, A. and Rickels, W. (2022) Achieving Climate Neutrality and Paris Agreement Goals: Opportunities for Ocean-Based Methods of Carbon Dioxide Removal, Science Policy Brief. Open Access . CDRmare, Kiel, Germany, 8 pp. DOI 10.3289/cdrmare.oceannets_1.

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Merk, C., Grunau, J., Riekhof, M. C. and Rickels, W. (2022) The need for local governance of global commons: the example of blue carbon ecosystems. Open Access . Kiel Working Paper, 2201 . Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Kiel, Germany, 19 pp.

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Schenuit, F., Böttcher, M. and Geden, O. (2022) Carbon Dioxide Removal As an Integral Building Block of the European Green Deal. Open Access . SWP Comment, 40 . Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, 6 pp.

Tank, L. (2022) Against the budget view in climate ethics. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy . pp. 1-14. DOI 10.1080/13698230.2022.2070833.

Tank, L. (2022) Climate Change and Non-Identity. Utilitas, 34 . pp. 84-96. DOI 10.1017/S0953820821000340.

Merk, C., Grunau, J., Riekhof, M. C. and Rickels, W. (2022) The need for local governance of global commons: The example of blue carbon ecosystems. Ecological Economics, 201 . Art.Nr. 107581. DOI 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2022.107581.

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Sørensen, A., Banet, C., Bjordal, M., Bjørndal, M., Fuhrman, J., Hessen, D. O., Hole, M. S., Levihn, F., Merk, C., Mistry, M., Moss, P., Ramos, F., Roussanaly, S., Røttereng, J. K. S., Skjermo, J., Torvanger, A., Weber, K. and Tomasgard, A. (2022) Negative emissions and carbon dioxide removal (CDR) including ocean scenarios. Open Access . NETI Policy Brief, 01/2022 . NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 24 pp.

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Mohan, A., Geden, O., Fridahl, M., Buck, H. J. and Peters, G. P. (2021) UNFCCC must confront the political economy of net-negative emissions. Open Access One Earth, 4 (10). pp. 1348-1351. DOI 10.1016/j.oneear.2021.10.001.

This list was generated on Mon Feb 10 12:37:45 2025 CET.