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Number of items: 146.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed

Adam, N., Kriete, C., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Gonnella, G., Krause, S., Schippers, A., Kurtz, S., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Han, Y., Indenbirken, D. and Perner, M. (2020) Microbial Community Compositions and Geochemistry of Sediments with Increasing Distance to the Hydrothermal Vent Outlet in the Kairei Field. Open Access Geomicrobiology Journal, 37 (3). pp. 242-254. DOI 10.1080/01490451.2019.1694107.

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Adam, N., Schlicht, S., Han, Y., Bechelany, M., Bachmann, J. and Perner, M. (2020) Metagenomics meets Electrochemistry: utilizing the huge catalytic potential from the uncultured microbial majority for energy-storage. Open Access Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 8 (567). DOI 10.3389/fbioe.2020.00567.

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Aguzzi, J., Albiez, J., Flögel, S., Godø, O. R., Grimsbø, E., Marini, S., Pfannkuche, O., Rodriguez, E., Thomsen, L., Torkelsen, T., Valencia, J., López-Vázquez, V., Wehde, H. and Zhang, G. (2020) A Flexible Autonomous Robotic Observatory Infrastructure for Bentho-Pelagic Monitoring. Open Access Sensors, 20 (6). p. 1614. DOI 10.3390/s20061614.

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Aguzzi, J., Flexas, M. M., Flögel, S., Lo Iacono, C., Tangherlini, M., Costa, C., Marini, S., Bahamon, N., Martini, S., Fanelli, E., Danovaro, R., Stefanni, S., Thomsen, L., Riccobene, G., Hildebrandt, M., Masmitja, I., Del Rio, J., Clark, E. B., Branch, A., Weiss, P., Klesh, A. T. and Schodlok, M. P. (2020) Exo-Ocean Exploration with Deep-Sea Sensor and Platform Technologies. Open Access Astrobiology, 20 (7). pp. 897-915. DOI 10.1089/ast.2019.2129.

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Alcott, L. J., Krause, A. J., Hammarlund, E. U., Bjerrum, C. J., Scholz, F. , Xiong, Y., Hobson, A. J., Neve, L., Mills, B. J. W., März, C., Schnetger, B., Bekker, A. and Poulton, S. W. (2020) Development of Iron Speciation Reference Materials for Palaeoredox Analysis. Open Access Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 44 (3). pp. 581-591. DOI 10.1111/ggr.12342.

Bajnai, D., Guo, W., Spötl, C., Coplen, T. B., Methner, K., Löffler, N., Krsnik, E., Gischler, E., Hansen, M., Henkel, D., Price, G. D., Raddatz, J., Scholz, D. and Fiebig, J. (2020) Dual clumped isotope thermometry resolves kinetic biases in carbonate formation temperatures. Open Access Nature Communications, 11 . Art.Nr. 4005. DOI 10.1038/s41467-020-17501-0.

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Beil, S. , Kuhnt, W., Holbourn, A., Scholz, F., Oxmann, J., Wallmann, K. , Lorenzen, J., Aquit, M. and Chellai, E. H. (2020) Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events prolonged by phosphorus cycle feedbacks. Open Access Climate of the Past, 16 (2). pp. 757-782. DOI 10.5194/cp-16-757-2020.

Blaser, P., Gutjahr, M. , Pöppelmeier, F., Frank, M. , Kaboth-Bahr, S. and Lippold, J. (2020) Labrador Sea bottom water provenance and REE exchange during the past 35,000 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 542 (Article number 116299). DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116299.

Böttner, C. , Haeckel, M. , Schmidt, M. , Berndt, C. , Vielstädte, L., Kutsch, J. A., Karstens, J. and Weiß, T. (2020) Greenhouse gas emissions from marine decommissioned hydrocarbon wells: leakage detection, monitoring and mitigation strategies. Open Access International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 100 . Article number 103119. DOI 10.1016/j.ijggc.2020.103119.

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Bradley, J. A., Arndt, S., Amend, J. P., Burwicz, E. B. , Dale, A. W. , Egger, M. and LaRowe, D. E. (2020) Widespread energy limitation to life in global subseafloor sediments. Open Access Science Advances, 6 (32). eaba0697. DOI 10.1126/sciadv.aba0697.

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Burwicz, E. B. and Haeckel, M. (2020) Basin-scale estimates on petroleum components generation in the Western Black Sea basin based on 3-D numerical modelling. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 113 (Article number 104122). DOI 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.104122.

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Chen, X. G., Yu, M. Z., Loh, P. S., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Qiu, Z., Schmidt, M. , Zhang, H. Y., Chen, C. T. A., Zheng, H. and Ye, Y. (2020) A tidal-influenced hydrothermal system temporarily cooled by a tropical storm. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 393 . Art.Nr. 106792. DOI 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.106792.

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Dummann, W. , Steinig, S. , Hofmann, P., Flögel, S., Osborne, A. H. , Frank, M. , Herrle, J. O., Bretschneider, L., Sheward, R. M. and Wagner, T. (2020) The impact of Early Cretaceous gateway evolution on ocean circulation and organic carbon burial in the emerging South Atlantic and Southern Ocean basins. Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 530 (Article number 115890). DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115890.

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Erdem, Z. , Schönfeld, J., Rathburn, A. E., Perez, M. E., Cardich, J. and Glock, N. (2020) Bottom-water deoxygenation at the Peruvian Margin during the last deglaciation recorded by benthic foraminifera. Open Access Biogeosciences (BG), 17 . pp. 3165-3182. DOI 10.5194/bg-17-3165-2020.

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Eroglu, S., Scholz, F., Frank, M. and Siebert, C. (2020) Influence of particulate versus diffusive molybdenum supply mechanisms on the molybdenum isotope composition of continental margin sediments. Open Access Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 273 . pp. 51-69. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2020.01.009.

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Findlay, A. J., Pellerin, A., Laufer, K. and Jørgensen, B. B. (2020) Quantification of sulphide oxidation rates in marine sediment. Open Access Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 280 . pp. 441-452. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2020.04.007.

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Gasperini, L., Lazar, M., Mazzini, A., Lupi, M., Haddad, A., Hensen, C. , Schmidt, M. , Caracausi, A., Ligi, M. and Polonia, A. (2020) Neotectonics of the Sea of Galilee (northeast Israel): implication for geodynamics and seismicity along the Dead Sea Fault system. Open Access Scientific Reports, 10 (11932). DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-67930-6.

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Gebregiorgis, D., Giosan, L., Hathorne, E. C. , Anand, P., Nilsson‐Kerr, K., Plass, A., Lückge, A., Clemens, S. C. and Frank, M. (2020) What can we learn from X‐ray fluorescence core scanning data? A paleo‐monsoon case study. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21 (2). e2019GC008414. DOI 10.1029/2019GC008414.

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Geilert, S. , Grasse, P. , Doering, K. , Wallmann, K. , Ehlert, C. , Scholz, F., Frank, M. , Schmidt, M. and Hensen, C. (2020) Impact of ambient conditions on the Si isotope fractionation in marine pore fluids during early diagenesis. Open Access Biogeosciences (BG), 17 . pp. 1745-1763. DOI 10.5194/bg-17-1745-2020.

Geilert, S. , Grasse, P. , Wallmann, K. , Liebetrau, V. and Menzies, C. D. (2020) Serpentine alteration as source of high dissolved silicon and elevated δ30Si values to the marine Si cycle. Open Access Nature Communications, 11 (Art.Nr. 5123). DOI 10.1038/s41467-020-18804-y.

Glock, N., Romero, D., Roy, A. S., Woehle, C., Dale, A. W. , Schönfeld, J., Wein, T., Weissenbach, J. and Dagan, T. (2020) A hidden sedimentary phosphate pool inside benthic foraminifera from the Peruvian upwelling region might nucleate phosphogenesis. Open Access Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 289 . pp. 14-32. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2020.08.002.

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Grasse, P. , Closset, I., Jones, J. L., Geilert, S. and Brzezinski, M. A. (2020) Controls on Dissolved Silicon Isotopes along the US GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect (GP16). Open Access Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34 (9). e2020GB006538. DOI 10.1029/2020GB006538.

Gros, J. , Arey, J. S., Socolofsky, S. A. and Dissanayake, A. L. (2020) Dynamics of live oil droplets and natural gas bubbles in deep water. Open Access Environmental Science & Technology, 54 (19). pp. 11865-11875. DOI 10.1021/acs.est.9b06242.

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Gupta, S. , Wohlmuth, B. and Haeckel, M. (2020) An All-At-Once Newton Strategy for Marine Methane Hydrate Reservoir Models. Open Access Energies, 13 (2). p. 503. DOI 10.3390/en13020503.

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Haffert, L., Haeckel, M. , de Stigter, H. and Janßen, F. (2020) Assessing the temporal scale of deep-sea mining impacts on sediment biogeochemistry. Open Access Biogeosciences (BG), 17 . pp. 2767-2789. DOI 10.5194/bg-17-2767-2020.

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Hallmann, N., Camoin, G., Eisenhauer, A. , Samankassou, E., Vella, C., Botella, A., Milne, G. A., Pothin, V., Dussouillez, P., Fleury, J., Fietzke, J. and Goepfert, T. (2020) Reef response to sea-level and environmental changes in the Central South Pacific over the past 6000 years. Open Access Global and Planetary Change, 195 . Art.Nr. 103357. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103357.

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Herbert, L. C. , Riedinger, N., Michaud, A. B., Laufer, K., Røy, H., Jørgensen, B. B., Heilbrun, C., Aller, R. C., Cochran, J. K. and Wehrmann, L. M. (2020) Glacial controls on redox-sensitive trace element cycling in Arctic fjord sediments (Spitsbergen, Svalbard). Open Access Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 271 . pp. 33-60. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2019.12.005.

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Hoffmann, J. J. L., Schneider von Deimling, J., Schröder, J. F., Schmidt, M. , Held, P., Crutchley, G. J. , Scholten, J. and Gorman, A. R. (2020) Complex eyed pockmarks and submarine groundwater discharge revealed by acoustic data and sediment cores in Eckernförde Bay, SW Baltic Sea. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21 (4). e2019GC008825. DOI 10.1029/2019GC008825.

Huang, H. , Gutjahr, M. , Eisenhauer, A. and Kuhn, G. (2020) No detectable Weddell Sea Antarctic Bottom Water export during the Last and Penultimate Glacial Maximum. Open Access Nature Communications, 11 (424). DOI 10.1038/s41467-020-14302-3.

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Jurikova, H., Gutjahr, M. , Wallmann, K. , Flögel, S., Liebetrau, V., Posenato, R., Angiolini, L., Garbelli, C., Brand, U., Wiedenbeck, M. and Eisenhauer, A. (2020) Permian–Triassic mass extinction pulses driven by major marine carbon cycle perturbations. Nature Geoscience, 13 . pp. 745-750. DOI 10.1038/s41561-020-00646-4.

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Jurikova, H., Ippach, M., Liebetrau, V., Gutjahr, M. , Krause, S. , Büsse, S., Gorb, S., Henkel, D., Hiebenthal, C. , Schmidt, M. , Leipe, T., Laudien, J. and Eisenhauer, A. (2020) Incorporation of minor and trace elements into cultured brachiopods: implications for proxy application with new insights from a biomineralisation model. Open Access Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 286 . pp. 418-440. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2020.07.026.

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Juva, K., Flögel, S., Karstensen, J. , Linke, P. and Dullo, W. C. (2020) Tidal dynamics control on cold-water coral growth: A high-resolution multivariable study on eastern Atlantic cold-water coral sites . Open Access Frontiers in Marine Science, 7 (132). DOI 10.3389/fmars.2020.00132.

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Kampmeier, M., van der Lee, E. M., Wichert, U. and Greinert, J. (2020) Exploration of the munition dumpsite Kolberger Heide in Kiel Bay, Germany: Example for a standardised hydroacoustic and optic monitoring approach. Open Access Continental Shelf Research, 198 (Article number 104108). DOI 10.1016/j.csr.2020.104108.

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Kavil, Y. N., Shaban, Y. A., Alelyani, S. S., Al-Farawati, R., Orif, M. I., Ghandourah, M. A., Schmidt, M. , Turki, A. J. and Zobidi, M. (2020) The removal of methylene blue as a remedy of dye-based marine pollution: a photocatalytic perspective. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 46 (1). pp. 755-768. DOI 10.1007/s11164-019-03988-w.

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Khalil, R., Antonio, L., Laurent, M. R., David, K., Kim, N. R., Evenepoel, P., Eisenhauer, A. , Heuser, A. , Cavalier, E., Khosla, S., Claessens, F., Vanderschueren, D. and Decallonne, B. (2020) Early effects of androgen deprivation on bone and mineral homeostasis in adult men: a prospective cohort study. Open Access European Journal of Endocrinology, 183 (2). pp. 181-189. DOI 10.1530/EJE-20-0348.

Krause, S. , Molari, M., Gorb, E. V., Gorb, S., Kossel, E. and Haeckel, M. (2020) Persistence of plastic debris and its colonization by bacterial communities after two decades on the abyssal seafloor. Open Access Scientific Reports, 10 (9484). DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-66361-7.

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LaRowe, D. E., Arndt, S., Bradley, J. A., Burwicz, E. B. , Dale, A. W. and Amend, J. (2020) Organic carbon and microbial activity in marine sediments on a global scale throughout the Quaternary. Open Access Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 286 . pp. 227-247. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2020.07.017.

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Laufer, K., Michaud, A. B. , Røy, H. and Jørgensen, B. B. (2020) Reactivity of Iron Minerals in the Seabed Toward Microbial Reduction – A Comparison of Different Extraction Techniques. Geomicrobiology Journal, 37 (2). pp. 170-189. DOI 10.1080/01490451.2019.1679291.

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Lee, Y., Deusner, C. , Kossel, E. , Choi, W., Seo, Y. and Haeckel, M. (2020) Influence of CH4 hydrate exploitation using depressurization and replacement methods on mechanical strength of hydrate-bearing sediment. Open Access Applied Energy, 277 (Art.Nr. 115569). DOI 10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.115569.

Liu, H., Xiao, Y., Sun, H., Tong, F., Heuser, A. , Churikova, T. and Wörner, G. (2020) Trace elements and Li isotope compositions across the Kamchatka arc: Constraints on slab‐derived fluid sources. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125 (5). Art.Nr. e2019JB019237. DOI 10.1029/2019JB019237.

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Loginova, A. N. , Dale, A. W. , Le Moigne, F. A. C. , Thomsen, S. , Sommer, S., Wallmann, K. and Engel, A. (2020) Sediment release of dissolved organic matter to the oxygen minimum zone off Peru. Open Access Biogeosciences (BG), 17 . pp. 4663-4679. DOI 10.5194/bg-17-4663-2020.

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Lüdke, J. , Dengler, M. , Sommer, S., Clemens, D. , Thomsen, S. , Krahmann, G. , Dale, A. W. , Achterberg, E. P. and Visbeck, M. (2020) Influence of intraseasonal eastern boundary circulation variability on hydrography and biogeochemistry off Peru. Open Access Ocean Science, 16 . pp. 1347-1366. DOI 10.5194/os-16-1347-2020.

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Lueder, U., Maisch, M., Laufer, K., Jo̷rgensen, B. B., Kappler, A. and Schmidt, C. (2020) Influence of Physical Perturbation on Fe(II) Supply in Coastal Marine Sediments. Environmental Science & Technology, 54 (6). pp. 3209-3218. DOI 10.1021/acs.est.9b06278.

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Michaud, A. B., Laufer, K., Findlay, A., Pellerin, A., Antler, G., Turchyn, A. V., Røy, H., Wehrmann, L. M. and Jørgensen, B. B. (2020) Glacial influence on the iron and sulfur cycles in Arctic fjord sediments (Svalbard). Open Access Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 280 . pp. 423-440. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2019.12.033.

Minshull, T. A., Marín-Moreno, H., Betlem, P., Bialas, J. , Buenz, S., Burwicz, E. B. , Cameselle, A. L., Cifci, G., Giustiniani, M. , Hillman, J. I. T., Hölz, S. , Hopper, J. R., Ion, G., León, R., Magalhaes, V., Makovsky, Y., Mata, M. P., Max, M. D., Nielsen, T., Okay, S., Ostrovsky, I., O'Neill, N., Pinheiro, L. M., Plaza-Faverola, A. A., Rey, D., Roy, S. , Schwalenberg, K., Senger, K. , Vadakkepuliyambatta, S. , Vasilev, A. and Vázquez, J. T. (2020) Hydrate occurrence in Europe: A review of available evidence. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 111 . pp. 735-764. DOI 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.08.014.

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Müller, T., Jurikova, H., Gutjahr, M. , Tomasovych, A., Schlögl, J., Liebetrau, V., Duarte, L. v., Milovsky, R., Suan, G., Mattioli, E., Pittet, B. and Eisenhauer, A. (2020) Ocean acidification during the early Toarcian extinction event: Evidence from boron isotopes in brachiopods. Open Access Geology, 48 (12). pp. 1184-1188. DOI 10.1130/G47781.1.

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Müller, T. , Friesen, J., Weise, S. M., Al Abri, O., Bait Said, A. B. A. and Michelsen, N. (2020) Stable Isotope Composition of Cyclone Mekunu Rainfall, Southern Oman. Open Access Water Resources Research, 56 (12). e2020WR027644. DOI 10.1029/2020WR027644.

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Neumann, E. R., Marsh, J. S., Galerne, C. , Polteau, S., Svensen, H. and Planke, S. (2020) Co-existing low-Ti and high-Ti dolerites in two large dykes in the Gap Dyke swarm, southeastern Karoo Basin (South Africa). South African Journal of Geology, 123 (1). pp. 19-34. DOI 10.25131/sajg.123.0003.

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Olsen, A., Lange, N., Key, R. M., Tanhua, T. , Bittig, H. C., Kozyr, A., Álvarez, M., Azetsu-Scott, K., Becker, S., Brown, P. J., Carter, B. R., Cotrim da Cunha, L., Feely, R. A., van Heuven, S., Hoppema, M., Ishii, M., Jeansson, E., Jutterström, S., Landa, C. S., Lauvset, S. K., Michaelis, P., Murata, A., Pérez, F. F., Pfeil, B., Schirnick, C. , Steinfeldt, R., Suzuki, T., Tilbrook, B., Velo, A., Wanninkhof, R. and Woosley, R. J. (2020) An updated version of the global interior ocean biogeochemical data product, GLODAPv2.2020. Open Access Earth System Science Data, 12 (4). pp. 3653-3678. DOI 10.5194/essd-12-3653-2020.

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Pape, T. , Bünz, S., Hong, W. ‐. , Torres, M. E. , Riedel, M. , Panieri, G. , Lepland, A., Hsu, C. W. , Wintersteller, P., Wallmann, K. , Schmidt, C. , Yao, H. and Bohrmann, G. (2020) Origin and transformation of light hydrocarbons ascending at an active pockmark on Vestnesa Ridge, Arctic Ocean. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125 (1). Art.Nr. e2018JB016679. DOI 10.1029/2018JB016679.

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Pape, T., Haeckel, M. , Riedel, M. , Kölling, M., Schmidt, M. , Wallmann, K. and Bohrmann, G. (2020) Formation pathways of light hydrocarbons in deep sediments of the Danube deep-sea fan, Western Black Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 122 (Art.Nr. 104627). DOI 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104627.

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Plass, A., Schlosser, C. , Sommer, S., Dale, A. W. , Achterberg, E. P. and Scholz, F. (2020) The control of hydrogen sulfide on benthic iron and cadmium fluxes in the oxygen minimum zone off Peru. Open Access Biogeosciences (BG), 17 . pp. 3685-3704. DOI 10.5194/bg-17-3685-2020.

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Pöppelmeier, F., Blaser, P., Gutjahr, M. , Jaccard, S. L., Frank, M. , Max, L. and Lippold, J. (2020) Northern Sourced Water dominated the Atlantic Ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum. Open Access Geology, 48 (8). pp. 826-829. DOI 10.1130/G47628.1.

Pöppelmeier, F. , Gutjahr, M. , Blaser, P. , Oppo, D. W., Jaccard, S. L., Regelous, M., Huang, K. F., Süfke, F. and Lippold, J. (2020) Water mass gradients of the mid-depth Southwest Atlantic during the past 25,000 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 531 . Art.Nr. 115963. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115963.

Pöppelmeier, F., Scheen, J., Blaser, P., Lippold, J., Gutjahr, M. and Stocker, T. F. (2020) Influence of Elevated Nd Fluxes on the Northern Nd Isotope End Member of the Atlantic During the Early Holocene. Open Access Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35 (11). e2020PA003973. DOI 10.1029/2020PA003973.

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Purkiani, K., Paul, A., Vink, A., Walter, M., Schulz, M. and Haeckel, M. (2020) Evidence of eddy-related deep-ocean current variability in the northeast tropical Pacific Ocean induced by remote gap winds. Open Access Biogeosciences (BG), 17 (24). pp. 6527-6544. DOI 10.5194/bg-17-6527-2020.

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Purser, A., Hoge, U., Lemburg, J., Bodur, Y., Schiller, E., Ludszuweit, J., Greinert, J. and Wenzhöfer, F. (2020) PlasPI marine cameras: Open-source, affordable camera systems for time series marine studies. Open Access HardwareX, 7 (e00102). DOI 10.1016/j.ohx.2020.e00102.

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Ragazzola, F. , Caragnano, A. , Basso, D., Schmidt, D. N., Fietzke, J. and Coxall, H. (2020) Establishing temperate crustose early Holocene coralline algae as archives for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of the shallow water habitats of the Mediterranean Sea. Open Access Palaeontology, 63 (1). pp. 155-170. DOI 10.1111/pala.12447.

Rahlf, P., Hathorne, E. , Laukert, G. , Gutjahr, M. , Weldeab, S. and Frank, M. (2020) Tracing water mass mixing and continental inputs in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean with dissolved neodymium isotopes. Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 530 (Article number 115944). DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115944.

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Ramírez, G. A., McKay, L. J., Fields, M. W., Buckley, A., Mortera, C., Hensen, C. , Ravelo, A. C. and Teske, A. P. (2020) The Guaymas Basin Subseafloor Sedimentary Archaeome Reflects Complex Environmental Histories. Open Access iScience, 23 (9). Art.Nr. 101459. DOI 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101459.

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Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review

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Chen, X., Schmidt, M. , Ono, S., Chen, C. A. and Ye, Y. (Submitted) Abiotic Hydrocarbons Discharge from A Felsic Rock-Hosted Hydrothermal System. Open Access Preprints, 2020 (2020040475).

Frey, T. and Greinert, J. (2020) Wie weiter mit den Kampfmittelaltlasten im Meer?. Open Access Earth System Knowledge Platform [], 7 . DOI 10.2312/eskp.043.

Shroff, R., Fewtrell, M., Kolevica, A., Lalayiannis, A. D., Schmitt, C. p., Fischer, D. C. and Eisenhauer, A. (2020) Calcium Isotopes: A Novel Biomarker of Bone Mineralization in CKD: TH-OR16. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 31 (10S). p. 5. DOI 10.1681/ASN.20203110S15b.


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Frey, T. (2020) Quality Guideline for Offshore Explosive Ordnance Disposal. Open Access . Beuth Verlag, Berlin, Wien, Zürich, 204 pp. 1st ISBN 978-3-410-29878-6

Book chapters

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Barbie, A., Hasselbring, W., Pech, N., Sommer, S., Flögel, S. and Wenzhofer, F. (2020) Prototyping Autonomous Robotic Networks on Different Layers of RAMI 4.0 with Digital Twins. In: IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI), Karlsruhe, Germany, 2020. . IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-7281-6422-9 DOI 10.1109/MFI49285.2020.9235210.

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Galerne, C. and Berndt, C. (2020) Magmatismus in Sedimentbecken: der Ursache vergangener Umweltkatastrophen auf der Spur. Open Access In: Vulkanismus und Gesellschaft: zwischen Risiko, Vorsorge und Faszination. , ed. by Jorzik, O., Kandarr, J., Klinghamer, P. and Spreen, D.. ESKP-Themenspezial . Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, Potsdam, Germany, pp. 109-112. ISBN 978-3-9816597-3-3 DOI 10.2312/eskp.2020.2.5.4.

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Haeckel, M. (2020) Methanhydrate. In: Tiefsee - Vielfalt ind der Dunkelheit. , ed. by Müller, T. and Hoffmann-Wieck, G.. Senckenberg-Buch, 83 . Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp. 156-158. ISBN 978-3-510-61415-8

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Haeckel, M. , Vink, A., Janssen, F. and Kasten, S. (2020) Environmental Impacts of Deep Seabed Mining. In: New Knowledge and Changing Circumstances in the Law of the Sea. , ed. by Heidar, T.. Brill, Leiden, pp. 327-342. ISBN 978-90-04-43775-3 DOI 10.1163/9789004437753_018.

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Linke, P. (2020) Meerestechnik für die Tiefseeforschung. In: Tiefsee - Vielfalt in der Dunkelheit. , ed. by Müller, T. and Hoffmann-Wieck, G.. Senckenberg-Buch, 83 . Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp. 31-37. ISBN 978-3-510-61415-8

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Oldenburg, T. B. P., Jaeger, P., Gros, J. , Socolofsky, S. A., Pesch, S., Radovic, J. R. and Jaggi, A. (2020) Physical and Chemical Properties of Oil and Gas Under Reservoir and Deep-Sea Conditions. In: Deep Oil Spills: Facts, Fate, and Effects. , ed. by Murawski, S. A., Ainsworth, C. H., Gilbert, S., Hollander, D. J., Paris, C. B., Schlüter, M. and Wetzel, D. L.. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 25-42. ISBN 978-3-030-11604-0 DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-11605-7_3.

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Petersen, S. and Haeckel, M. (2020) Mineralische Rohstoffe der Tiefsee. In: Tiefsee - Vielfalt in der Dunkelheit. , ed. by Müller, T. and Hoffmann-Wieck, G.. Senckenberg-Buch, 83 . Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp. 147-149. ISBN 978-3-510-61415-8

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Sommer, S. and Linke, P. (2020) Cold-Seep-Ökosysteme - Oasen oder Leben am Limit. In: Tiefsee - Vielfalt in der Dunkelheit. , ed. by Müller, T. and Hoffmann-Wieck, G.. Senckenberg-Buch, 83 . Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp. 62-68. ISBN 978-3-510-61415-8

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Vaz, A. C., Paris, C. B., Dissanayake, A. L., Socolofsky, S. A., Gros, J. and Boufadel, M. C. (2020) Dynamic Coupling of Near-Field and Far-Field Models. In: Deep Oil Spills: Facts, Fate, and Effects. , ed. by Murawski, S. A., Ainsworth, C. H., Gilbert, S., Hollander, D. J., Paris, C. B., Schlüter, M. and Wetzel, D. L.. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 139-154. ISBN 978-3-030-11604-0 DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-11605-7_9.

Conference papers

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She, M. and Köser, K. (2020) Considering Spherical Refraction in Visual Ocean Gas Release Quantification. [Paper] In: 2020 International Conference on Computer Vision, Image and Deep Learning, CVIDL 2020. , 10.07.2020, Chongqing; China . Proceedings - 2020 International Conference on Computer Vision, Image and Deep Learning. ; pp. 64-69 . DOI 10.1109/CVIDL51233.2020.00020.


Burwicz-Galerne, E. (2020) Modeling Natural Gas Hydrate Systems. [Invited talk] In: Gordon Research Conference on Natural Gas Hydrate Systems. , 23.-28.02.2020, Galveston, TX, USA .

Cooper, C., Adams, E., Gros, J. and Socolofsky, S. (2020) An evaluation of models to calculate droplet size from subsurface oil releases. [Talk] In: Gulf of Mexico Oil Spills and Ecosystem Science Conference (GoMOSES) 2020. , 03.-06.02.2020, Tampa, USA .

Gros, J. (2020) Effect of dispersant on the behavior of petroleum in the deep sea during the Deepwater Horizon accident. [Talk] In: GoMRI Virtual Dispersant Workshop 2020. , 16.-20.11.2020, Online .

Gros, J. , Schmidt, M. , Linke, P. , Elsen, S., Triest, J., Fone, J., Bull, J., Roche, B., Flohr, A., Strong, A., Saw, K., Brown, R., Koopmans, D. and Schaap, A. (2020) Leakage monitoring and quantification by tracing and modelling dissolved CO2 plumes at the Goldeneye CO2 release experiment. [Talk] In: International Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO2 Storage and STEMM-CCS Open Science Meeting 2020. , 11.2.-12.2.2020, Bergen, Norway .

Jun, I., Socolofsky, S. A., Gros, J. , Dissanayake, A. L., Barker, C. H. and Hennen, J. (2020) Prediction of transport and dissolution of oil and gas released from accidental subsea spills: A coupled near and far field model. [Talk] In: Gulf of Mexico Oil Spills and Ecosystem Science Conference (GoMOSES) 2020. , 03.-06.02.2020, Tampa, USA .

Laukert, G. , Bauch, D. , Peeken, I., Krumpen, T., Werner , K., Hathorne, E. , Gutjahr, M. , Kassens, H. and Frank, M. (2020) Dissolved neodymium isotopes trace origin and spatiotemporal evolution of modern Arctic sea ice. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 03.05.-08.05.2020, Online .

Conference posters

Arey, J. S., Gros, J. , Redman, A. D., Bleich, A., Letinski, D., Conelly , M. and Nelson, R. K. (2020) Quantifying biodegradation rates of thousands of petroleum constituents in seawater by GCxGC-FID . [Poster] In: SETAC North America 41. Annual Meeting (SciCon2 Virtual Meeting) 2020. , 15.11.-19.11.2020, Online .

Gros, J. , Flohr, A., Meklenburg, I., Dale, A. W. , Linke, P. and Sommer, S. (2020) Deployment of benthic chambers at the Goldeneye CO2 release field experiment: Lessons learned for CCS leak detection. [Poster] In: International Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO2 Storage and STEMM-CCS Open Science Meeting 2020. , 11.2.-12.2.2020, Bergen, Norway .

Kossel, E. , Deusner, C. and Haeckel, M. (2020) A novel set-up for combined imaging and flow-through experiments with sediment cores. [Poster] In: 4. International Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO2 Storage and STEMM-CCS Open Science Meeting. , 11.-12.02.2020, Bergen, Norway .

Theses - not published by a publisher

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Adam, N. M. (2020) Microbial hydrogen oxidation in deep-sea hydrothermal vents . (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, 121 pp.

Reports - Cruise Reports

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Beck, A. , Goldstein, J., Javidpour, J. , Kossel, E. , Lopes, C., Pantó, G., Saupe, A. and Wittmann, A. (2020) RiverOceanPlastic: Land-ocean transfer of plastic debris in the North Atlantic, Cruise No. AL534/2, 05 March – 26 March 2020, Malaga (Spain) – Kiel (Germany) . Open Access . Alkor-Berichte, AL534/2 . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 43 pp. DOI 10.3289/CR_AL534-2.

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Brix, S., Taylor, J., Le Saout, M. , Mercado-Salas, N., Kaiser, S., Lörz, A. N., Gatzemeier, N., Jeskulke, K., Kürzel, K., Neuhaus, J., Paulus, E., Uhlir, C., Korfhage, S., Bruhn, M., Stein, T., Wilsenack, M., Siegler, V., Schumacher, M., Lux, T., Gärtner, L., Abegg, F., Pieper, M., Bodendorfer, M., Cuno, P., Huusmann, H., Matthiessen, T., Bischof, F. and Suck, I. and Shipboard Party (2020) Depth transects and connectivity along gradients in the North Atlantic and Nordic Seas in the frame of the IceAGE project (Icelandic marine Animals: Genetics and Ecology), Cruise No. SO276 (MerMet17-06), 22.06.2020 - 26.07.2020, Emden (Germany) - Emden (Germany). Open Access . Sonne-Berichte, SO276 . Leitstelle Deutscher Forschungsschiffe, Bonn, Germany, 48 pp. DOI 10.48433/cr_so276.

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Fiedler, B., Hoving, H. J. , Schütte, F., Czudaj, S., Genio, L., Cunha, M., Meckel, S., Waldmann, C., Fock, H., Silva, P., Vieira, N., Karstensen, J. , Krahmann, G. , Liu, H., Schoening, T. and Flögel, S. (2020) Intra-annual variability of biological, chemical and physical parameters at the Senghor seamount Cruise No. MSM61 18.02.2017 – 27.02.2017, Mindelo (Cabo Verde) – Las Palmas (Spain). Open Access . Maria S. Merian-Berichte, MSM61 . Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe, Bonn, Germany, 30 pp. DOI 10.48433/cr_msm61.

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Hensen, C. , Adao, H., Arn, S., Batista, L., Belosa, L., Bodenbinder, A., Cherednichenko, S., Domeyer, B., Duarte, J., Glombitza, C., Kaul, N., Koppe, M., Li, J., Liebetrau, V., Müller, T. , Nogueira, P., Nuzzo, M., Petersen, A., Schmidt, M. , Schmidt, J. N., Schmidt, T., Sroczynska, K., Stelzner, M., Terrinha, P., Warnken, N. and Weber, U. W. (2020) Exploring subsurface fluid flow and active dewatering along the oceanic plate boundary between Africa and Eurasia (Gloria Fault), Cruise No. M162, 06.03.2020 – 11.04.2020, Ponta Delgada (Portugal) – Emden (Germany) GLORIA-FLOW. Open Access . METEOR-Berichte, M162 . Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe, Bonn, 189 pp. DOI 10.48433/cr_m162.

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Hissmann, K., Rothenbeck, M., Wenzlaff, E., Weiß, T. and Leibold, P. (2020) RV ALKOR Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report AL533 - Mutual Field Trials of the Manned Submersible JAGO and the Hover-AUVs ANTON and LUISE off the Aeolian Islands, Mediterranean Sea, Catania (Italy) – La Seyne-sur-mer (France) 05.02. – 18.02.2020 . Open Access . GEOMAR Report, N. Ser. 055 . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 43 pp. DOI 10.3289/GEOMAR_REP_NS_55_2020.

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Kampmeier, M. (2020) RV LITTORINA L15-20 [L20-15] Cruise Report 01.–07.08.2020 BASTA. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 14 pp.

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Kampmeier, M. (2020) RV LITTORINA L13-20 [L20-13] Cruise Report 04.–11.07.2020 BASTA. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 15 pp.

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Sommer, S., Adam, N., Becker, K., Dale, A. W. , Hahn, J. , Kampmeier, M., Paulsen, M., Katzenmeier, S. and Körtzinger, A. (2020) Role of Eddies in the Carbon Pump of Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems, REEBUS, Cruise No. M156, 03.07. – 01.08.2019 Mindelo (Cap Verde) – Mindelo . Open Access . Meteor Berichte, M156 . Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe, Bonn, 53 pp. DOI 10.2312/cr_m156.

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Teske, A. P., Lizarralde, D., Höfig, T. W., Aiello, I. W., Ash, J. L., Bojanova, D. P., Buatier, M. D., Edgcomb, V. P., Galerne, C. , Gontharet, S., Heuer, V. B., Jiang, S., Kars, M. A. C., Kim, J., Koorneef, L. M. T., Marsaglia, K. M., Meyer, N. R., Morono, Y., Neumann, F., Negrete-Aranda, R., Pastor, L. C., Penas-Salinas, M. E., Perez Cruz, L. L., Ran, L., Riboulleau, A., Sarao, J. A., Schubert, F., Khogernkumar Singh, S., Stock, J. M., Toffin, L. M. A. A., Xie, W., Yamanaka, T. and Zhuang, G. (2020) Expedition 385 Preliminary Report: Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere. Open Access . IODP Preliminary Report, 385 . IODP, 41 pp. DOI 10.14379/

Reports - Weekly reports

[thumbnail of Weekly Report AL548_1.pdf]

Greinert, J. (2020) 1. Weekly Report AL548 / MineMoni II . Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 6 pp.

[thumbnail of AL548_WR_2.pdf]

Greinert, J. (2020) 2. Weekly Report AL548 / MineMoni II . Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 7 pp.

[thumbnail of M162-1WB_de.pdf]

Hensen, C. (2020) 1. Wochenbericht FS Meteor, Reise M162. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, 1 pp.

[thumbnail of M162-2WB_de.pdf]

Hensen, C. (2020) 2. Wochenbericht FS Meteor, Reise M162. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, 1 pp.

[thumbnail of M162-3.WB.pdf]

Hensen, C. (2020) 3. Wochenbericht FS Meteor, Reise M162. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, 1 pp.

[thumbnail of M162-4.WB.pdf]

Hensen, C. (2020) 4. Wochenbericht FS Meteor, Reise M162. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, 1 pp.

[thumbnail of M162-5.WB.pdf]

Hensen, C. (2020) 5. Wochenbericht FS Meteor, Reise M162. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, 1 pp.

[thumbnail of Wochenbericht L15-20_MKampmeier.pdf]

Kampmeier, M. (2020) Wochenbericht L15-20 01.-07.08.2020 BASTA . Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 3 pp.

[thumbnail of MSM96-1WB_en.pdf] [thumbnail of MSM96-1WB_de.pdf]

Schöning, T. (2020) 1. Wochenbericht MSM96. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of MSM96-2.WB_de.pdf] [thumbnail of MSM96-2.WB_en.pdf]

Schöning, T. (2020) 2. Wochenbericht MSM96. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of MSM96-3.WB_en.pdf] [thumbnail of MSM96-3.WB_de.pdf]

Schöning, T. (2020) 3. Wochenbericht MSM96. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of MSM96-4.WB_en.pdf] [thumbnail of MSM96-4.WB_de.pdf]

Schöning, T. (2020) 4. Wochenbericht MSM96. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of MSM96-5.WB_de.pdf] [thumbnail of MSM96-5.WB_en.pdf]

Schöning, T. (2020) 5. Wochenbericht MSM96. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 2 pp.

Reports - other reports

[thumbnail of resources_brochure_2020_en_web.pdf]

Petersen, S. , Haeckel, M. , Steffen, J. and Kersten, C., eds. and the Strategy Group “Mineral Resources” of the German Marine Research Consortium (KDM) (2020) Mineral Resources of the Deep Sea: Formation, Potential and Risks. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel , Kiel, Germany, 36 pp.

Hamann, K., Lorenz, N. and Schroller-Lomnitz, U. and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Briese Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG, Team Gender Equality (2020) Dealing with sexualized violence on expeditions . Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Kiel, Germany.

[thumbnail of AL543_Wochenbericht.pdf]

Scholz, F. (2020) Wochenbericht AL543 - SEDITRACE. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 2 pp.


[thumbnail of 20201104_DSMSonarSoftwareOpenSource.pdf]

Weiß, T. and Greinert, J. (2020) DSM Sonar Software . Open Access DOI 10.3289/SW_2_2020.


Eisenhauer, A. (2020) EARTO Innovations-Preis. [Award]

Greinert, J. (2020) Digital Leader Award. [Award]


Perner, M. (2020) SekA Meereswissenschaften (CAU) / Vorsitzende. 2020 - 2021 [Committee]

This list was generated on Sat Feb 1 15:38:38 2025 CET.