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Number of items: 72.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed

[thumbnail of Bastin_Claus_2022_JPO.pdf]

Bastin, S. , Claus, M. , Brandt, P. and Greatbatch, R. J. (2022) Atlantic equatorial deep jets in Argo float data. Open Access Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52 (6). pp. 1315-1332. DOI 10.1175/JPO-D-21-0140.1.

[thumbnail of Borja_Karstensen_2022.pdf]

Borja, A., Karstensen, J. , Scobie, M. and Barbier, M. (2022) Editorial: Ocean Sciences and Ethics. Open Access Frontiers in Marine Science, 9 . Art.Nr. 871856. DOI 10.3389/fmars.2022.871856.

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Boss, E., Waite, A. M., Karstensen, J. , Trull, T., Muller-Karger, F., Sosik, H. M., Uitz, J., Acinas, S. G., Fennel, K., Berman-Frank, I., Thomalla, S., Yamazaki, H., Batten, S., Gregori, G., Richardson, A. J. and Wanninkhof, R. (2022) Recommendations for Plankton Measurements on OceanSITES Moorings With Relevance to Other Observing Sites. Open Access Frontiers in Marine Science, 9 . Art.Nr. 929436. DOI 10.3389/fmars.2022.929436.

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Crespo, L. R., Prigent, A. , Keenlyside, N., Koseki, S., Svendsen, L., Richter, I. and Sánchez-Gómez, E. (2022) Weakening of the Atlantic Niño variability under global warming. Open Access Nature Climate Change, 12 . pp. 822-827. DOI 10.1038/s41558-022-01453-y.

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Devresse, Q., Becker, K. W. , Bendinger, A., Hahn, J. and Engel, A. (2022) Eddy-enhanced primary production sustains heterotrophic microbial activities in the Eastern Tropical North Atlantic. Open Access Biogeosciences (BG), 19 . pp. 5199-5219. DOI 10.5194/bg-19-5199-2022.

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Dilmahamod, A. F., Karstensen, J. , Dietze, H. , Löptien, U. and Fennel, K. (2022) Generation mechanisms of mesoscale eddies in the Mauritanian Upwelling Region. Open Access Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52 (1). pp. 161-182. DOI 10.1175/JPO-D-21-0092.1.

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Engel, A. , Kiko, R. and Dengler, M. (2022) Organic Matter Supply and Utilization in Oxygen Minimum Zones. Annual Review of Marine Science, 14 (1). pp. 355-378. DOI 10.1146/annurev-marine-041921-090849.

[thumbnail of os_18_1507_2022.pdf]

Fox, A. D., Handmann, P. , Schmidt, C. , Fraser, N., Rühs, S. , Sanchez-Franks, A., Martin, T. , Oltmanns, M., Johnson, C., Rath, W. , Holliday, N. P., Biastoch, A. , Cunningham, S. A. and Yashayaev, I. (2022) Exceptional freshening and cooling in the eastern subpolar North Atlantic caused by reduced Labrador Sea surface heat loss. Open Access Ocean Science, 18 (5). pp. 1507-1533. DOI 10.5194/os-18-1507-2022.

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Fu, Y., Brandt, P. , Tuchen, F. P. , Lübbecke, J. F. and Wang, C. (2022) Representation of the Mean Atlantic Subtropical Cells in CMIP6 Models. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127 (3). Art.Nr. e2021JC018191. DOI 10.1029/2021JC018191.

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Gaill, F., Brodie Rudolph, T., Lebleu, L., Allemand, D., Blasiak, R., Cheung, W. W. L., Claudet, J., Gerhardinger, L. C., Le Bris, N., Levin, L., Pörtner, H. O., Visbeck, M. , Zivian, A., Bahurel, P., Bopp, L., Bowler, C., Chlous, F., Cury, P., Gascuel, D., Goyet, S., Hilmi, N., Ménard, F., Micheli, F., Mullineaux, L., Parmentier, R., Sicre, M. A., Speich, S., Thébaud, O., Thiele, T., Bowler, M., Charvis, P., Cuvelier, R., Houllier, F., Palazot, S., Staub, F. and Poivre d’Arvor, O. (2022) An evolution towards scientific consensus for a sustainable ocean future. Open Access npj Ocean Sustainability, 1 (1). Art.Nr. 7. DOI 10.1038/s44183-022-00007-1.

[thumbnail of Geophysical Research Letters - 2022 - Heukamp - Tropical Instability Waves and Wind‐Forced Cross‐Equatorial Flow in the.pdf] [thumbnail of 2022gl099325-sup-0001-supporting information si-s01.pdf]

Heukamp, F. O., Brandt, P. , Dengler, M. , Tuchen, F. P. , McPhaden, M. J. and Moum, J. N. (2022) Tropical Instability Waves and Wind‐Forced Cross‐Equatorial Flow in the Central Atlantic Ocean. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 49 (19). Art.Nr. e2022GL099325. DOI 10.1029/2022GL099325.

Jiang, L. Q., Pierrot, D., Wanninkhof, R., Feely, R. A., Tilbrook, B., Alin, S., Barbero, L., Byrne, R. H., Carter, B. R., Dickson, A. G., Gattuso, J. P., Greeley, D., Hoppema, M., Humphreys, M. P., Karstensen, J. , Lange, N., Lauvset, S. K., Lewis, E. R., Olsen, A., Pérez, F. F., Sabine, C., Sharp, J. D., Tanhua, T. , Trull, T. W., Velo, A., Allegra, A. J., Barker, P., Burger, E., Cai, W. J., Chen, C. T. A., Cross, J., Garcia, H., Hernandez-Ayon, J. M., Hu, X., Kozyr, A., Langdon, C., Lee, K., Salisbury, J., Wang, Z. A. and Xue, L. (2022) Best Practice Data Standards for Discrete Chemical Oceanographic Observations. Open Access Frontiers in Marine Science, 8 . Art.Nr. 705638. DOI 10.3389/fmars.2021.705638.

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Kiko, R. , Picheral, M., Antoine, D., Babin, M., Berline, L., Biard, T., Boss, E., Brandt, P. , Carlotti, F., Christiansen, S., Coppola, L., de la Cruz, L., Diamond-Riquier, E., Durrieu de Madron, X., Elineau, A., Gorsky, G., Guidi, L., Hauss, H. , Irisson, J. O., Karp-Boss, L., Karstensen, J. , Kim, D. g., Lekanoff, R. M., Lombard, F., Lopes, R. M., Marec, C., McDonnell, A. M. P., Niemeyer, D., Noyon, M., O'Daly, S. H., Ohman, M. D., Pretty, J. L., Rogge, A., Searson, S., Shibata, M., Tanaka, Y., Tanhua, T. , Taucher, J. , Trudnowska, E., Turner, J. S., Waite, A. and Stemmann, L. (2022) A global marine particle size distribution dataset obtained with the Underwater Vision Profiler 5. Open Access Earth System Science Data, 14 (9). pp. 4315-4337. DOI 10.5194/essd-14-4315-2022.

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Koelling, J., Atamanchuk, D., Karstensen, J. , Handmann, P. and Wallace, D. W. R. (2022) Oxygen export to the deep ocean following Labrador Sea Water formation. Open Access Biogeosciences (BG), 19 (2). pp. 437-454. DOI 10.5194/bg-19-437-2022.

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Körner, M., Claus, M. , Brandt, P. and Tuchen, F. P. (2022) Sources and pathways of intraseasonal meridional kinetic energy in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Open Access Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52 (10). pp. 2445-2462. DOI 10.1175/JPO-D-21-0315.1.

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Latif, M. , Sun, J. , Visbeck, M. and Bordbar, M. H. (2022) Natural variability has dominated Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation since 1900. Open Access Nature Climate Change, 12 . pp. 455-460. DOI 10.1038/s41558-022-01342-4.

[thumbnail of Supporting information] [thumbnail of Global Biogeochemical Cycles - 2022 - Liu - Sediment Release in the Benguela Upwelling System Dominates Trace Metal Input-1.pdf]

Liu, T., Krisch, S. , Xie, R. C. , Hopwood, M. J. , Dengler, M. and Achterberg, E. P. (2022) Sediment release in the Benguela Upwelling System dominates trace metal input to the shelf and eastern South Atlantic Ocean. Open Access Global Biogeochemical Cycle, 36 (9). e2022GB007466. DOI 10.1029/2022GB007466.

Lu, Y., Wang, P., Wang, C., Zhang, M., Cao, X., Chen, C., Wang, C., Xiu, C., Du, D., Cui, H., Li, X., Qin, W., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, A., Yu, M., Mao, R., Song, S., Johnson, A. C., Shao, X., Zhou, X., Wang, T., Liang, R., Su, C., Zheng, X., Zhang, S., Lu, X., Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., Li, Q., Ono, K., Stenseth, N. C., Visbeck, M. and Ittekkot, V. (2022) Multiple pollutants stress the coastal ecosystem with climate and anthropogenic drivers. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 424 (C). Art. Nr. 127570. DOI 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.127570.

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Moum, J. N., Hughes, K. G., Shroyer, E. L., Smyth, W. D., Cherian, D., Warner, S. J., Bourlès, B., Brandt, P. and Dengler, M. (2022) Deep Cycle Turbulence in Atlantic and Pacific Cold Tongues. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 49 (8). Art.Nr. e2021GL097345. DOI 10.1029/2021GL097345.

[thumbnail of bg_19_2969_2022.pdf] [thumbnail of bg_19_2969_2022_supplement.pdf]

Olivier, L., Boutin, J., Reverdin, G., Lefèvre, N., Landschützer, P., Speich, S., Karstensen, J. , Labaste, M., Noisel, C., Ritschel, M., Steinhoff, T. and Wanninkhof, R. (2022) Wintertime process study of the North Brazil Current rings reveals the region as a larger sink for CO2 than expected. Open Access Biogeosciences (BG), 19 (12). pp. 2969-2988. DOI 10.5194/bg-19-2969-2022.

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Ostle, C., Landschützer, P., Edwards, M., Johnson, M., Schmidtko, S. , Schuster, U., Watson, A. J. and Robinson, C. (2022) Multidecadal changes in biology influence the variability of the North Atlantic carbon sink. Open Access Environmental Research Letters, 17 (11). Art.Nr. 114056. DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/ac9ecf.

[thumbnail of Pinango_Karstensen_2022.pdf]

Pinango, A., Kerr, R., Orselli, I. B. M., Carvalho, A. d. C. O., Azar, E., Karstensen, J. and Garcia, C. A. E. (2022) Ocean Acidification and Long‐Term Changes in the Carbonate System Properties of the South Atlantic Ocean. Open Access Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36 (9). Ar5t.Nr. e2021GB007196. DOI 10.1029/2021GB007196.

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Plass, A., Retschko, A. K., Türk, M., Fischer, T. and Scholz, F. (2022) A novel device for trace metal‐clean sampling of bottom water and suspended particles at the ocean's lower boundary: The Benthic Trace Profiler. Open Access Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 20 (2). pp. 102-114. DOI 10.1002/lom3.10473.

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Révelard, A., Tintoré, J., Verron, J., Bahurel, P., Barth, J. A., Belbéoch, M., Benveniste, J., Bonnefond, P., Chassignet, E. P., Cravatte, S., Davidson, F., deYoung, B., Heupel, M., Heslop, E., Hörstmann, C., Karstensen, J. , Le Traon, P. Y., Marques, M., McLean, C., Medina, R., Paluszkiewicz, T., Pascual, A., Pearlman, J., Petihakis, G., Pinardi, N., Pouliquen, S., Rayner, R., Shepherd, I., Sprintall, J., Tanhua, T. , Testor, P., Seppälä, J., Siddorn, J., Thomsen, S., Valdés, L., Visbeck, M. , Waite, A. M., Werner, F., Wilkin, J. and Williams, B. (2022) Ocean Integration: The Needs and Challenges of Effective Coordination Within the Ocean Observing System. Open Access Frontiers in Marine Science, 8 . Art.Nr. 737671. DOI 10.3389/fmars.2021.737671.

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Sherman, J., Subramaniam, A., Gorbunov, M. Y., Fernández-Carrera, A., Kiko, R. , Brandt, P. and Falkowski, P. G. (2022) The Photophysiological Response of Nitrogen-Limited Phytoplankton to Episodic Nitrogen Supply Associated With Tropical Instability Waves in the Equatorial Atlantic. Open Access Frontiers in Marine Science, 8 . Art.Nr. 814663. DOI 10.3389/fmars.2021.814663.

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Tuchen, F. P. , Brandt, P. , Hahn, J. , Hummels, R. , Krahmann, G. , Bourlès, B., Provost, C., McPhaden, M. J. and Toole, J. M. (2022) Two Decades of Full-Depth Current Velocity Observations From a Moored Observatory in the Central Equatorial Atlantic at 0°N, 23°W. Open Access Frontiers in Marine Science, 9 . Art.Nr. 910979. DOI 10.3389/fmars.2022.910979.

[thumbnail of JGR Oceans - 2022 - Tuchen - Transports and Pathways of the Tropical AMOC Return Flow From Argo Data and Shipboard Velocity.pdf] [thumbnail of 2021jc018115-sup-0001-supporting.docx]

Tuchen, F. P. , Brandt, P. , Lübbecke, J. F. and Hummels, R. (2022) Transports and Pathways of the Tropical AMOC Return Flow From Argo Data and Shipboard Velocity Measurements. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127 (2). Art.Nr. e2021JC018115. DOI 10.1029/2021JC018115.

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Tuchen, F. P. , Perez, R. C., Foltz, G. R., Brandt, P. and Lumpkin, R. (2022) Multidecadal Intensification of Atlantic Tropical Instability Waves. Geophysical Research Letters, 49 (22). Art.Nr. e2022GL101073. DOI 10.1029/2022GL101073.

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Turner, K. J., Burls, N. J. , von Brandis, A., Lübbecke, J. F. and Claus, M. (2022) Seasonality in the relationship between equatorial-mean heat content and interannual eastern equatorial Atlantic sea surface temperature variability. Open Access Climate Dynamics, 59 . pp. 61-75. DOI 10.1007/s00382-021-06116-w.

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Zhang, R., Tang, X., Liu, J., Visbeck, M. , Guo, H., Murray, V., Mcgillycuddy, C., Ke, B., Kalonji, G., Zhai, P., Shi, X., Lu, J., Zhou, X., Kan, H., Han, Q., Ye, Q., Luo, Y., Chen, J., Cai, W., Ouyang, H., Djalante, R., Baklanov, A., Ren, L., Brasseur, G., Gao, G. F. and Zhou, L. (2022) From concept to action: a united, holistic and One Health approach to respond to the climate change crisis. Open Access Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 11 (1). Art.Nr. 17. DOI 10.1186/s40249-022-00941-9.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review

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Lübbecke, J. F. , Richter, I. and Nnamchi, H. C. (2022) Dynamics of Tropical Atlantic Variability. Open Access CLIVAR Exchanges, 82 . pp. 9-14. DOI 10.36071/clivar.82.2022.

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Visbeck, M. (2022) Comments on ‘The future of transdisciplinarity: How do we relearn to be human in new ways?’. Open Access South African Journal of Science, 118 (Special Iss.) (11-12). Art.Nr. 14822. DOI 10.17159/sajs.2022/14822.

Conference papers

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de Sousa, N. T., Trahms, C. , Kroger, P., Renz, M., Schubert, R. and Biastoch, A. (2022) Tracking the Evolution of Water Flow Patterns Based on Spatio-Temporal Particle Flow Clusters. [Paper] In: 23. IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM). , 06.-09.06.2022, Paphos, Cyprus . 23rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM). ; pp. 246-253 . DOI 10.1109/MDM55031.2022.00054.


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Fischer, T. , Karstensen, J. , Dengler, M. , Onken, R. and Holzapfel, M. (2022) Reconstructing meso- and submesoscale dynamics in ocean eddies from current observations. Open Access [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2022. , 23.05.-27.05.2022, Vienna, Austria .

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Fischer, T. , Karstensen, J. , Dilmahamod, A. F., Dengler, M. and Schütte, F. (2022) Eddies in the Canary eastern boundary upwelling system. Open Access [Talk] In: Open Science Conference on Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems. , 19.-23.09.2022, Lima, Peru .

Hummels, R. (2022) Tropical Ocean Processes. [Talk] In: 11. SAB Meeting. , 05.-06.10.2022, Kiel, Germany .

Hummels, R. (2022) Turbulent mixing and its contribution to the mixed layer heat budget in the Tropical Atlantic. [Talk] In: Bornö Summer School 2022. , 31.07.2022, Bornoe, Sweden .

Theses - not published by a publisher

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Hans, A. C. (2022) Diurnal cycle of near-surface shear, stratification and mixing in the equatorial Atlantic. Open Access (Master thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 46 pp.

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Kirch, F. (2022) Validation of a forecast system for near-surface near-inertial energy. Open Access (Bachelor thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 39 pp.

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Melzer, H. (2022) Near-Inertial Waves and Their Mixing Characteristics in The Upper Tropical Atlantic Ocean. Open Access (Bachelor thesis), Christian Albrechts Univerisität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 66 pp.

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Prigent, A. (2022) Weakening Satellite Era and Future Tropical Atlantic Interannual Sea Surface Temperature Variability. Open Access (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian Albrechts Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 159 pp.

Reports - Cruise Reports

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Brandt, P. , Bam, W., Czeschel, R. , Damke, P., Deulofeu Capo, O., Dölger, E., Fernandez Carrera, A., Gasser, B., Gomez Letona, M., Hans, A. C., Imbol Koungue, R. A. , Jordan, T., Körner, M., Krahmann, G. , Müller, M., Navarro, W., Olbricht, H. D., Prigent, A. , Roch, M., Rupf, F., Sarmiento-Lezcano, A. N., Schmidt, I., Steckhan, L., Stelzner, M., Subramaniam, A., Theileis, A. and Witt, R. (2022) Trans-Atlantic Equatorial cruise II, Cruise No. M181, April 17 - May 28, 2022, Cape Town (South Africa) - Mindelo (Cape Verde). Open Access . Meteor-Berichte, M181 . Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe, Bonn, Germany, 52 pp. DOI 10.48433/cr_m181.

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Czeschel, R. , Angerer, J., Born, K. S., Fiedler, S. B., Gebhardt, H., Glüsen, L. A., Günther, S., Kampmann, A., Knaack, C., Könnecke, F., Körner, M., Roch, M., Schampera, M., Waitzmann, D., Werner, J. and Witt, R. (2022) Student cruise: Observing techniques for Physical Oceanographers - Cruise No. AL578, August 15 – 18, 2022, Kiel (Germany) – Kiel (Germany), MNF-PherPraO. Open Access . Alkor-Berichte, AL578 . GEOMAR Helmholtz Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 19 pp. DOI 10.3289/CR_AL578.

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Fiedler, B. , Almeida, C., Andresen, H., Borchert, E. , Fischer, T. , Fock, H., Hamm, T., Hauss, H. , Schaber, M., Steinhoff, T. , Pinck, A., Vieira, N. and Walker, K. (2022) WASCAL students meet science - Educating West-African students by Training-Through-Research, Cruise No. MSM106, 26.02.2022 - 19.03.2022, Mindelo (Cabo Verde) - Bremerhaven (Germany), WASCAL. Open Access . Maria S. Merian-Berichte, MSM106 . Begutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe, Bonn, 36 pp. DOI 10.48433/cr_msm106.

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Karstensen, J. , Tuchen, F. P. , Schmidtko, S. , Lindl, M., Gößling, P., Perschon, J., Brunßen, Z., Jung, J., Raabe, N., Rhein, J. and Witt, R. (2022) Student cruise: Observing techniques for Physical Oceanographers Cruise No. AL564. Open Access . Alkor-Berichte, AL564 . UNSPECIFIED, 16 pp. DOI 10.3289/CR_AL564.

Reports - Weekly reports

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Brandt, P. (2022) 1. Wochenbericht METEOR-Reise M181 "TRATLEQ2". Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of Wochenbericht_2_M181.pdf] [thumbnail of Weekly_Report_2_M181.pdf]

Brandt, P. (2022) 2. Wochenbericht METEOR-Reise M181 "TRATLEQ2". Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of Wochenbericht_3_M181.pdf] [thumbnail of Weekly_Report_3_M181.pdf]

Brandt, P. (2022) 3. Wochenbericht METEOR-Reise M181 "TRATLEQ2". Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 3 pp.

[thumbnail of wochenbericht-m181-04.pdf] [thumbnail of weeklyreport-m181-04.pdf]

Brandt, P. (2022) 4. Wochenbericht METEOR-Reise M181 "TRATLEQ2". Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 3 pp.

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Brandt, P. (2022) 5. Wochenbericht METEOR-Reise M181 "TRATLEQ2". Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 4 pp.

[thumbnail of Wochenbericht_6_M181.pdf] [thumbnail of Weekly_Report_6_M181.pdf]

Brandt, P. (2022) 6. Wochenbericht METEOR-Reise M181 "TRATLEQ2". Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 3 pp.

[thumbnail of 1. Wochenbericht M184.pdf] [thumbnail of 1. Weekly Report M184.pdf]

Karstensen, J. (2022) 1. Wochenbericht M184. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of 2. Weekly Report M184.pdf] [thumbnail of 2. Wochenbericht M184.pdf]

Karstensen, J. (2022) 2. Wochenbericht M184. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of 3. Weekly Report M184.pdf] [thumbnail of 3. Wochenbericht M184.pdf]

Karstensen, J. (2022) 3. Wochenbericht M184. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, 3 pp.

[thumbnail of wochenbericht-m184-04 (002).pdf] [thumbnail of weeklyreport-m184-04.pdf]

Karstensen, J. (2022) 4. Wochenbericht M184. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of 5. Wochenbericht M184.pdf] [thumbnail of 5. Weekly Report M184.pdf]

Karstensen, J. (2022) 5. Wochenbericht M184. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, 3 pp.

Reports - other reports

[thumbnail of GCOS-245_2022_GCOS_ECVs_Requirements.pdf]

World Meteorological Organization (2022) The 2022 GCOS ECVs requirements. Open Access . GCOS, 245 . World Meteorological Organization, Genf, 244 pp.

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World Meteorological Organization (2022) The 2022 GCOS Implementation Plan. Open Access . GCOS, 244 . World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Genf, 98 pp.

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Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (2022) Environmental reporting, research and investment : Do we know if we’re making a difference?. Open Access . Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Wellington, 106 pp. ISBN 978-0-947517-33-5

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Chust, G., Corrales, X., Gonzáles, F., Villarino, E., Chifflet, M., Fernandes, J. A., Ibaibarriaga, L., Borja, Á., Arandu, M., Andonegui, E., González, M., Irigoien, X. and García, D., eds. (2022) Marine biodiversity modelling study. Open Access . Publications Office of the European Union, Luxemburg, 141 pp. ISBN 978-92-76-58698-2 DOI 10.2777/213731.

[thumbnail of Study_ Sustainable Blue Economy.pdf] [thumbnail of Deutschsprachige Kurzfassung]

Biber, A., Knodt, S. and Visbeck, M. (2022) Sustainable Blue Economy - Transformation, Value and the Potential of Marine Ecosystems. Open Access . Erkenntnisse der Cognitive Finance . FERI Cognitive Finance Institute, Bad Homburg v.d.H., 71 pp. DOI 10.24406/publica-1603.

[thumbnail of agenda-2030-compass-synthesis-report.pdf]

Hallding, K., Suljada, T., Axelsson, K., Swartling, Å. G., Kemp-Benedict, E., Laubacher, R., Dahlin, J. E., Skånberg, K., Blidh, H. and Davis, M. (2022) The Agenda 2030 Compass. Open Access . SEI report . Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm, Schweden, 38 pp.

[thumbnail of FP_20221202_atlantic_community_hamilton.pdf]

Hamilton, D. S. (2022) Building a broader Atlantic community. Open Access . Brookings Institute, Washington, D.C., 12 pp.

[thumbnail of D3.10_Gliders_metadata.pdf]

Krieger, M., Turpin, V., Testor, P., Thomsen, S. , Petihakis, G. and Tanhua, T. (2022) Gliders metadata. Open Access . EuroSea Deliverable, D3.10 . EuroSea, 54 pp. DOI 10.3289/eurosea_d3.10.

[thumbnail of D3.9_Glider_network_European_coordination.pdf]

Testor, P., Thomsen, S., Krieger, M., Turpin, V., Barrera, C., Karstensen, J. and Petihakis, G. (2022) Glider network, European coordination. Open Access . EuroSea Deliverable, D3.9 . EuroSea, 30 pp. DOI 10.3289/eurosea_d3.9.

[thumbnail of D7.3_Estimate_of_magnitude_and_drivers_of_regional_carbon_variability.pdf]

Testor, P., Wagener, T., Bosse, A., Asselot, R., Thierry, V., Karstensen, J. , Thomsen, S., Carracedo, L., von Schnuckmann, K. and Telszewski, M. (2022) Estimate of magnitude and drivers of regional carbon variability for both regions. Open Access . EuroSea Deliverable, D7.3 . EuroSea, 37 pp. DOI 10.3289/eurosea_d7.3.



Visbeck, M. (2022) DLR Erdbeobachtung / Vorsitzender Beirat. 2022 - 2024 [Committee]

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