Browse by Divisions by year
Number of items: 63.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Goltz, U., Reussner, R. H., Goedicke, M., Hasselbring, W., Märtin, L. and Vogel-Heuser, B.
Design for future: managed software evolution.
Computer Science - Research and Development
DOI 10.1007/s00450-014-0273-9.
Schulz, E., Goerigk, W., Hasselbring, W., van Hoorn, A. and Knoche, H.
Model-Driven Load and Performance Test Engineering in DynaMod.
Softwaretechnik-Trends, 34
pp. 38-39.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review
Kontinen, J., Müller, J. S., Schnoor, H. and Vollmer, H.
A Van Benthem Theorem for Modal Team Semantics.
CoRR, abs/1410.6648
Conference books
Becker, S., Hasselbring, W., van Hoorn, A., Kounev, S. and Reussner, R., eds.
Proceedings of the 2014 Symposium on Software Performance (SOSP '14): Joint Descartes/Kieker/Palladio Days.
Technical Report Computer Science
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology, Stuttgart, 199 pp.
Hasselbring, W. and Ehmke, N. C., eds.
Software Engineering 2014: Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik.
Lecture Notes in Informatics, 227
Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn, 240 pp.
ISBN 978-388579-621-3
Conference papers
Brauer, P. C., Czerniak, A. and Hasselbring, W.
Start Smart and Finish Wise: The Kiel Marine Science Provenance-Aware Data Management Approach.
In: 6th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP 2014). , 12.-13.06.2014, Köln, Germany . 6th USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP 2014). .
Brauer, P. C., Fittkau, F. and Hasselbring, W.
The Aspect-Oriented Architecture of the CAPS Framework for Capturing, Analyzing and Archiving Provenance Data.
In: 5th International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW 2014). , June 10 - 11, 2014, Cologne, Germany ; pp. 223-225 .
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-16462-5_19.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Fittkau, F., Stelzer, P. and Hasselbring, W.
Live Visualization of Large Software Landscapes for Ensuring Architecture Conformance.
In: ECSAW 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems 2014 (SESoS 2014). , 2014-08-26, Vienna, Austria .
Fittkau, F., van Hoorn, A. and Hasselbring, W.
Towards a Dependability Control Center for Large Software Landscapes.
In: Tenth European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC 2014). , May 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK ; pp. 58-61 .
Heinrich, R., Schmieders, E., Jung, R., Rostami, K., Metzger, A., Hasselbring, W., Reussner, R. and Pohl, K.
Integrating Run-Time Observations and Design Component Models for Cloud System Analysis.
In: 9th Workshop on Models@run.time. , September 30, 2014, Valencia, Spain . Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Models@run.time. ; pp. 41-46 .
Workshop Proceedings, 1270
Johanson, A. and Hasselbring, W.
Hierarchical Combination of Internal and External Domain-Specific Languages for Scientific Computing.
In: International Workshop on DSL Architecting & DSL-based Architectures (DADA'14). , 26.08.2014, Vienna, Austria . Proceedings of the 2014 European Conference on Software Architecture Workshops - ECSAW '14. ; pp. 1-8 .
DOI 10.1145/2642803.2642820.
Johanson, A. and Hasselbring, W.
Sprat: Hierarchies of Domain-Specific Languages for Marine Ecosystem Simulation Engineering.
In: Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (SpringSim 2014). , 13-16 April 2014, Tampa, Florida, USA . Proceedings of the Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (TMS/DEVS 2014). ; pp. 187-192 .
Simulation Series, 46
Jung, R.
GECO: Generator Composition for Aspect-Oriented Generators.
In: Doctoral Symposium - Models 2014. , 28. September - 3.October 2014, Valencia .
Jung, R., Heinrich, R., Schmieders, E., Misha, S. and Hasselbring, W.
A Method for Aspect-oriented Meta-Model Evolution.
In: 2Nd Workshop on View-Based, Aspect-Oriented and Orthographic Software Modelling. , 22.07.2014, York, United Kingdom . Proceedings of the 2Nd Workshop on View-Based, Aspect-Oriented and Orthographic Software Modelling. ; pp. 19-22 .
DOI 10.1145/2631675.2631681.
Pitakrat, T., Grunert, J., Kabierschke, O., Keller, F. and van Hoorn, A.
A Framework for System Event Classification and Prediction by Means of Machine Learning.
In: 8th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (ValueTools 2014). , December 9-11, 2014, Bratislava, Slovakia . Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (ValueTools 2014). .
Pitakrat, T., van Hoorn, A. and Grunske, L.
Increasing Dependability of Component-based Software Systems by Online Failure Prediction.
In: Tenth European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC 2014). , May 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK ; pp. 78-81 .
van Hoorn, A., Vögele, C., Schulz, E., Hasselbring, W. and Krcmar, H.
Automatic Extraction of Probabilistic Workload Specifications for Load Testing Session-Based Application Systems.
In: 8th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (ValueTools 2014). , December 9-11, 2014, Bratislava, Slovakia . Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (ValueTools 2014). ; pp. 139-146 .
Waller, J., Fittkau, F. and Hasselbring, W.
Application Performance Monitoring: Trade-Off between Overhead Reduction and Maintainability.
In: Symposium on Software Performance (SOSP 2014). , November 26-28, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany . Proceedings of the Symposium on Software Performance 2014. ; pp. 1-24 .
Wulf, C.
Pattern-based Detection and Utilization of Potential Parallelism in Software Systems.
In: Software Enginnering 2014. , 26.02.2014, Kiel .
Wulf, C., Ehmke, N. C. and Hasselbring, W.
Toward a Generic and Concurrency-Aware Pipes & Filters Framework.
In: Symposium on Software Performance 2014: Joint Descartes/Kieker/Palladio Days. , November 26-28, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany .
Brauer, P. C.
CAPS : Capturing and Managing Provenance Information in Scientific Workflows.
In: ZBW PHD Springschool 2014. , 24.3.2014, Hamburg .
Czerniak, A.
Start smart - Provenienz in OCN.
[Invited talk]
In: PubFlow Workshop 2014, ZBW. , 18.03.2014, Hamburg .
Ehmke, N. C., Wulf, C. and Hasselbring, W.
Continuous Integration in Kieker.
In: Symposium on Software Performance (SOSP 2014). , November 26-28, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany .
Ehmke, N. C., Wulf, C. and Hasselbring, W.
The Kieker Analysis Framework & Kieker’s WebGUI.
In: A-Team b+m Informatik AG. , 07. Nov. 2014, Melsdorf .
Fittkau, F.
Hands on EPrints - Haptic Software Systems through 3D Printing.
In: Hands on EPrints Presentation. , 2014-06-06, South Hampton, UK, online presentation .
Hasselbring, W.
Application Performance Monitoring & Architecture Discovery with Kieker.
In: WAIS Seminar. , 23.04.2014, Southampton .
Hasselbring, W.
Publication Workflows for Scientific Data.
In: WAIS Seminar. , 23.04.2014, Southampton .
Heinrich, R., Jung, R., Schmieders, E., Metzger, A., Hasselbring, W., Pohl, K. and Reussner, R.
Integrated Observation and Modeling Techniques to Support Adaptation and Evolution of Software Systems.
In: DFG Priority Program SPP1593, 4th Workshop. , 12.11.2014, Karlsruhe .
Jung, R.
GECO: Automatic Generator-Composition for (Aspect-oriented) DSLs.
In: Doctoral Symposium SE 2014. , 26.2.2014, Kiel, Germany .
Jung, R., Strittmatter, M. and Merkle, P.
Evolution of the Palladio Component Model: Process and Modeling Methods.
In: Symposium on Software Performance (SOSP 2014). , November 26-28, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany .
Pitakrat, T. and van Hoorn, A.
Investigating the Use of Bayesian Networks in the Hora Approach for Component-based Online Failure Prediction.
In: Symposium on Software Performance 2014: Joint Descartes/Kieker/Palladio Days. , November 26-28, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany .
Schulz, H., Flaig, A., Wert, A. and van Hoorn, A.
Adaptive Instrumentation of Java Applications for Experiment-Based Performance Analysis.
In: Symposium on Software Performance 2014: Joint Descartes/Kieker/Palladio Days. , November 26-28, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany .
van Hoorn, A.
Dynamic Analysis of Software Systems with Kieker: A Hands-On Lecture.
[Invited talk]
In: Guest Lecture in the Course "Enterprise Digital Infrastructure". , May 21, 2014, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy .
van Hoorn, A. and Ehmke, N. C.
Kieker Monitoring Framework (Tutorial).
In: 5th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering. , March 23, 2014, Dublin, Ireland .
van Hoorn, A., Vögele, C., Schulz, E., Hasselbring, W. and Krcmar, H.
Integrating Workload Specification and Extraction for Model-Based and Measurement-Based Performance Evaluation: An Approach for Session-Based Software Systems.
In: Symposium on Software Performance 2014: Joint Descartes/Kieker/Palladio Days. , November 26-28, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany .
Wulf, C.
International Summer School in Parallel Patterns 2014.
In: International Summer School in Parallel Patterns 2014. , 09.-12. Juni 2014, Dublin, Irland .
Wulf, C.
Mock Me If You Can - An Introduction to the Mocking Framework Mockito.
In: Symposium on Software Performance 2014: Joint Descartes/Kieker/Palladio Days. , November 26-28, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany .
Wulf, C.
Pattern-based Detection and Utilization of Potential Parallelism in Software Systems (Vortrag).
In: Software Engineering 2014. , 26.02.2014, Kiel .
Wulf, C., Ehmke, N. C. and Hasselbring, W.
Toward a Generic and Concurrency-Aware Pipes & Filters Framework (Vortrag).
In: Symposium on Software Performance 2014: Joint Descartes/Kieker/Palladio Days. , November 26-28, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany .
Conference posters
van Hoorn, A., Grow, H., Waller, J. and Jung, R.
Kieker Poster.
In: 5th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2014). , March 24-26, 2014, Dublin, Ireland .
Theses - published by a publisher
Frey, S.
Conformance Checking and Simulation-based Evolutionary Optimization for Deployment and Reconfiguration of Software in the Cloud.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, 604 pp.
. Kiel Computer Science Series, 2014/1
van Hoorn, A.
Model-Driven Online Capacity Management for Component-Based Software Systems.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Faculty of Engineering, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 360 pp.
. Kiel Computer Science Series
Waller, J.
Performance Benchmarking of Application Monitoring Frameworks.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Faculty of Engineering, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 372 pp.
. Kiel Computer Science Series, 2014/5
Theses - not published by a publisher
Barbie, A.
Stable 3D City Layout in ExplorViz.
(Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 93 pp.
Barzel, M.
Evaluation von Clustering-Verfahren von Klassen für hierarchische Visualisierung in ExplorViz.
(Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 57 pp.
Düllmann, T., Eberlein, A., Endres, C., Fetzer, M., Fischer, M., Gregorian, C., Képes, K., Noller, Y., Olp, D., Rudolph, T., Scherer, A. and Scholz, M.
Online Performance Problem Detection, Diagnosis, and Visualization with Kieker.
(Student research project), University of Stuttgart, Institute of Software Technology, Stuttgart, Germany, 149 pp.
Finke, S.
Automatische Anleitung einer Versuchsperson während eines kontrollierten Experiments in ExplorViz.
(Master thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 87 pp.
Flaig, A.
Dynamic Instrumentation in Kieker Using Runtime Bytecode Modification.
(Bachelor thesis), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 59 pp.
Mahmens, S.
Architektur Rekonstrukion mit Kieker durch AOP-basierte Instrumentierung einer C++-Anwendung.
(Master thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, 71 pp.
Matthiessen, N.
Monitoring Remote Procedure Calls - Concepts and Evaluation.
(Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 43 pp.
Schulz, E.
Integrating Performance Tests in a Generative Software Development Platform.
(Diploma thesis), Kiel University, Department of Computer Science, Kiel, Germany, 126 pp.
Stelzer, P.
Scalable and Live Trace Processing in the Cloud.
(Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 52 pp.
Weißenfels, B.
Evaluation of Trace Reduction Techniques for Online Trace Visualization.
(Master thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 82 pp.
Zloch, M.
Automatisierte Durchführung und Auswertung von Microbenchmarks in Continuous Integration Systemen.
(Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 79 pp.
Waller, J.
Benchmark for: Performance Benchmarking of Application Monitoring Frameworks.
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.11515.
Waller, J.
Data for: Performance Benchmarking of Application Monitoring Frameworks.
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.11425.
Waller, J., Fittkau, F. and Hasselbring, W.
Data for: Application Performance Monitoring: Trade-Off between Overhead Reduction and Maintainability.
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.11428.
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