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Group by: Document type | Year of publication | Authors | No Grouping
Number of items: 54.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed

[thumbnail of JSEA2015.pdf]

Hasselbring, W. (2015) Formalization of Federated Schema Architectural Style Variability. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 08 (02). pp. 72-92. DOI 10.4236/jsea.2015.82009.

[thumbnail of Software Performance Anti-Patterns Observed and Resolved in Kieker.pdf]

Wulf, C. and Hasselbring, W. (2015) Software Performance Anti-Patterns Observed and Resolved in Kieker. Open Access Softwaretechnik-Trends, 35 (5). pp. 38-40.

[thumbnail of Combining-Kieker-with-Gephi_SSP2015_preprint.pdf] [thumbnail of Combining-Kieker-with-Gephi_SSP2015_presentation.pdf]

Zirkelbach, C., Hasselbring, W. and Carr, L. (2015) Combining Kieker with Gephi for Performance Analysis and Interactive Trace Visualization. Open Access Softwaretechnik-Trends, 35 (3). pp. 26-28.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review

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Becker, S., Brunnert, A., Hasselbring, W., van Hoorn, A., Kounev, S., Krcmar, H. and Reussner, R. H. (2015) Symposium on Software Performance (SSP) 2015. Open Access Softwaretechnik-Trends, 35 (3).

[thumbnail of SEN2015.pdf]

Waller, J., Ehmke, N. C. and Hasselbring, W. (2015) Including Performance Benchmarks into Continuous Integration to Enable DevOps. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 40 (2). pp. 1-4. DOI 10.1145/2735399.2735416.

Conference papers

[thumbnail of Comparing_Trace_Visualizations_ICPC2015_preprint.pdf] [thumbnail of ICPC2015_Comparing_presentation.pdf]

Fittkau, F., Finke, S., Hasselbring, W. and Waller, J. (2015) Comparing Trace Visualizations for Program Comprehension through Controlled Experiments. [Paper] In: 23rd IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2015). , May 18-19, 2015, Florence ; pp. 266-276 .

[thumbnail of ESOCC2015.pdf] [thumbnail of ESOCC2015_presentation.pdf]

Fittkau, F. and Hasselbring, W. (2015) Elastic Application-Level Monitoring for Large Software Landscapes in the Cloud. [Paper] In: Fourth European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing. , September 15-17, 2015, Taormina, Italy . Service Oriented and Cloud Computing. ; pp. 80-94 . Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9306 .

[thumbnail of vissoft15main-mainid37-p-fca6e5d-25093-preprint.pdf] [thumbnail of VISSOFT2015_Physical_Models_presentation.pdf]

Fittkau, F., Koppenhagen, E. and Hasselbring, W. (2015) Research Perspective on Supporting Software Engineering via Physical 3D Models. [Paper] In: 3rd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization. , 27-28 September 2015, Bremen, Germany . IEEE 3rd Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT 2015). ; pp. 125-129 .

[thumbnail of vissoft15main-mainid39-p-fca6e5d-25093-preprint.pdf] [thumbnail of VISSOFT2015_Virtual_Reality_presentation.pdf]

Fittkau, F., Krause, A. and Hasselbring, W. (2015) Exploring Software Cities in Virtual Reality. [Paper] In: 3rd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization. , 27-28 September 2015, Bremen, Germany . IEEE 3rd Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT 2015). ; pp. 130-134 .

[thumbnail of vissoft15main-mainid8-p-fca6e5d-25093-preprint.pdf] [thumbnail of VISSOFT2015_Landscape_Experiment_presentation.pdf]

Fittkau, F., Krause, A. and Hasselbring, W. (2015) Hierarchical Software Landscape Visualization for System Comprehension: A Controlled Experiment. [Paper] In: 3rd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization. , 27-28 September 2015, Bremen, Germany ; pp. 36-45 .

[thumbnail of ExplorViz_Enterprise_Landscapes_ECIS2015_preprint.pdf] [thumbnail of ECIS2015_presentation.pdf]

Fittkau, F., Roth, S. and Hasselbring, W. (2015) ExplorViz: Visual Runtime Behavior Analysis of Enterprise Application Landscapes. [Paper] In: 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015). , May 26-29, Münster .

[thumbnail of FreyFittkauHasselbring_SE2015_preprint.pdf.pdf]

Frey, S., Fittkau, F. and Hasselbring, W. (2015) Optimizing the Deployment of Software in the Cloud. [Paper] In: Software Engineering 2015. , March 17 - 20, Dresden . Proceedings Software Engineering & Management 2015. ; pp. 138-139 . Lecture Notes in Informatics, P-239 .

[thumbnail of MESOCA2015.pdf]

Heinrich, R., Jung, R., Schmieders, E., Metzger, A., Hasselbring, W., Reussner, R. and Pohl, K. (2015) Architectural Run-Time Models for Operator-in-the-Loop Adaptation of Cloud Applications. [Paper] In: 9th IEEE Symposium on the Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented Systems and Cloud-Based Environments (MESOCA 2015). , October 2, 2015, Bremen . Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Symposium on the Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented Systems and Cloud-Based Environments (MESOCA 2015). ; pp. 36-40 .

Kontinen, J., Müller, J. S., Schnoor, H. and Vollmer, H. (2015) A Van Benthem Theorem for Modal Team Semantics. Open Access [Paper] In: 24th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic, CSL 2015. , 7.9.2015-10.9.2015, Berlin, Deutschland ; pp. 277-291 . DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.CSL.2015.277. LIPIcs .

Schnoor, H. and Woizekowski, O. (2015) Active Linking Attacks. [Paper] In: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2015. , 24.8.-28.8.2015, Milano, Italien . Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2015, Proceedings, Part II. ; pp. 555-566 . DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-48054-0₄₆. Lecture Notes in Computer Science .

[thumbnail of VoegeleHeinrichHeileinHoornKrcmar2016ModelingComplexUserBehaviorWithThePalladioComponentModel-final.pdf]

Vögele, C., Robert, H., Robert, H., van Hoorn, A. and Krcmar, H. (2015) Modeling Complex User Behavior with the Palladio Component Model. [Paper] In: Symposium on Software Performance 2015 (SSP '15). , November 4-6, 2015, Munich, Germany . Proceedings of the Symposium on Software Performance 2015 (SSP '15). ; pp. 59-61 .

[thumbnail of VoegeleVanHoornKrcmar2015AutomaticExtractionOfSessionBasedWorkloadSpecificationsForArchitectureLevelPerformanceModels-cameraReady.pdf] [thumbnail of 20140201-LT-final-nobonus-handout.pdf]

Vögele, C., van Hoorn, A. and Krcmar, H. (2015) Automatic Extraction of Session-Based Workload Specifications for Architecture-Level Performance Models. [Paper] In: 4th International Workshop on Large-Scale Testing (LT 2015), co-located with ACM/SPEC ICPE 2015. , February 1, 2015, Austin, TX, USA . Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Large-Scale Testing (LT 2015). .


[thumbnail of 2015Fittkau_Slides_Lugano.pdf]

Fittkau, F. (2015) Live Trace Visualization for System and Program Comprehension in Large Software Landscapes. [Talk] In: PhD Topic Presentation. , 2015-07-01, Lugano, Switzerland .

[thumbnail of 2015-07-10Architekturen.pdf]

Hasselbring, W. (2015) DevOps: Softwarearchitektur an der Schnittstelle zwischen Entwicklung und Betrieb. [Talk] In: GI-Fachtagung Architekturen 2015. , 10.07.2015, Hamburg .

[thumbnail of 2015-09-10Solutions.pdf]

Hasselbring, W. (2015) Softwarearchitektur für DevOps. [Talk] In: , 9.-11.09.2015, Hamburg .

[thumbnail of 20150914KOSBK-handout.pdf]

Hasselbring, W. and van Hoorn, A. (2015) Open-Source-Software als Katalysator im Technologietransfer am Beispiel des Monitoring-Frameworks Kieker. [Talk] In: 1. Kieler Open Source Business Konferenz. , 14. September 2015, Kiel .

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Heinrich, R., Jung, R., Konersmann, M. and Schmieders, E. (2015) Vorwort zum 2nd Collaborative Workshop on Evolution and Maintenance of Long-Living Systems (EMLS'15). [Other] In: Software Engineering 2015. , March 17 - 20, Dresden . Gemeinsamer Tagungsband der Workshops der Tagung Software Engineering 2015. ; pp. 101-102 .

[thumbnail of 20150421-GSSI-LAquila.pdf]

van Hoorn, A. (2015) Measurement-based Performance Problem Detection and Diagnosis. [Invited talk] In: Invited talk at Gran Sasso Science Institute. , April 21, 2015, L'Aquila, Italy .

[thumbnail of 20150317-PerformanceMeetupMuenchen.pdf]

van Hoorn, A. (2015) Tool-Supported Application Performance Problem Detection and Diagnosis. [Invited talk] In: 4th Software Performance Meetup. , March 16, 2015, fortiss GmbH, Munich, Germany .

[thumbnail of ssp-2015-chw.pdf]

Wulf, C. and Hasselbring, W. (2015) Software Performance Anti-Patterns Observed and Resolved in Kieker (Vortrag). [Talk] In: Symposium on Software Performance 2015: Joint Developer and Community Meeting of Descartes/Kieker/Palladio. , November 04-06, 2015, Munich, Germany .

Conference posters

[thumbnail of SolutionsHamburg_Flyer_CMYK.pdf]

Fittkau, F. and Hasselbring, W. (2015) ExplorViz: Live Trace Visualisierung. [Poster] In: , 9.-11.09.2015, Hamburg .

[thumbnail of PosterSoftwareErleben_CMYK.pdf]

Fittkau, F. and Hasselbring, W. (2015) ExplorViz: Software erleben. [Poster] In: , 9.-11.09.2015, Hamburg .

[thumbnail of PosterSoftwareZumAnfassen_CMYK.pdf]

Fittkau, F. and Hasselbring, W. (2015) ExplorViz: Software zum Anfassen. [Poster] In: , 9.-11.09.2015, Hamburg .

[thumbnail of ssp-poster.pdf]

Jung, R., Heinrich, R. and Hasselbring, W. (2015) A Tool for Entropy­based Analysis of Design­-time and Runtime Models. [Poster] In: Symposium on Software Performance 2015: Joint Developer and Community Meeting of Descartes/Kieker/Palladio. , November 04-06, 2015, Munich, Germany .

[thumbnail of Poster iObserve]

Jung, R., Heinrich, R., Schmieders, E., Hasselbring, W., Metzger, A., Pohl, K. and Reussner, R. (2015) iObserve: Integrated Observation and Modeling Techniques to Support Adaptation and Evolution of Software Systems. [Poster] In: 5th Workshop of the DFG Priority Programme 1593. , 10.3. - 12.3.2015, Braunschweig .

Theses - published by a publisher

Fittkau, F. (2015) Live Trace Visualization for System and Program Comprehension in Large Software Landscapes. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Faculty of Engineering, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 360 pp. . Kiel Computer Science Series, 2015/7 .

Theses - not published by a publisher

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Blümke, L. E. (2015) Konzeption und Implementierung eines Eclipse-Plugins zur Erstellung von graphbasierten Quellcodemustern. (Bachelor thesis), Institut für Informatik, Kiel, 58 pp.

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Finkes, D. J. (2015) Entwicklung einer Call-Graph-Transformation von Soot zu Neo4j. (Student research project), Institut für Informatik, Kiel, 15 pp.

[thumbnail of bsc_jgi_thesis.pdf]

Gill, J. (2015) Integration von Kapazitätsmanagement in ein Kontrollzentrum für Softwarelandschaften. (Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 49 pp.

[thumbnail of bsc_akr_thesis.pdf]

Krause, A. (2015) Erkundung von Softwarestädten mithilfe der virtuellen Realität. (Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 61 pp.

[thumbnail of jek-thesis-final.pdf] [thumbnail of jek-presentation-final.pdf]

Krause, J. E. (2015) A Pattern-based Transformation Approach to Parallelise Software Systems using a System Dependency Graph. (Master thesis), Institut für Informatik, Kiel, 112 pp.

[thumbnail of bsc_kcm_thesis.pdf]

Mannstedt, K. C. (2015) Integration von Anomalienerkennung in einem Kontrollzentrum für Softwarelandschaften. (Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 53 pp.

[thumbnail of bsc_jmi_thesis.pdf]

Michaelis, J. (2015) Integration von Ursachenerkennung in ein Kontrollzentrum für Softwarelandschaften. (Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 48 pp.

[thumbnail of RohrThesis.pdf]

Rohr, M. (2015) Workload-sensitive Timing Behavior Analysis for Fault Localization in Software Systems. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Faculty of Engineering, Kiel University, Kiel, 224 pp.

[thumbnail of bsc_tsi_thesis.pdf]

Simolka, T. (2015) Live Architecture Conformance Checking in ExplorViz. (Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 47 pp.

[thumbnail of Waldvogel2015SpecificationAndRuntimeExtractionOfEnterpriseApplicationArchitecturesForExpertGuidedPerformanceProblemDiagnosis.pdf]

Waldvogel, C. (2015) Specification and Runtime Extraction of Enterprise Application Architectures for Expert-Guided Performance Problem Diagnosis. (Master thesis), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 103 pp.

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Wiechmann, C. C. (2015) On Improving the Performance of Pipe-and-Filter Architectures by Adding Support for Self-Adaptive Task Farms. (Master thesis), Institut für Informatik, Kiel, 88 pp.

[thumbnail of msc_czi_thesis.pdf] [thumbnail of thesis_presentation_czi.pdf]

Zirkelbach, C. (2015) Performance Monitoring of Database Operations. (Master thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 109 pp.

Reports - other reports

[thumbnail of SPEC-RG-2015-001-DevOpsPerformanceResearchAgenda.pdf]

Brunnert, A., van Hoorn, A., Willnecker, F., Danciu, A., Hasselbring, W., Heger, C., Herbst, N., Jamshidi, P., Jung, R., von Kistowski, J., Koziolek, A., Kroß, J., Spinner, S., Vögele, C., Walter, J. and Wert, A., eds. (2015) Performance-oriented DevOps: A Research Agenda. . Technical Reports of the SPEC Research Group, SPEC-RG-2015-01 . Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC), 50 pp.

[thumbnail of TR_1507.pdf]

Fittkau, F., Koppenhagen, E. and Hasselbring, W. (2015) Research Perspective on Supporting Software Engineering via Physical 3D Models. . Technical Reports by Department of Computer Science, 1507 . Department of Computer Science, Kiel University, Germany, 29 pp.

[thumbnail of TR1508-Kieker-OSB-nocover-final.pdf]

Hasselbring, W. and van Hoorn, A. (2015) Open-Source Software as Catalyzer for Technology Transfer: Kieker's Development and Lessons Learned. . Technische Berichte des Instituts für Informatik, TR-1508 . Department of Computer Science, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 10 pp.

[thumbnail of tr-1503.pdf]

Heinrich, R., Schmieders, E., Jung, R., Hasselbring, W., Metzger, A., Pohl, K. and Reussner, R. (2015) Run-time Architecture Models for Dynamic Adaptation and Evolution of Cloud Applications. . Technical Report, 1503 . Department of Computer Science, Kiel, Germany, 41 pp.

[thumbnail of TR_1509.pdf]

Zirkelbach, C., Hasselbring, W., Fittkau, F. and Carr, L. (2015) Performance Analysis of Legacy Perl Software via Batch and Interactive Trace Visualization. . Technical Reports by Department of Computer Science, 1509 . Department of Computer Science, Kiel University, Germany, 19 pp.


Fittkau, F., Krause, A. and Hasselbring, W. (2015) Experimental Data for: Exploring Software Cities through Virtual Reality. ZENODO . DOI 10.5281/zenodo.23168.

This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 01:07:39 2025 CET.